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New documents prove US Air Force intensifies UFO recoveries

Was the USAF looking for crashed alien crafts like this one?

In the light of recent revelations on memorandums obtained through FOIA requests showing an amazing disclosure of US Air Force plans to ramp up UFO retrievals, I must acknowledge the efforts of a friend in the same pursuit of truth as myself. Originating in 1996 but referencing national security acts trailing back in time to 1953, an astonishing mobilization seems to have been uncovered. Thanks to Dean Blackstone of Check Six Paranormal, I was able to scrutinize secret joint Department of Air Force Air Intelligence Agency and Air Defense Command documents that may well have been mistakenly declassified for all the illuminating disclosures that they reveal. These pages indicate the Air Force’s intentions to continually maintain vigilance over UFO activity as a possible threat to national security.

We already know of many classified projects that are more detailed and secretive than anything Project Blue Book was allowed to enter into. Project Twinkle was one such operations that attempted to photograph nocturnal UFO activity in the vicinity of Holloman AFB in New Mexico during the early 1950’s using diffraction grating lens cameras in an array. Reportedly this mission, which was deployed in answer to persistent green fireball sightings along with other aerial lights, was considered a failure and was decommissioned. However, the military has a way of denying or refusing to authenticate classified projects that are indeed viable and under operation. Examples of such projects would be “Blue Fly” and “Moon Dust” both mission objectives stated as for the retrieval of foreign technology being perhaps as Russian satellites or those of other nations falling from decaying orbits or any other types of related aerial hardware crashes, perhaps even missiles. Yet, experts know there’s more to it than the official version of the truth.

On 5 December 1965 near Kecksburg, PA a fiery object plunged from the night skies and lit up the dense forested countryside. Within a short time Army units were converging on a supposed crash site. Local residents were road blocked from entering the impact zone while any onlookers were quickly detained, debriefed, and removed from the area. One newspaperman who persisted in investigating the story and who did not believe the official explanation of the mystery crash was killed one night, run down by a driver, who was never identified or arrested. Was it a tragic coincidence? Why do so many of these coincidences occur in the presence of the UFO controversy? Only a few in the intelligence community know.

As opposed to the original explanation of a meteor crash which would have had a predictable course and trajectory being easily identifiable, at Kecksburg it was different. Witnesses described what appeared to be the behavior of an aircraft attempting to set down, but losing control at high speeds. Such a landing would be markedly different, and would indicate intelligent control as opposed to a satellite from a decaying orbit or a meteor.

Two things quickly became apparent at Kecksburg, the military was ready at a moment’s notice to zero in on a crash site of unknown origin and they were now doing a much better job of nailing down a recovery and minimizing witnesses than they had been able to do at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. It was clear that a systematic approach had been well rehearsed and directed for future crash retrievals. Local citizens quickly found out that the US military was well prepared for any contingency, and if that meant violating people’s rights in order to make a classified recovery of space debris, foreign technology, or something else, you’d better get out of their way! No doubt that the fast response involved at Kecksburg was enhanced with the capability of NORAD. Orbital satellite tracking was, in all probability, well enough established by 1965 to pinpoint space re-entry.

In 1996 well after Roswell, Kecksburg, or any number of other suspected crashes something extraordinary had happened, or was about to happen. It appears from a number of memorandums that either something of incredible proportions had taken place or that the Department of Defense and the US Air Force were expecting a sudden outbreak of activity such as a “Flap” to occur. These papers originate from Air University in Illinois, not the traditional repository of declassified documents normally released out of Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama.

Enclosed in these amazing pages are requirements for proper procedure, identification, reporting, and even more fascinating, the multifaceted need for containerization capable of isolating any conceivable material radioactive or biological. From this well defined specification we can see that the Air Force was considering every possible contingency for transport of biological hazards to chemical contaminants to nuclear containment. Keep in mind that this memorandum for the containment of hazardous space materials predates the Shuttle Disaster of February 1, 2003 STS-107 that occurred during re-entry with the resulting spread of Shuttle wreckage, fuel, onboard atomic battery storage units, and even partially combusted human body parts of the crew over several states from California to Arkansas. So, there appears to be little corroborating evidence that these documents were based upon human space craft scenarios.

Ironically, these memorandums call for making a distinction between the misidentification of conventional aircraft, meteorological conditions, or exotic aircraft designs of either friendly or enemy origins that could present a threat to national security. It called for the filter of any reports that involved flairs, aircraft exhausts or contrails, weather balloons, kites, or other mundane misinterpretations of aerial sightings. This way UFO reporting could minimize unnecessary time and effort in order to assess meaningful events that fell within possible parameters. The request for all conditions, quality of reporting, types of reports to pursue, and that the Air Force would also deny reports made by individuals or groups outside of military channels to being unofficial sources.

These guidelines called for cooperation with UFO investigators who possessed scientific, technical, or investigating experience so as to evaluate reports that contained explicit or meager descriptions of advanced aerodynamically performing crafts or phenomenon displaying other unusual aspects. These requirements are strangely reminiscent of Project Blue Book questionnaires which requested the same types of information from either civilian or armed forces personnel. Yet, in 1969 Project Blue Book after 23 years was cancelled under the aegis of a serious evaluation made by University of Colorado to determine the cost feasibility of reports and whether or not a threat to the US actually existed from the enduring mystery. However, Dr. Condon, a renowned physicist at University of Colorado, had little interest in making a fair and accurate assessment of Blue Book’s actual cases. The Air Force simply wanted Blue Book shut down.

Yet, here we are with a bizarre reawakening of USAF involvement with UFO investigations even going as far to require cooperation with civilian, military, and FAA sources, and still the old threatening regulation AFR-200-2 being evoked in case anybody gets too out of hand over the whole affair. In credible. However, now AFR-200-2 was being overridden by the new directive. Now it appears discovery and clarification were taking precedence over earlier threats to those who reported UFO’s. A clear transformation in policy had taken place. Why? Had a major sighting perplexed US defenses? Was the Air Force anticipating a fresh influx of major UFO activity?.

The range of dates on these important documents begin in October of 1996 and end in sequence during 7/31/1997 many of the pages carrying an AFR-200-2 stamp at the footer of the page. Here we have the typical US government doublespeak on the one hand encouraging reporting, encouraging filtering of priority sightings, encouraging a distinction between mundane misidentification and truly bizarre aspects of exotic, and most likely alien technology. As well, we are reminded by the prerogative of these directives that they are actively concerned about verifying true UFO sightings apart from misidentifications, they are concerned about properly reporting to the correct sources, and the US Air Force wants a thorough investigation of all suspect, spectacular, or sensational enough sightings that intelligence policy is truly swayed by all these aspects of the inherently unsinkable flying saucer. It has endured, and simply will not go away.

Listed here are sources specified as correct correspondents to receive substantive UFO reports:

For us to consider these seemingly routine memos as being anything but crucial proof that the US Air Force had indeed intensified efforts to improve their analysis of UFO sightings and determine degree of determined threat by using numerous sources of investigative merit would be a big mistake. Something drastic, in my opinion, had caused the US Air Force high command to re-evaluate its approach to the study of UFO activity. A new priority had apparently been established for reasons we can only speculate about. I seriously doubt that this had anything at all to do with public pressure about disclosure as much as it did with an urgent renewal of the technical and threat evaluations that had significantly altered policy. An undying enigma that continued to perplex the science and defensive capability of our military had not gone away and died. It had persisted despite decades of effort by authorities at denial, secrecy, and ridicule.


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