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Nostradamus, Bibliomancer: The Man, the Myth, the Truth

Was Nostradamus, the medieval “Prophet of Provence,” a magician, a doctor, an astrologer and a seer? Or, was he just a man using ordinary techniques to make the predictions that are of such fascination today? 

Author of the new book, Nostradamus, Bibliomancer: The Man, the Myth, the Truth, Peter Lemesurier is the calm center of conscientious and accurate research in the uneasy world of Nostradamas followers and scholars. Widely recognized as the world authority on the subject, in the new book Lemesurier investigates the Prophecies of Nostradamus in the context of the time and the culture in which they were composed. 

Of vital interest to both devotees and debunkers of the prophet, Nostradamus, Bibliomancer presents valuable insights into the medieval world as well as the so-called seer’s life and work.

After re-examining the original sources, Lemesurier deduces that Nostradamus was neither a doctor nor an astrologer, nor even (by his own admission) a prophet. He merely believed that history repeats itself, and thereby projected past events into the future. Lemesurier believes that he used the process of bibliomancy––randomly selecting extracts of randomly chosen books––then claimed “divine inspiration.” Unsurprisingly, Nostradamus has almost never been proved right.

After more than thirty years of studying the history and culture of the ancients and probingthe works that Nostradamus and others of his era produced, Lemesurier confronts the controversies, bringing to light new facts, new insight and startling new conclusions about one of history’s most notorious individuals. 

“It is surprising to find that a book on such a topic can be so readable, interesting and encompassing. Peter Lemesurier is a scholar with a world-wide reputation in esoteric studies and is deeply knowledgeable about all the significant works that have been [previously] published….”

–David Hill, Emeritus Professor of Computer Science, University of Calgary

If you would like more information or to purchase this book through Amazon.Com simply click on the book’s title: Nostradamus, Bibliomancer: The Man, The Myth, The Truth

Received the above information from Kristen Zimmer, Publisher’s Assistant,  Career Press / New Page Books.

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