Now is the Time for a UFO Sighting


Now is the Time for a UFO Sighting

October has been a time of  UFO sightings for many years. I know I saw a UFO in October. I have spoken to many people who have told me that they have had clear sightings during the fall months with October being a prime time for a sighting. 

I have had a change in thinking about this and think NOW is the time for us all to closely watch the sky above our heads. I think November – March may be a time for this year’s reported sightings across our skies. 

The reason I have come to this conclusion is due to watching the world around us change and shift as our seasons re-adjust and move and jump from what  it once was to what it now is!

I know for the last few years our yearly cycle of nature has changed dramatically from four distinct seasons to two.  In  New York  or more precise my area of New York  – Long Island  has now become a two season area.  Come April on we have warmer weather with lush flowers. This continues until one day somewhere around November we wake up one day and it is winter. Flowers one day – cold ice the next. One day warm the next  day cold and boom it is  winter. All the in-between seasons are gone. What normally took place in October where I live now only begins to happen in November.  

I read constantly all over the United States where the typical weather is being replaced by new and different cycles of nature. I  have written before that it is my opinion that our weather changes are manmade manipulation . Today however I am not as concerned as why this is happening as I am with the differences it will bring to the world around us.

I long ago realized that UFO activity seemed to be best suited during late summer finding its high point over the fall months winding back down to a normal hum during the other months of the year. I believe this will continue only differently now as the sightings or activity of the ongoing world of UFO actions change to suit the altered seasons of the planet.   

I would not be surprised if  the new high time of  UFO sightings now switched over to November as its prime time flowing on throughout the winter months .  I also think backing up the new increased activity  time for lots of sightings to mid August would be in order as our seasons shift and twist as the worlds weather flutters and  changes. 

We can be hopeful that with the changes going on with the planet  the humans living upon it may become a bit more involved and aware of what is going on around them. 

We are so lost in our own small realities that we seem lost, numb and dumb to what is going on around us. If we as a life form could become united in our awareness of many things that happen  around us , above us and below us  we would certainly be far more advanced and knowledgeable to our own place on earth not to mention the universe.  

Can you imagine if we all looked up while out doing our daily routines with our cell phone and cameras at hand how much we could learn about what is happening around us. Can you imagine if we were all aware of our surrounding when out and about at night how many UFO  not to mention other unknowns we would be able to witness and record?.  I know that strangeness lives with each and every one of us daily. It swirls around us with ease as we all walk lost in our own realities and blind to the very things around us. Look at the chem- trail issue and how even as I write most people are completely still unaware they are odd or even exist?  We have just been trained not to see them while we walk around rather brain dead in our own little environments. 

Humans are the base to  the meaning to the expression-  ‘ Not seeing the forest for the trees! ‘

Maybe this year we will slowly shake out our heads and use the technology we all walk around with in our hands daily to  capture, prove and find answers to  what really goes on around us each and every day.  

Maybe this will be the year we have millions of reports and filmed or photos taken of odd sightings of all the subjects we struggle within the paranormal. Maybe this will be the year when all of us take the time to look up when someone points out a strange light and many of us take photos or video of the same sighting. Can you imagine how difficult it would be to dismiss the existence of the unknown objects being seen all over the world if we untied and took the time to not only look for them but record them in mass?  Maybe this will be the year we will all smell the coffee and start paying attention with open minds and curious minds? 

I can only hope one day we all will have the answers to all the subject listed as unknown. I know I look and I watch and listen and ask as I really want to know. Who is out there and why ? 

For now pay attention to your surrounding and keep looking up this winter at that clear winter sky. I have a real intuition that  starting November this may be the year for some spectacular sightings of many unknown things. Maybe you will be the one to take that perfect picture of a huge flickering UFO  or a clear video of a walking ghost. Who knows unless you learn to look around what we all may see?

UFO Cloud

A fear hours after I finished writing this article my sister called me. She told me that she and her husband encountered a very strange event while driving to work . She told me they were driving along the open highway on the south shore of Long Island New York when my sister noticed a strange cloud in the beautiful blue cloud filled sky. She said they  watched in complete amazement this  one  specific cloud.  

One of the clouds was very white and oval shaped. It was lower than all the other clouds which was why they first noticed it. What the cloud was doing startled them. This  cloud was moving at a incredible rate of speed passing all the other clouds around them. It was not moving with the other clouds in the natural wind currents – it was booking along as if it were on a definite mission. The cloud moved along with them as they drove along the highway. They were not able to keep up with the cloud even though they were moving quickly on the open highway. 

What happened next truly confused them. The cloud stopped moving and switched direction. The cloud shot quickly upward far up into the very high clouds above it until it disappeared in to the mass of high white cloud cover. 

My sister and her husband knew what they had just witnessed was not a cloud. They are not sure if it was a cloaked object or a cloud like intelligently controlled cloud like object or a hologram. They do know it was not a cloud. 

My sister was angry with herself that she did not have a camera or video cam with her and decided to go that afternoon to purchase something to keep stored in their vehicle.  

This event is  exactly what I want us all to begin to pay attention to and try to capture as we go about our daily routines. So much is going on around us yet most of it goes un noticed and is not recorded.

I was not shocked my sister had this experience as I think this is the time of year we  will all have the opportunity to  witness the unknown. It is also the way for us to find answers. If we are alert and aware t we will be able to film or photo these events . 

 If we as a society provide huge amounts of data concerning these events it will force answers or at least serious investigations to begin  by those who simply laugh off or ridicule the few who do come forward. If millions come up with proof and  reports it will be impossible to continue to sweep these things under the rug and force those we need to  answer for these things to begin to do so.

Keep your eyes open and your cam at hand. If you do see or capture a strange event say something and report what you have seen .

♥ Copyright © 2010 Chris Holly all Rights Reserved
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