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Nick Redfern’s Spying on the Saucer Writers

Publisher’s Note: I came across an article written by Nick Redfern on the Mysterious Universe website, entitled “Spying on the Saucer Writers’” As you could imagine I was intrigued by the subject as well as by the author. Dirk

This is a snippet of the article:

On a fairly frequent basis, I get asked if I think there could be one or more “secret government files” on me. Well, as someone who writes about UFOs in terms of what officialdom knows about the subject, I can never say for sure that such files do not exist. And, one of the reasons for this is that the Freedom of Information Act has clearly demonstrated that certain authors of books on the UFO subject have indeed been secretly watched by officialdom – even to the extent of having their books reviewed by government agencies!

Although not widely known, the FBI has on various occasions taken more than a passing interest in monitoring publications on the UFO subject. To illustrate this, June 1966 saw the first printing by Lyle Stuart Publishers of Frank Edwards’ book, Flying Saucers–Serious Business . By October of that year, Edwards’ book was in its third printing.

On 16 October, it was announced in the This World supplement of the San Francisco-based newspaper The Examiner & Chronicle that the Congressional Representative of Michigan (and later US President) Gerald Ford, was pressing for Congress to look into the UFO matter. It was also announced that the US Air Force had commissioned a University of Colorado physics professor named Edward U. Condon to conduct an in-depth study of unidentified flying objects.

I highly recommend this article so follow this link and read the rest:


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