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OBAMA – Art by Danny Rogers

Dear all,

This week i ask you to forgive me for displaying something a little more Traditional.

Many of you have probably seen the alien art work and the other contemporary pieces from previous contributions I have made on UFO Digest.

My forte has always been portraits, so this week I take the opportunity to show a portrait that i have recently completed of President Obama.

I ask a small favour of any viewers that have a couple of spare minutes to circulate this art to  their friends or colleagues that may have interest or attachment in/to politics and political figures. (i appreciate your time as any publicity of the image or website is always a huge help).

I also pass on my gratitude to my friend Doc Edwards, also Peaceful Lake and Theresa J for their very kind remarks posted on my last article. And of course all who click on the article to view it.

I wanted to portray a man concentrating and not the smiles, Glitz and Glamour that is so often portrayed. My reasoning is that i wanted to capture an intimate thought provoking image.

The link is as always –…

prints – (worldwide)

e-mail –

My Best Regards to all of you and a quick hello to Dirk,

Danny Rogers.

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