A few times over the past recent years I have visited Cindi Sansone Braff at her home on the eastern end of Long Island for a reading of what she could foresee happening in my future life. Cindi also would give advice as she received it concerning the people and events going on in my present day life as well.
I enjoyed my visits with Cindi and found that her forecasts of how my life was going to unfold were usually correct making my time with her a valuable tool in guiding my way through a few difficult times that were ahead of me. Cindi’s ability to connect with what was ahead gave me time to reflect on issues I was destine to handle before they hit me in the face or took me by surprise.
I wanted to know more about Cindi and how she came to do what she does which has given her the title of ‘ Long Islands Best Psychic‘. I decided it was time for me to interview Cindi..
Cindi does not look like a mystic or a medium however I am not sure what they are supposed to look like. Some I have known tend to dress in a dark dramatic way or wear strange jewelry or have mystical tattoos in order to try to portray a certain ambiance about them. Some live in homes that also are adorned with the dark or mystical symbols of the subject matter. It is sort of silly when you think about it and without question not part of Cindi Sansone Braff’s life , look or home.
Cindi has a lovely comfortable Long Island home in a typical country type Long Island town. Her home could belong to a school teacher, nurse or banker. In this case it is the home of Longs Island best psychic or as Cindi prefers to be called mystic/ medium.

Cindi Sansone -Braff
In appearance Cindi is a lovely looking woman who would fit in anywhere with any group of people. She is a f well dressed youthful woman making her ageless and attractive to those who meet her. Cindi does not look the part of the main stream psychic which makes her unique and interesting.
Cindi has a small office with a little round table in the corner and two comfortable chairs where she takes those who come to her for a reading. She uses Tarot cards however they are obviously only a tool for her to gain her concentration and I believe to find a starting place for the reading.
Once she sits with the person she is reading and relaxes into her chair she has you count out cards as she slides into what appears to me to be another state of mind. She is there with you fully however her focus is locked in another place that she connects with. From this point on Cindi will walk the reading to where she is receiving her messages and the reading begins.
I talked with Cindi about this method during my afternoon interview with her. She told me exactly what I had observed was the way she went about her readings. She does utilize the Tarot cards to gain insight into the person she is reading but also as a tool to keep the person focused on the cards as she placed her mind in the state it needs to be in order to receive the messages that she is given from those who give her the information she needs to help or read the person she is with. Once she is in this state she is told what areas to go concerning the person being read and she simply follows that information while using the cards to put it all together in what she is hearing, sensing or simply knowing about the person she is reading.
I asked if she ever came upon a person she could not read and she told me that it does happen and if it does she is truthful and tells them she is not able to receive information about them at that particular time. She told me some people block a reading and there is nothing she can do about that. She also told me that some people are blocked from being read by sources out of her control and although this is rare it does happen.
I asked Cindi if she had days she could not go into the state she needs to read or simply has off days.? She told me she really did not seem to have off days however she does turn off her ability while dealing with her everyday life or see would not be able to function. When she is living her life with her family and friends all others are blocked from her so she can refresh and enjoy her life. There have been occasions that her guides interrupt or enter when she has up her out to lunch or closed sign hanging but that only occurs when a situation around her absolutely needs to be addressed or dealt with by Cindi , like it or not!. These events rarely happen which leaves Cindi with the time to deal with both her private and gifted life.
Cindi did tell me that she found out that being around high energy filled areas does interfere with her ability to focus and read. She found this out when she was asked to be part of a large psychic fair that was being held in the middle of the Times Square area of New York City. The place was a mass of noise, people, lights and the energy that surrounds all those things.. She was not able to focus her mind as the interference of all the different energy’s made it impossible to clear her mind to allow the process of communicating with her guides, spirits and angels to connect with her. She knew from that point forward that she needed calm serene surrounding to properly channel the messengers from those that help her to enter her mind so she can deliver them to those who need to hear them.
I asked Cindi if she always knew she was different from others or gifted in ways many of us are not. She told me she knew she was different from a child onward but did not think much about it until her late teens. At that point in her life she had two different experiences in which she used the power of knowing things about other people that she should not have known and used her gift to get her way or make a painful comment that was not kind or fair. She felt overwhelmed with guilt each time and decided at the age of 19 not to use a power that allowed her to make dreadful decisions in unkind ways. She turned off her gift and kept it closed for 20 years. It would try to enter her life but she would push it away and turn from it. She was fearful of that kind of power and did not want it in her world during those years
Cindi lived a full and active life doing other interesting things as well as having a family and active social life with many friends. One of her friends is how Cindi found her way back to facing and using her gift. A close pal of Cindi”s was going to have a large social affair that she was planning for over a year. This friend knew Cindi had some type of interest or ability and simply kept after Cindi to agree to do Tarot card readings at her large affair. Cindi could not disappoint her pal and since it was an entire year away agreed to do it.
Considering what she agreed to do Cindi decided she had better sharpen her card reading skills as not to make a complete fool of herself when the time came for her to do the Tarot card readings.at her friend’s affair. She had a year to brush up on her skills and thought she would start by reading a book or two.
The year that followed was filled with not one book but many books being devoured by Cindy on the subjects concerning the gifts she was born with that she knew she possessed but up until now denied and kept locked in tight control so they would not surface. As Cindi educated herself about her own gifts she began to understand how she could help others by learning to use them making them an asset which others could benefit from.
They year passed, Cindi practiced her gifts and when the day came for her to read people at her friends affair Cindi not only was a hit she was found to be incredibly accurate in her readings. The rest of the story is history. Cindi mastered her gifts and for the last few decades has been a success in her ability to see into the life and times ahead for those who come to her for a reading.
I questioned Cindi as to what exactly happens to her when she reads someone. She told me she first has to sit with the person where she can focus her mind on what it needs to be in order to receive the messages concerning that person. She does use cards to concentrate her state of mind and as a tool but the real reading comes from the insight she receives from those that guide Cindi to the proper place for each specific person.
She refers to those who help her in different ways. She calls them her guides or spirits or angels , I even heard Cindi tell me some messages come directly from God concerning the people she reads.
I tried to pin down the exact mechanics of how this takes place but Cindi explained that it just does not happen in that manner. She told me it was impossible to put it in a neat little box as how this happens as it comes to her in many different ways.
Sometimes she channels the messages from an angel or guide concerning someone, other times the spirits of those around that person or even those around Cindi will intervene and push Cindi to a message or concern about the people she reads. She knows other sources are helping her or in many reading telling Cindi what message to give to the people. It is Cindi”s job to find a good way to deliver the message so the person will receive it in a helpful manner. Cindi told me she has had messages she did not want to deliver as they may have been severe or sad however she quickly learned that those gave this message to Cindi would not leave her alone until she told the person the message they were sending. She soon found ways of telling even hard news in softer ways but making sure the message was passed along to the person she was reading.
Of course there were times when Cindi had to break bad news to someone about an upsetting event that would be occurring and those receiving the news would become annoyed or sad at what she was saying however Cindi knew the message needed to be passed on and did so as carefully as she could. She also had to inform more than a few over the years that the new love in a person’s life was not as they wanted or it seemed to be and that would cause anger to those hearing what they did not want to hear. Cindi learned quickly that when her readings about love turned out to be correct the people would reappear for another reading knowing that Cindi knew what she was talking about. She usually knew when the right one was nearing the person’s life and Cindi always informed them of that as well.
Cindi told me it was not one thing that happened when she received the messages concerning the person she was reading that took place. Since Cindi receives her knowledge about the lives of people from different sources the messages come in different ways. She may feel what she needs to say. or hear it being told to her or see it in her mind. It depends on what form of help she is getting the message from. Those who work through Cindi and give her the information do it in many different ways. The glory of Cindi is that she is able to allow herself to channel all these things and deliver them to those who need to hear them.
I wanted to know how Cindi was able to function in her life outside of being a mystic medium as I would think this would be an exhausting way to live. She told me that one of the first things people like her learn is how to set up boundaries or an on and off switch as to when the outside forces can enter to work with her and when they need to stay away. She told me when she shuts the door for the day they usually respect her and stay away. She did tell me there have been moments when a message was of such importance that they did cross her closed door and that she accepted and followed their instructions as these messages were important and needed to be handled exactly at the time they were given. However as a way of life those who use Cindi to channel their messages to the living respect Cindi and her private life making her gift an ability they all can use in a fashion she can live with.
I wanted to know what it is that Cindi communicates with. She already explained that messages come in different ways from different sources that seem to surround the living. She told me that she her gift is the ability to communicate with that which watches and exists along with us. She told me she really does not need to categorize them in tight boxes nor does she do this as the messages come to her. She simply knows they are connecting with her in an effort to comfort or pass information forward to the living and enables that to happen by listening to the message regardless of the method of delivery and tries to deliver that message on to the living to the best of her ability. Sometimes it may be an image, or a smell and other times a strong message she hears as at times they clearly talk directly to her.
My question to Cindi was who are they? Her answer was that ‘they ‘ are many different forms of existing energies that share our space and time with us that most of us either do not have or lost the ability to sense, see or hear.
She talked about guides and angels and spirits as well as direction straight from the main energy or God of us all and of all things.
Cindy told me her messages or knowing from these sources also come in as many different forms as there are sources. She told me she may be lead to smell something or shown a glimpse of something like a beach or baby. She has to rely on her ability to feel the direction to take that kind of message. Other messages come as clear images of an event or seeing someone doing something. She can hear others clearly talk to her and then there is the unexplainable knowing which just pops into her head that is placed there by one of her guides or helpers. Cindi deals with the dead as well and communicates with the spirits that are around all of us.
I wondered if all of us walked around with guides, angels and spirits of loved ones watching over us. Cindi assured me that we all do however many of us do not seem to be aware of it. My next question was what should we all do to be aware of them and how can we use our helpers to walk through life?
Cindi told me that first we need to recognize the fact these energy forces are with us and working with us to negotiate the business of being a living being working through a human lifetime. Once we understand these forces are there for us we need to understand how to listen to them when they try to guide and help us.
Before we went any further I asked Cindi what happened to those who refused to believe that these things do exist. Did the guides, angels and spirits continue to linger alongside those who reject them or do they move on? To my surprise Cindi told me that they would move on to a soul who both accepted, needed and would listen to them before standing by one who blocked them out and refused to allow them to help them during their time on earth living a human life.
I did not anticipate that answer but thought it made sense. Why would they force someone to allow them to help them if they were dead set against it? If a soul is determined to take the hard cold road in life living in a closed world of denial they would have no choice but to find a soul who was looking to expand their learning experience during this life time on earth. I am sure many souls are here for hard lessons. Newer souls need many lessons. Being closed to the fact they have a soul at all surely is one of the first lessons which take that soul on cold hard roads. Figuring out the soul has an endless journey before its final destination takes a few trips around the human cycle of life for the souls experience to be understood as a learning event before it can complete it living a humans life. I imagine a few new souls in this area can upgrade if they consider these things and do tap into the energy sources there to help them. It is possible the souls who reject this help will find that the help will move on to those who want and are open to receiving their help. I would hope that the majority of us all walk around with our soul’s helpers and only a small minority reject their existence and guidance.
With that established I asked Cindi how we can communicate or understand what our guides, angels or spiritual helps are telling us. I wanted to know if we can test to know they are there besides us in order for us to trust they are listening to us when we need help.
Without hesitation Cindi laid out her guidelines for communicating with our guides.
<>[email protected] [email protected] tele: 631-887-4818
You can contact Cindi at her website , find information about purchasing her book or contact her @
Grant Me A Higher Love Institute
you can contact Cindi on her contact page found on her site or by calling her
(631) 475 4266
Sansone-Braff- Psychic Medium can also be found on blog talk radio

OFF Planet Radio Friday Nights 10 PM to Midnight
Cindee Sansone-Braff Mystic Medium will be our guest on November 29th be sure to join us for the conversation