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Night Vision Video Captures Strobing UFO

There may be other witnesses to a UFO in flight over downtown Vancouver, British Columbia that was recorded using a digital night vision camera on Feb. 25, 2013. Credits:  Charles Lamoureux

Strobing UFO over Yaletown captured in night vision video

On Monday, Feb. 25, 2013, a silent strobing UFO was captured on digital night vision video by a witness in Yaletown who claims that an orange-amber orb could be seen with the naked eye travelling southwest to northeast in the early evening sky. Videographer Charles Lamoureux explains in the YouTube description how, at around 6:28 p.m. PST, he first observed the visitor “just hovering then started slowly to move [over] downtown Vancouver about 1000 feet up” in what he would go on to describe as “an extraordinary night for UFOs over Vancouver.”

In a report from earlier this year, the registered nurse and medical industry consultant told how “a diamond-shaped object crossing the sky in front of the moon (as seen through his telescope) was an early sign that pursuing his interest in 11:11-related studies had led him into the realm of something “really strange.”” In a follow-up email to this reporter from earlier today, the veteran amateur astronomer claimed that the intermittently hovering UFO over Yaletown could be seen slowing dimming and brightening with the naked eye, but that observations of its evident higher-frequency luminous pulsations were restricted to night vision visibility only.

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Yaletown, Vancouver

49.276306152344 ; -123.12093353271

See the Video

Click here to watch “UFO Flying Low over Vancouver Feb 25, 2013 WOW!!” on YouTube: “This is an extraordinary night for UFO’s over Vancouver Monday February 25, 2013. I noticed this object initially naked eye just hovering then started slowly to move downtown Vancouver about 1000 feet up, Orange amber in colour and strobing own light but very dim. No noise and traveling from South West to North East unlike what I said. Its 6 minutes long as it travels very slow. not Chinese lantern either ..This was an amazing sighting because I saw it with naked eye but to dim to capture with video. Crazy thing minutes later I captured 2 more videos of 2 more higher up traveling same direction Check next video UFOX2 Separate, I will upload. Just an amazing night, afraid I am missing more action now to upload these!! Feel free to forward to the end when it takes its last turn east.”

Witness Interview

Click here to watch Charles Lamoureux on UFOAM: Today’s Top UFO News,” in an exclusive interview where the experienced amateur astronomer, registered nurse and medical industry consultant joins host Jon Kelly for a wide-ranging discussion covering the significance of 11:11, night vision UFO skywatching, establishing baselines for visual observation, intuitive dimensions of contact and much more.

Scientist’s Conclusions

On Monday, Feb. 25, 2013, a report in Canada’s National Post cited retired McGill University psychology professor Don Crosbie Donderi, whose career kept him “on the mainstream of science and engineering” his entire professional life, stating that “some” UFO phenomenon is established as fact “beyond a reasonable doubt.”

In a soon-to-be published book titled “UFOs, ETs, and Alien Abductions, a Scientist looks at the Evidence,” the Montreal educator provides “an entire chapter on six UFO abduction cases. Each of them has what you might call in common a touchstone. Every one of the people involved saw a close up of a UFO. Everyone [sic] of the people had missing time they could not account for, a period of an hour or more, maybe even two or three hours. After the initial sighting, they ended up driving down a road not knowing how they got there. In several other cases, people saw the UFO as well. Some of these people wound up with scars they could not explain.”

Something Wonderful

In a sharp departure from the ET-as-abductor exopolitical model popular with academics including Montreal’s Don Crosbie Donderi, Vancouver UFO videographer Charles Lamoureux has confirmed to how “I don’t have all the answers but what I do know is that something really odd happened to me, something really wonderful. It changed me. I’ve grown tremendously. I feel better as a person and I don’t feel anything negative from what I’m seeing.””

The Name’s the Thing

The publication of Charles Lamoureux’s interview on UFOAM generated significant public response, including the following comment posted to YouTube by Vancouver technical writer Jacob De Camillis who asks “I wonder if Charles Lamoureux is related to my grandfather, Leonard Lamoureux, the man who took Vancouver’s 1937 photograph of a UFO hovering over city hall…”

Story continues in the Vancouver UFO Examiner for

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