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Moscow Jan. 2011 UFO wave is ongoing, putting Stanley A. Fulham prediction critics to shame

by Alfred Lambremont Webre

The January 2011 UFO wave over Moscow, Russia appears from up to the minute reports to be ongoing and putting early vocal critics of the veracity of the predicted UFO wave, including Dr. Michael E. Salla of the Exopolitics Institute News Service.

One Canadian UFO researcher who is a close associate of the now deceased Stanley A. Fulham wrote this reporter of a huge UFO seen on the evening of January 15, 2011 by a crowd in Moscow, Russia and caught on videotape.

The email from the Canadian UFO researcher reads:

From:     K H ([Redacted]
Sent:     January 16, 2011 10:15:56 AM
To:     [Redacted]


I’m an American (native New Yorker) living and working in Moscow Russia.
I don’t really follow any UFO news, so I’m not a hunter for these topics or things.

However, last night [January 15, 2011], walking from the metro (subway) to my housing complex, as we were walking, we saw a crowd of people standing in the neighboring field, looking into the night sky. I thought they were peeping toms into the building.

As we got closer, I decided to look further, and there in the very close distance, was this flying sphere… it was floating-hovering sporadically from left to right to right to left, stopping in mid air, and this “HUGE” ball of light, at times blinking from the top or bottom, as well as left and right sides…

Naturally the naked eye will see more. This is just a mere clip…

It definitely was not a plane, or a jet, i.e., not the headlights of them too, nor was it a helicopter with a huge projecting lamp, otherwise, you would see the light path of both...

This was a HUGE SPHERE of light, flying and stopping… 

Moscow Russia


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