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Occult Wisdom of the Extraterrestrials is Engaging!

The truth will always prevail. This includes all the occult wisdom about the ET/UFO Community and the spacecraft of the Supreme Beings.

Recently on UFO Digest, I shared a story or essay that inspired me to comment to one of my readers who is growing impatient and wants to get on with the investigations of the unknown. I was very inspired to share more of my inner self which goes to prove how we all can affect each other and are all attached at certain levels. I decided to share the comments and see how this will develop for all of us in the future on UFO Digest. I challenge everyone to enhance this website with future stories and essays on the topics and categories as they intertwine in our future ET/UFO Community that is also a part of the paranormal and occult wisdom of the Ancient and Ascended Masters of the Ancient Mystery Schools.
There are scientists that are just now realizing that the Shamans were much more advanced in their understanding of how the world works with the study of nature and humankind with the inner and outer energies. 
We ourselves as individuals are all a part of the all as the Omniverse and as we progress and advance in the future as the global community, we all shall share and see how we will welcome the indigenous cultures that have been on the fringes of our urban ways in the larger nation states. We are now going to see how cities that are developing on their own without the typical government controlled nation states will grow into the future of earth’s more developed ways as they continue to meet the ever changing cultures of this planet.
We in the higher levels of thought in the higher realms of the Akashic Field who desire to meet in the ET Energy Plasma Field of Opportunity for our Imaginations will learn to welcome others who have not in the past been allowed into the mystic realms of thought.
This is what we changed in 1990 with the opening of the Ancient Mystery Schools for the entire earth or Gaia which welcomed the past ancient civilizations that were visited by our superior beings in space or what was once called the Heavens.
We are  all in the occult metaphysical work and world called to make our presences known in the paranormal and ET/UFO communities. We share the truth that we believe to be ours from our own research and past experiences. We along with special others such as Robert Morningstar are as common as old shoes. We simply strive to share what we have learned from our experiences with those of other worlds and other ways of wisdom of the past, present, and soon to be future. I welcome all comments as a window into another’s own enlightened soul’s progression while here on earth.
I shall share more about Time Travel because it is time to allow others to know what I know. The ET Akashic Plasma Field or the Divine in us ALL may have sounded like “NEW AGE” mumbo jumbo to you but it is my way of creating a bridge to a new chapter in the lives of others who will gain from the knowledge that some of you may already feel you ingested in the New Age Schools in books and seminars in the last century. 
Religion may seem as an impartial belief while actually is words in a language that are no different that words in a language considered in math and science.  Nuclear physicists and astral physicists are presently close to the categories that will lead the Quantum physicists in a new generation of physicists of the global order denomination. Regarding how the world will fair on a monetary system for the whole total global population will also depend on Global Order Denomination. As the future disciplines on earth will prove, there has to be a new global order in communication that will require fair laws and rules and regulations for the total global population in order to be fair to all.
 This universal knowledge has been made aware to most of the global leaders of earth in the past. It was never a question the total global population becoming aware of itself and coming together as a global population outcry for the truth about the world and the creators and it’s need for global understanding and cooperation but when! This is what the future offers all beings on earth with global communication for the whole earth. This is why the Internet system and the World Wide Web should remain free to the whole global population. 
 Extraterrestrials all have one Global Order Denomination and it is not based on money, as we know measures of currency based on gold.  GOD is about cooperation of the global population on earth based on the need to depend on each other for survival of each other as only one species of many in this one universe in the met universe.  
This is the real meaning of the extra terrestrial unidentified flying objects phenomena. Global cooperation. GOD is a way of being and existing on earth. Science and religion will have to take a back seat to the order of global population based on the knowledge that the communication technology has brought forth to all beings that acquire awareness. Humanoids are given a spinal cord, nervous system, and brain to house the chemical energy thought processes the spiritual being’s soul inside a physical body of sinew and flesh. Each separate spiritual essence of electrical energy is a part of a whole system called God or GOD which are acronyms used for the creator of all creations or the beginning prior to the Big Bang Theory.
If these beings truly believe in a God, or GOD, then they should also recognize that their own spirit and soul is housed in a physical body that is electrically charged with energy that will someday leave the physical body on earth and return the source of creation. The individual humanoid thought processes chosen in the brain with reference to words of the past is written by individual humanoids whether thought to be chosen prophets of God or not is simply words of the past. They were written for the people that existed in the past. 
 They simply words written in the history of civilizations that existed in the past.  God meant for the creations to continue evolving on earth. God is the beginning and in the beginning was the word but, it did not stop nor will it. God and the word continues forward. The Bible and the Koran were written for people who existed at the time. The book called Revelation was thought to have been written by St. John at the time that he was exiled on earth from others of his humanoid kind.  This one man was not considered any more or less than only one spirit, one soul and one writer as a prophet of God. St. John was not even considered a prophet in his own time on earth.  Schrödinger´s Equation and Drake’s Equation are simply tools used on earth and these are simple equations compared to what will yet be discovered in the future after 2012. 
 There is much to look forward too on earth that is spiritually based on the survival of faith, hope, charity, and love of humankind and the creator. Science and religion are words and disciplines of the past humanoids on earth.
It is time to move on to the next levels of intelligence beings on earth. Spiritual Hierarchy:  Sacred structure that represents holy lineage of Heaven. Consists of the Angelic Realms, the Deva Kingdom, the Ascended Masters, and the many Orders of the Elohim and the numerous Divine Councils of the Time Lords. Time Lords: Great Beings of Light whose orders are represented by many Divine Councils. In charge of Time, which, along with Light, is one of the two elements that compose Creation? 
The Ascension Process
Akashic Records:
Life records of all souls that have spent lifetime in Physical Creation. Records document in great detail each event that occurred during all moments of every lifetime. 
Process whereby individual integrates physical body with spiritual (soul) and astral bodies, and which permits him to become fully conscious. Astral Body: Non-physical body. Also refers to means whereby soul is attached to physical body. Usually travels to lower realms of 
Astral Plane
Higher physical dimensions) during sleep or dream states. 
Electromagnetic field that surrounds body and is given off by Life energies that vivify body. Chakra: Life energy centers of body. Bodies of limited conscious beings contain seven major centers or chakras. In fully conscious beings, there are about thirteen such major life energy centers located in and above physical body. Full Consciousness: State of unlimited reality where physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies are fully integrated. Denotes full use of now-untapped mental and spiritual capabilities: possession of light body and full range of psychic abilities, such as telepathy and telekinesis: capacity to instantly manifest what is physically desired: and full rapport with spiritual and other higher dimensions. Not as fully integrated with higher dimensions as Ascended Master. Another term for fully conscious Galactic Human. Galactic Human: Fully conscious human being. Also called physical Angel, with full recall of its Akashic records and true life purpose. 
Result of interactions with other sentient beings. Principal means whereby each lifetime is judged. Creates cycles that determine nature of one’s next lifetime. In the coming age, divine grace will break karmic cycle. Light Worker:  Enlightened Earth dweller who works with Ascended Masters and Angelic Realms to bring message of Ascension and new Age of Light to general public. Can be either an enlightened Earth soul (one who has been caught in karma cycle of many Earth lifetimes) or a star seed. 
Another name for one’s Light Body. Part of full consciousness, when spiritual, astral and physical bodies are integrated. Allows self to shrink to baseball size and to travel anywhere, instantly. 
Usually specific set of procedures done on regular basis, with defined purpose or goal. Prime example of sacred ritual is group’s or individual’s use of meditation or vision quest to achieve divine purpose, e.g., to heal Earth or to better self. 
Soul or non-corporeal part of every living thing. Also refers to Beings of Light that assist in alleviating the daily struggles of human existence. That which returns back to the original soul or Over-soul – first soul of creation. Thought Form: Entity created by one’s own thought, or by the thought of another individual or group. Capable of affecting health or behavior of unsuspecting (or unprotected) person.  
Those from the heavens came.
Action Team:
Special Galactic Federation crews trained to complete specific task as quickly and as efficiently as possible. 
Divine Intervention: 
Sacred God-granted mass landing operation of the Galactic Federation and the Angelic Realms. Being done through divine grace to return God’s WILL to planet Earth, and to give the gift of full consciousness to Mother Earth’s children. 
Evacuation Scenario: 
Special operation that is precursor to mass landing operation. Will be used to quickly evacuate Earth-dwellers who live in regions exposed to catastrophes created by the coming Earth changes. Specially-created Galactic Federation action teams will successfully carry out this procedure. Fluid Management: Primary organizing axiom of the Galactic Federation. Such full conscious organizations are non-hierarchical and goal-oriented. Rely mainly on talents, leadership and accord of its members. 
Galactic Federation: 
Light union created over four million years ago by various stellar civilizations in this galaxy. Divine purpose: to act as Physical Angels needed to carry out divine fate prophesied long ago for Milky Way Galaxy. 
Governing Council: 
Main ruling body of a planet, solar system or star league. Governed by the principles of fluid management. At present, over 200,000 such organizations are members of the Galactic Federation.
Liaison Team: 
Special team whose major purpose is to relay precious communications between groups and to enable different groups to work more efficiently and more harmoniously together. 
Light Chambers: 
Specially-modified devices that will be used to accelerate procedures needed to turn a “star seed” into fully conscious Galactic Human in matter of minutes. Located aboard star ships in Galactic Federation’s mass landing fleet. Will be used a few hours before the mass evacuations and/or the actual mass landing occurs. 
Main Federation Council
Principle governing body of the Galactic Federation. Located in the Vega star system. Works on the principle of one vote per member-star system or star league. 
Mass Landings: 
Operation by the Galactic Federation and the Spiritual Hierarchy. Designed to peaceably land important elements of the Galactic Federation and the Angelic Realms upon Mother Earth.
Such elements as counselors, special liaison and action teams will assist birth of new galactic society and coming of full consciousness to Earth’s human population.
Science and Exploration Teams:
Main Galactic Federation space fleets designed to explore this galaxy. Specific mission is to encounter and continually investigate less-advanced planetary civilizations in this galaxy. When they find a stellar society that meets Galactic Federation’s criteria, they embark upon first contact mission that will lead this stellar civilization into full membership in the Galactic Federation. 
Subterranean Holographic Environment: 
Special underground facilities, based on advanced light technology, which will closely resemble and vastly improve upon humans’ present living environment. Fully capable of handling and surviving any type of natural Earth catastrophe. Will become permanent residences after mass landings are completed.
The all. A work in progress as the expansion of the all and through the unknown finds  
ALL AS THE OMNI – Omnificent all being. Lies outside of the known and unknown of all. The Total existence that includes the Universes inside the Metaverses inside the Xenoverses, inside the Omniverses inside the all…  That, which lies beyond the Godhead known in the unknown future that is past expansion that is quantitative and in alignment with the known of the various Branes of the Xenoverse. 
I feel the frustration in this lifetime of being and wanting to do more and understand more in the future traverse in our own time.
This “NEW AGE”  is something that I did not create by myself. It is a culmination of many minds and many years in time on earth that was first conceived by those of the Ancient Civilizations and is why those who are against the “NEW AGE” Movement were trying to destroy and cannot. 
The “NEW AGE” simply words that are used generally speaking with no true meaning. These words we use for communication purposes are the best that this world has created. There are various levels of beings that adhere to languages in sounds in not just words but music such as the “Age of Aquarius”. We are creating a new world as we all live and breathe out of the unknown, which you want to “Get on with in the Unknown!” This “Unknown is the Xenoverse” where there are no words yet to explain that which cannot be understood cannot be explained. 
Therefore, I am only human although suspected as a somewhat enhanced extraterrestrial with memories as an ascended master, these are also just words of the “NEW AGE”. I know that there are many who desire me to speak in their languages and some who desire me to speak simply scientific. However, I was sent to create words that the general populace and the common folk could understand first then those who “GET IT” from the general terms for the laypersons, can take the ideas and tinker in their own special fields. I tend to work in another place in another time as what is an entirely different dimension of thought. 
Those who desire to be patient will learn in their own time and can then put the thoughts into their own vocabulary. If you know something of interest, please feel free to share in your own terms and words. Until then, I await as a humble servant of all those who have sent me to share in increments of time who are called the Time Lords. Many people already at their lower levels of existence think that terms and words I choose to share are of a “NUT CASE”. I still am asked to keep sharing and writing for those who “GET IT – IN TIME!”/ 
Those above who are the Supreme Counsel only share small bits of information with us on earth that are considered intelligent wise as piss ants to their Supreme Being levels of intelligence. They only release small amounts of information and I am already “Pushing the Envelope” with my level of energy and existence in this time frame as a “TIME TRAVELER” who is somewhat a “REBEL” who says the entire earth human species is ready to know more about those in this universe and others. I do this because I feel I have been able to make the transition from my own life experiences and have survived the change in thought processing.
Getting on with the future changes takes time and the Supreme Counsel is not sure that the entire population of earth can handle all that some of us have already experienced in this universe. Therefore, they only allow so much information in five hundred year increments for the entire young earth species usually around the 100-year markers such as 1800, 1900, 2000, although we are coming upon a new one at 2012. These markers in time are when we are allowed to experience change and enlightenment as an entire planetary species. 
I am doing my best so please be patient with me. I have my instructions and get my orders as they come. Those in charge of the Pentagon in America are learning at the same time that you the general public are. Those who read the UFO Digest are considered my friends and are allowed to know at a faster rate of speed and knowledge because I have spent years treading on these topics for those who feel they can accept the weird and the supernatural and paranormal better than the average and normal population. This “NEW AGE” was the words left on earth before I came to this planet from Andromeda. The work and words of the Universe are not easy to translate into those on earth. 
This is why the past masters were called mystics and magicians to be taught first and then to take years to pass onto others. I still serve in love and light no matter how corny the words sound. I will do my best to remain centered in a common human language of the occult mainstays of the Time Lords for Earth. Living in Love and Light – Which by the way is also a clue for all those that study the Mystics Languages of the Ancient Mystery Schools of Atlantis and Lemuria.
We are all taught certain code words of the works of the previous Ascended Masters who form the links and threads for others who are schooled in the occult wisdoms.
I along with many others are called to teach all those who did not travel the same paths as those of us who studied the Road Less Traveled, or Motorcycle Zen. Some of us know that Aleister Crowley and Madame Blavatsky  were merely forerunners to our future quest together on earth but they are now gone.
We are now left with each other.
As we say in the Military, “Lead, Follow, or Get the ****”(Hades)  out of the Way!” – Your UFO Digest Paranormal Writer TJ – Author of this ET Essay!

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