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Mothman Redux: PART 1


I think it’s a fair assumption that UFO Digest readers are familiar–-perhaps overly so–-with the events that occurred between 1966-1968 at Point Pleasant, West Virginia, regarding “Mothman,” UFOs, Men in Black, synchronicity, and literally the entire spectrum of psychic phenomena.

This article, though based on extant material, will not be a simple rehash. I realize such a claim sounds impossible, but it isn’t. While I cannot guarantee to have reviewed all published pieces, I am confident that I’ve come close, since much crossover exists in the data.

Top Photo of the Mothman, Point Pleasant, West Virginia

Too, I have visited Point Pleasant numerous times, spoken with many locals (including a handful who were present during the events), and done much foot-work.

Despite this, it’s only fair to mention at least the most well-known Mothman sighting. On 15 November 1966, around 11:00PM, Roger and Linda Scarberry, along with Steve and Mary Mallette, were driving in Roger’s 1957 Chevy through the TNT Area (an abandoned site used during WWII for munitions production), when they saw something strange. The teenaged couples described it as a winged entity, nearly seven-feet tall, with red glowing eyes.

Whatever it was stood near the old power-house (since demolished), and apparently took wing, pursuing the car at speeds approaching 100 miles-per-hour. Even today, I cannot imagine anyone driving so fast on Route 62. Though flat, parallel to the Ohio River, the road has several curves and in utter darkness is treacherous. It remains unlighted. You wouldn’t want to drive any faster than the (posted) 40 mph.

This was no joke. The couples headed directly for the police station on Main Street, and gave a statement. None of them had any history as troublemakers-–quite the opposite. During their terrifying experience, they noticed a dead dog on the roadside. What they didn’t know was that a man living near Salem, WV, the night before, had set his dog upon some dark figure with fiery red eyes. Newell Partridge never saw his trusty German shepherd–-Bandit-–again.

Later, accompanied by Point Pleasant Deputy Halstead, the couples drove back the 7 miles to the TNT area. Notably absent was the dead dog. While much has been made of this, it is possible that the dog was not dead, though injured, and simply managed to wander off. We’ll never know, but the fact that it was noticed at all is important.

Mothman, as described by the witnesses, could not possibly fly with its 10-foot-wide wingspan. As noted by John Keel, a creature of such size would require at least 30-feet-wide wings to go airborne.

Which brings us to the matter at hand.

Hard as it might be to comprehend, the so-called Mothman entity remains the most difficult aspect to “explain.” Everything else, UFOs, Men in Black, bizarre telephone intrusions, poltergeist activity, can be conceivably figured. This is why I think the entity itself was a genuine unknown.

I have studied at length the capabilities of American intelligence agencies during the 1960s, all of which is available in the open literature.

1. Only recently has it been determined that the architects of the TNT Area outside Point Pleasant were the same who designed both the Manhattan Project (atom bomb) and Area-51. Though Area-51, if we can rely on the extant data, began in 1952, this places both the Manhattan Project and the TNT Area as simultaneous works.

2. I realize that any TNT activity had to be secret. One can go on a tour and visit 100 “igloos” (concrete domes covered with earth and fitted with bomb-proof hatches) built on a staggered grid to prevent both aerial detection and complete ruin from air-strike. These structures still exist.

3. The genesis of the TNT Area is suspicious, given post-WWII anomalous activity. “Animal experimentation” took place there. Why? Certainly, even between 1942-1945 (when TNT was alive), no one could have been lining up livestock on the firing-range.

4. Some of the 100 igloos were later leased to Mason County government. Others were sold to the Trojan-U.S. Powder Co. and the LFC Chemical concern. Some were leased to American Cyanamid. From Nick Redfern’s and Andy Robert’s Strange Secrets: “During the summer of 1947, the FBI also interviewed one Edwin M. Bailey of Stamford, CT., who had concerns about man-made saucers and their use against the United States by an offensive nation. Bailey’s comments were the subject of a memorandum to FBI Director [J. Edgar] Hoover.

“‘Bailey prefaced his remarks by stating that he is a scientist by occupation and is currently employed at the American Cyanamid Research Laboratories . . . in Stamford, CT., in the Physics Division. Bailey further stated that during the war he was employed at MIT, Cambridge, MA., in the Radiation Laboratory which laboratory is connected with the Manhattan Project . . . .

“Bailey stated that the topic of flying saucers had caused considerable comment and concern to the present day scientists and indicated that he himself had a personal theory concerning the flying saucers . . . .

“‘Bailey stated that it is quite possible that actually the flying saucers could be radio-controlled germ bombs or atom bombs which are circling the orbit of the earth and which could be controlled by radio and directed to land on any designated target at the specific desire of the agency or country operating the bombs.’”

Given the future events that took place in Point Pleasant, I find this information more than a little telling about possible (perhaps necessary) U.S. government operations.

These connections might be spurious-–but I doubt it.

Though it is easier, and more fun, to take the so-called Mothman events at face-value, I think there exists enough data to at least suggest, if not confirm, human genesis of what began long before the “paranormal” chaos centered in Point Pleasant.

Click here for Part 2 –

William J. Grabowski is the author of The Untold, described as a fantastic thriller.

You can purchase William’s book from by simply clicking on its title: The Untold


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