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Mysterious Size Changing Lights Descend from Cloud

By Roger Marsh,
UFO Examiner

The witness reports a light dropping out of a cloud and then expanding to 10 times its original size. Photo: Unrelated image of Pose Lake in Minnesota’s Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.
Credits: Wikipedia.

A Minnesota witness reports watching a “bright white, star-sized object” drop out of a cloud, expand to 10 times its original size for 15 seconds, shrink to its original size and then disappear on October 20, 2011, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness looked out a window facing east and first noticed a “blurry saucer shape off in the distance about 30 to 40 degrees above the horizon” that appeared to be a half-mile in diameter.
“So, I ran for my glasses and when I put them on, I realized it was a cloud bank, about three to four miles away, and it seemed to be glowing from within,” the witness stated. “Then I realized it must be moonlight glowing from behind the cloud. But the rest of the sky was full of stars.”
Then the witness noticed the star-like object dropping out of the cloud.
“It seemed to have a red light flashing on its south side. The object came to rest about 100 to 200 feet beneath the cloud, then expanded to about 10 times its original size. It held this size for about 15 seconds, then shrank to its original size; then disappeared. The light reappeared a few seconds later, in the same spot, still flashing white and red, then winked out again. It reappeared a few minutes later in a different spot in the sky at the same height, hovered for a couple of minutes then winked out and didn’t come back.”

No town name was mentioned in the public portion of the MUFON report, which was filed on October 20, 2011. The above quotes were edited for clarity.

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