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The Prion Hypothesis

It’s now time to address the question of why these activities are being carried out in the first place. Why are domesticated and various wild animals being so horrifically mutilated? The problem is that we simply don’t know.

In an attempt to answer this question, the organs most commonly missing from mutilated cattle namely; the blood, eye, ear, tongue, jaw tissue, brain, testis, ovaries, as well as the digestive, pulmonary and circulatory organs were compared to organs used to test for various known toxins and teratogens. This is a long, complex and time consuming endeavor which even at this time remains incomplete. However, something of great interest was discovered. The organs taken from mutilated animals are very similar if not identical to soft tissue used to detect the presence of “prions” in various mammals.

What are prions? According to Ananya Mandal, MD at (

“A prion is a small infectious particle composed of abnormally folded protein that causes progressive neurodegenerative conditions. These mis-folded proteins do not multiply in the host organism that they infect. Instead they affect the brain structure by acting as a template, inducing proteins with normal folding to convert to the abnormal prion form.”

“These newly formed mis-folded proteins, in turn, act as further templates for the conversion of more normal proteins. There is therefore an exponential accumulation of the prions in the tissue of the central nervous system.”

“Mad Cow Disease” or Creutzfeldt – Jakob Disease

and Alzheimer’s Disease

So prions are unevenly folded proteins that have debilitating long term effects on the brain tissue of organisms that ingest them. They have been associated with “Mad Cow Disease” in bovines and Creutzfeldt – Jakob Disease in humans. In 2009 an unexpected link was discovered between infectious prions and Alzheimer’s Disease. [14] Since it is estimated that Alzheimer’s disease affects more than 20 million people worldwide, the significance of this link is of great importance to the population at large.

Coincidently, our awareness of prions also dates back to the early 60s, just prior to the first reported mutilation of Lady. Aliens with presumably a far more advanced technology must surely be aware of the existence of prions and their potential implications for humankind’s health. However, except for health officials and those who define and regulate health policies, very little is known by the public of the implications of prion related diseases. So it’s entirely possible that aliens where somehow aware of a sudden rise the background rate of prions.

The first notable consequence of Mad Cow Disease or specifically bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) occurred in Great Britain back in 1986 and peaked between 1992 and 1993. At that time sampling indicated that only three of every 1,000 cows were infected, however, the epidemiological and financial considerations of the disease were considerable. In response to rapidly growing health consequences to the general population, British health authorities destroyed millions of cattle. [15]

Despite these drastic measures the European Union and a number of other countries banned the import of British beef. Then in May 1995 the first recorded human death linked to Mad Cow Disease occurred in England. His name was Stephen Churchill, he was 19 years of age, and died from an illness that looked like Creutzfeldt – Jakob disease (CJD), a disease that usually strikes those over 55. Later two other similar deaths were recorded in Britain that year. When scientists examined the brains of these patients, they found unusual spongiform symptoms.

Force-feeding Vegetarian Grazers Diseased Animal Brains

In May 2003, Canadian health officials reported their first case of Mad Cow Disease. By then it was readily evident that tainted meat had been eaten by humans. It is now recognized that cattle [vegetarians] get the disease from eating commercial feed that includes bone and brain from other animals including other bovines. Grazers, such as cattle, horses, sheep and a number of other domestic animals have recently been provided with feed that contains the ground-up parts of other animals in order to increase their protein intake. In turn this feed carries with it the risk of spreading the disease to humans who consume meat and dairy products from these animals.

While the primary method of prion infection in animals is through ingestion, current research suggests that prions are be also deposited in the environment through urine, saliva, feces and other body fluids. Even the remains of affected dead animals buried in the soil may harbor prions that linger by binding to clay and other minerals in the surrounding area. [16]

Stanley Prusiner, a Nobel Prize Laureate at the University of California, has recently uncovered evidence to suggest that manure rich cattle fields, as well as watering holes in these fields, could hasten to spread prion related diseases. Furthermore, any water reservoirs frequented by cattle could also spread prion diseases through irrigation of nearby fields and by leakage into subterranean reservoirs. [17]

To make matters even worse prions are nearly indestructible. One study found that even exposing prions to temperatures of 134 °C (274 °F) for 18 minutes in a pressurized steam autoclave was not enough to destroy active prions. [18] Consequently, even the incineration of contaminated livestock may not be enough to eradicate the prions within their bodies.

Once an animal is infected with some form of prion disease, the incubation period is relatively long (5 to 20 years) depending on the species. However, “once symptoms appear the disease progresses rapidly, leading to brain damage and death. Neurodegenerative symptoms can include convulsions, dementia, ataxia (balance and coordination dysfunction), and behavioural or personality changes.” [19] However, all known prion diseases, collectively called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), are at present untreatable and fatal.

TSE’s: A Valid Hypothesis

If we accept the implication that TSEs are a serious and growing menace to an ever growing global population, it is likely this knowledge is understood by aliens as well. The Prion Hypothesis suggests that aliens are mutilating cattle in order to monitor the spread of prion related diseases in animal life throughout the world. If this hypothesis holds true, we may soon be learning that sea creatures like seals and dolphins throughout have also been found to be contaminated with TSEs.

This Hypothesis has a corollary. Given the potential threat of prion related TSEs to the world’s human population, various scenarios and their consequences must already have been carefully reviewed by high ranking authorities. If so, the presence of dark, unmarked helicopters near mutilation sites could signify that covert government agencies are actively involved in similar prion monitoring. Perhaps it is even possible that such agencies are taking clues as to the possible spread of TSEs by following up on alien mutilation activity.

Assuming that aliens are indeed real and that they are in fact already interacting with humanity; it seems entirely possible that animal mutilations are their means of monitoring our demise as well as that of a wide range of other life forms.


Evidence confirming the existence of unexplainable animal mutilations is ubiquitous and robust. Conventional explanations have failed to account for their global prevalence, the methodological precision of the mutilations, and of a lack of blood and missing organs uncovered during necropsies. This situation is exacerbated by a notable lack of urgency shown by national governments toward the assaults. What remains is circumstantial evidence that the mutilations are extraterrestrial in origin. Though unorthodox, this hypothesis remains the most viable explanation for the cause of these events.

While we remain unsure of the reason why mutilations are taking place, there is compelling evidence to suggest they are UFO related. Conventional explanations such as natural predation, human intervention in the form of satanic cults or black ops programs have all failed to account for the bizarre nature of reported findings. All the while, reports of UFO activity at mutilations sites persist around the world.

Assuming the alien hypothesis is correct, it would be reasonable to assume that animal mutilations served a purpose in the alien agenda. The Prion Hypothesis suggests that they are monitoring the slow spread of prion related diseases throughout the world; an event with severe implications not only for humans but also for the entire planetary food chain. It would certainly imply a biological degradation that has been ongoing for the past several decades.

The Prion Hypothesis advances a number of serious considerations.

(1) Aliens are in fact here and the cause of animal mutilations.

(2) Aliens are actively monitoring the spread of prion related diseases throughout the globe.

(3) Knowledge of the seriousness of these diseases are known to national authorities and they are intentionally hindering any investigation of the mutilation phenomenon for reasons of containment.

(4) There is a link between UFO activity and the presence of dark, unmarked helicopters at mutilation sites.

To dismiss this Hypothesis because of its unorthodox nature would be ill advised. It contains testable inferences which could help resolve the animal mutilation phenomenon. What really matters is not whether the Hypothesis is correct or not. What’s important is that the entire matter be seriously investigated by the best means possible and that resulting findings be freely disseminated.

It is imperative at this juncture that individuals of conscience do their utmost to accurately report events taking place around us, even if these events are not congruent with our current concepts of reality. Something is going on that cannot be explained. We know that it’s real despite declarations to the contrary by many respected authorities. All we can do is remain faithful to what we see, hear, and experience without being influenced by the disfavor of those who continually challenge our integrity. © 2013, 2014 by Richard Bonenfant, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved.


[1] Richard Bonenfant, Ph.D. is a retired research scientist formerly affiliated with the New York State Department of Health where he specialized in the environmental epidemiology of congenital birth defects. He has also been involved in research and publication of long term aftereffects resulting from Near-Death Experiences. In addition to his medical experience, Dr. Bonenfant has served as an adjunct professor at Siena College in Loudonville, NY and more recently with the Department of Psychiatry at the Malcom Randall VA Medical Center in Gainesville, FL. Over the past few years he has authored three books of fiction which are now available through Amazon and currently serves on the board of directors of two regional hospitals near Tampa, FL. Ed. Note: Dr. Bonenfant’s books are works of “Faction,” i.e., they are Fiction Based in Fact and they are highly recommended:

[2] Linda Moulton Howe is a freelance investigative reporter affiliated with Clear Channel’s Premiere Radio Networks Coast to Coast AM who has produced dozens of TV documentaries including A Strange Harvest which examines the worldwide animal mutilation phenomenon. After graduating from Stanford University, Palo Alto, California with a masters degree in Communication is she went on to produce more than a hundred live TV studio programs concerning science, environment and medicine. She also created the award-winning science, environment, and X-files website Her published books include An Alien Harvest © 1989; Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. I: Facts & Eyewitnesses © 1993; Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. II: High Strangeness © 1998; Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles 2nd Edition © 2002.

[3] Linda Moulton Howe, © 2013 by “Hearing Disclosure: Anomalies of Animal Mutilation Excisions,” @

[4] John Henry Altshuler, M. D., a doctor of pathology and hematology, who studied at McGill University, was working as a pathologist at Rose Medical Center in Denver, Colorado. Dr. Altshuler’s discoveries remained completely private until he talked to Linda Moulton Howe on the record for the first time for her 1989 book, An Alien Harvest because he did not want to jeopardize his medical career by reporting the “impossible facts” about the mutilated horse’s condition. Dr. Altshuler died in January 2004 after complications from a bicycle accident.

[5] Linda Moulton Howe, © 2013 – ibid.

[6] Onet George E, DVM PhD, Animal mutilations: What we know. (Source: Dead link – no longer available.

Ed. Note: The article has been archived here:,Animal%20mutilations,what%20we%20know.htm

[7] Linda Moulton Howe, © 2013 – ibid.

[8] Richard D. Hall is a graduate in electrical engineering from Newcastle University (1990). He initially worked on engineering projects for NEI (formerly Rolls Royce) until 2002 when he left the Company to pursue work as a freelance IT consultant and web designer. His book Aliens Before Gentlemen: A Guide to the Future, explores what information might become common knowledge in a post (UFO) disclosure world. He now is a researcher and lecturer on the subject of UFOs and other related phenomena. In 2008 he established the website and has since produce two documentaries (Seeing Through the PsyOps and The Information War) as well as series of TV programs about UFOs and Animal Mutilations.

[9] Linda Moulton Howe, © 2013 – ibid.

[10] Animal Mutilation & The Government Cover Up – Source:

[11] Karen Lyster, Human Mutilation Case (1994), Source:

[12] Сlaudeir Covo, Paola Lucherini Covo, Tânia da Cunha «O Caso Guarapiranga». Instituto Nacional de Investigação de Fenômenos Aeroespaciais, 2004. Dead link – no longer available.

Ed. Note: The article can be read here:

[13] In one case documented by New Mexico police and the FBI, an 11 month old cross Hereford-Charolais bull, belonging to a Mr. Manuel Gomez of Dulce, New Mexico, was found mutilated on March 24, 1978. It displayed “classic” mutilation signs, including the removal of the rectum and sex organs with what appeared to be “a sharp and precise instrument” and its internal organs were found to be inconsistent with a normal case of death followed by predation.

Both the liver and the heart were white and mushy. Both organs had the texture and consistency of peanut butter” Gabriel L Veldez, New Mexico Police

[14] Nature, 26 February 2009, Prion Link to Alzheimer’s,

[15] Medical News Today, 25 December 2003, Origins of mad cow disease,

[16] Johnson CJ, Pedersen JA, Chappell RJ, McKenzie D, Aiken JM (2007). “Oral transmissibility of prion disease is enhanced by binding to soil particles”. PLoS Pathogens 3 (7): e93. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.0030093. PMC 1904474. PMID 17616973.

[17] Tamgüney, Gültekin; Miller, Michael W., Wolfe, Lisa L., Sirochman, Tracey M., Glidden, David V., Palmer, Christina, Lemus, Azucena, DeArmond, Stephen J., Prusiner, Stanley B. (9 September 2009). Asymptomatic deer excrete infectious prions in faeces. Nature 461 (7263): 529–532. Bibcode:2009Natur.461..529T. doi:10.1038/nature08289. PMC 3186440. PMID 19741608.

[18] Collins SJ, Lawson VA, Masters CL (2004). “Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies”. Lancet 363 (9402): 51–61. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(03)15171-9. PMID 14723996.

[19] “Prion Diseases”. US Centers for Disease Control. 2006-01-26. Retrieved 2010-02-28.

© 2013, 2014 by Richard Bonenfant, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved

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