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Mystery Object Over New York Causes Rash Of Internet Speculation

by Robert D. Morningstar



Robert D. Morningstar’s Enhancement of UFO Over New York October 13, 2010

New Yorkers are certainly a savvy bunch, which is why it’s surprising that there is a lot of chatter on Twitter right now about an alleged UFO sighting in the city. While there’s been no documentation, it hasn’t stopped thousands of twitterers from postulating. This website claims all the hooplah is in reference to a retired NORAD general predicting a UFO visit on October 13, 2010.

Retired Air Force Officer Stanley A. Fulham released the third edition of his 352-page book, Challenges of Change, which suggests that on October 13 there will be “a massive UFO display over the world’s principal cities.”

A high percentage of web traffic is pointing to this video, posted today, as evidence: 


For more information and more videos Click here.


“UFO” Sightings Over Manhattan

The NYPD and the FAA fielded numerous phone calls Wednesday afternoon from freaked out New Yorkers who say they saw UFOs hovering over Manhattan, the New York Post reported.

Callers said they saw strange silver objects bobbing or hovering in the sky.

“Some people saw something described as yellow with blue lights surrounding it,” FAA spokesman Jim Peters told the Post. “Every once in a while you get phone calls from people who see something they can’t explain.” 

Police said they got a few calls but weren’t investigating.

Read more:,_2010_-_As_Predicted_by_Retired_NORAD_Officer.html

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