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Omniverse-Alphaverse-Omegaverse -Extraterrestrial Space Matters – Spiritual Journeys

What is Cosmic Ordering?

Can Psychics Predict Death?

Hierarchy within the Omniverse, Alphaverse, Omegaverse (OAO) CREATIONS

We are moving and advancing which allows constant change for all of us who are joined together in space and time on this satellite we call a planet that is travelling in space.

This means that we should honor our present vehicle as a needed asset. Therefore, we should now begin to honor and understand what we call home for now. We are simply the present caretakers and caregivers to the planet and the present humanoid species, and all living things.

Our creators were once honored as the Great God Father and Great God Mother and some Native American Indians may recall that they were so honored by our ancient ancestors as two deities as creators represented by those above first on earth in stone, then in trees.

The Native American Indians power of language and culture is returning with the growing spirit that has come upon the entire planet from above. We should all welcome the future with open body-mind-spirits. We are all here to experience birth-life-death. We shall all once again learn the spiritual way as that we call the ascension age and the golden age of cosmology. Some will not understand the new spiritual movement that has been foretold in our ancient folklore and legends.

A Time and Season Beyond All Reason for Everything and Everyone!

It is time to know about the supreme beings and those that serve all the various levels and dimensions as we learn about our place in space. Space matters and we shall learn about our matter in space also matters. For now, learn to astral travel to transcend space and time with out-of-body experiences. Get the feel of leaving one’s own body after meditation and rising up and traveling the cosmos. We can share this in groups as many of us do travel together like those who are seen parachuting together and holding hands for awhile in space. We know of all that is outside of our world due to memories from those above who allowed us to serve this time and space as avatars.

Universe: The inside description of a context that is relative in size/structure (attributes/modes) to the known universe that we inhabit. A Universe, also known as aCosmos, is a particular individual space-time organization with a specified number of dimensions of space and time and definite and specific laws of physics. Other Universes (other Cosmoses) may have different numbers of dimensions of space and time and different laws of physics than our own Universe (Cosmos.

Multiverse: The part of infinity that directly joins a given universe with all possible configurations of that universe.

Metaverse: In string theory, the part that is along with, after; over also denoting change in the multiverse that houses the branes or film that each universe is said to be attached to and hang like individual sheets in a hypermagnetic wave with rhythms of hypercosmic strings going up and down that has a third element causing up, down, backwards, forwards, motions inside the Xenoverse.

Note: In computer science, a metaverse is a virtual reality simulation based on the physical reality of a single individual universe, but one or more levels of implementation above it. It is conceived that it will be possible in forthcoming centuries to create such simulations using massive arrays of matrioshka brains and Jupiter brains.

Xenoverse: the unknown alien elements that are beyond and part of the metaverse and multiverse structure. Compared to a patchwork quilt hanging on a line to dry in space that is multivariate inside the Omniverse. While Omniverse is said to be the outside ring of all that is known, the xenoverse is the inside the hypermacrocosm that is unknown beyond the metaverse—the unknown sets of laws that govern how branes behave to create metaverses, the laws of which govern the creation of multiverses.

Hyperverse: Multiple xenoverses and to a relative of and probably a quarter of an omniverse, also, not to be confused with Hyperversus and the off end of the multiverse: Metaverse and Xenoverse.

Omniverse: All possible attributes and modes are in play, multiverses are categorized by the attributes/modes active in its child universes. Some or all possible modes of existence are actualized. If we take the point of origin as our being as a point in measurement, then we can generate the following hierarchy: 1. our location in space-time, 2. this universe (cosmos), 3. the multiverse, 4. the metaverse, 5. the xenoverse, 6. the hyperverse, 7. the omniverse. The creative force that created the Omniverse is said to be Alpha and Omega.

Alphaverse – Matter and Space of the energy we call negative and masculine.

Native American Indian Lore tells us that there was an original one male and female.

Omegaverse – Matter and Space of the energy we call positive and feminine.

Native American Indian Lore of the Greatest Mother of all creations which is in many of the Goddess Entities of our ancient alien past deities. 

Allegorical illustrations of the concept 

One can think of the omniverse as a tree structure: the omniverse is the trunk, the metaverse is the set of laws that govern the formation of branches, each multiverse is a branch, and each universe (cosmos) is a leaf.

Alternatively, the omniverse can be illustrated as a forest in which a metaverse is the set of laws that govern the cosmic ecology that determines the distribution of trees in the forest, a multiverse is a tree in the forest, a universe as a branch on that tree, and all further branches and leaves are further subset horizons within that universe.

Physicists such as Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose have suggested that universes both fork and combine, which could be visualized as more of a system of roads and pathways.

End of infinity

In some views, the number of omniverse subsets possible is finite. Given that omniverse is the largest set conceptualized by humanity, such a view is sometimes called “the end of infinity”.

From this frame of reference, it is possible that even if each multiverse had completely different laws of physics, and the amount of possibilities went off in the most unlikely directions, there would be a limit and an end to the amount of possibilities. Many astronomers though, believe the omniverse is infinite, and do so with this theory: if the omniverse was finite, then there would be no law for the dimensions, and through that causes major problems.

This view is founded in a theory of the omniverse splintering into universe, multiverse,

many-worlds interpretation, M-theory, parallel universe, possible worlds, and so on.

Etymologically, the term “universe” is meant to refer to the entirety of one reality. Omni- is a prefix meaning “all”, making the omniverse encompass all possible universes, unlike the multiverse that can encompass any two or more universes with the same set of laws and constants.


The term “omniverse” is believed to have been created by Mark Gruenwald, It has been popularized by the composer-writer Sun Ra. Roger Penrose has spoken of the “Omnium”.

The Alpha and Omega are said to have been the originating essence of matter in space as the Alphaverse male energy essence and the Omegaverse the female energy essence with the Omegaverse being the outside womb of all that is called the great “I AM” as the creator we have regarded as those who reign supreme as the high counsel.

We share the Omniverse and all that is inside that was created by the Alpha and Omega.

Omniverse in popular culture

The term Omniverse has recently been used in a verse within the children-aimed song “One everything” by music group They Might Be Giants in their album Here Come the 123s. The verse states:

“We share the same omniverse, Please clean your room, We share the same omniverse, And even though you are over here and not there, There’s just one everywhere”

“Omniverse” appears on an album from Niyorah, a reggae artist, called A Different Age. The song is “A Perfect Timing”. He sings:

“We’re not only of Earth, We’re of the omniverse, My blood is in the cosmic…The sky, the sea, the dirt, The sun and all it’s worth, Impossible to stop it…”

The term “Omniverse” is also used in a song from The Jokerr called My Omniverse

It is also the main topic in the ‘Hardstyle’ song , Omniverse, by Scope DJ.

The name Omniverse was used for an early-1980s semi-professional comic book fan magazine which explored the ramifications of the DC Comics and Marvel Comicscombined Multiverses (see DC Multiverse, Marvel Multiverse). It was also seen inImage Comics as a level of reality that encompasses all multiverses which was visited a group of heroes from their fracturing respective universe during their battle withEntropy.

Omniverse is a pseudonym for the musician and composer, Todd Wallar.

In the various Star Trek Series featuring the Character Q, Q has made mention of the omniverse on more than one occasion.


 Penrose, Roger The Road to Reality New York:2005 Alfred A. Knopf Page 784 Note: the term Penrose actually uses is “Omnium” but this has been universally rendered on the blogosphere and in various publications as “omniverse”. Penrose states that he derived the term “Omnium” from the Classicist Peter Derow.

 Universe, Multiverse, and Omniverse according to string theory:

 Tegmark, Max (May 2003). “Parallel Universes”. Scientific American.

 Stapledon, Olaf Star Maker 1937

 Kurzweil, Ray The Singularity is Near 2005

 Tipler, The Physics of Immortality: Modern Cosmology, God and the Resurrection of the Dead (New York: Doubleday, 1994), ISBN 0198519494

 Penrose, Roger The Road to Reality New York:2005 Alfred A. Knopf Page 784

See also

Physics portal

Astronomy portal

Artificial reality


Simulated reality

Earth’s location in the universe


Solar System

Local Interstellar Cloud

Local Bubble

Gould Belt

Orion–Cygnus Arm

 Milky Way

Milky Way subgroup

 Local Group

 Virgo Supercluster

Pisces-Cetus Supercluster Complex

 Observable universe


Physical cosmology

The content on this page originates from Wikipedia and is licensed under the GNU Free Document License or the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license.

Expand Your SearchOMNIWindows LiveGodHerbivoresOmnivoresMultiverse Related Q&A What is an omniverse

The Omniverse is the conceptual ensemble of all possible universes, with all possible laws of physics. In this physical cosmology context, the limitation of the definition of “universe” that it has on…What is scanning omniverseThe Omniverse is the conceptual ensemble of all possible universes, with all possible laws of physics. Scanning omniverse is the evaluation of looking at all possibilities in the universe.

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When visiting a psychic for the first time one thing many people worry about is whether they can predict a death. A fear of …..Cosmic Ordering has become the ‘in’ New Age faith. The basic principle is that you place an order for whatever you desire and the cosmos will bring it to you.

The theory originated in a book by former journalist Barbel Mohr called ‘The Cosmic Ordering Service – A Guide To Realizing Your Dreams’. It has received celebrity endorsement, notably from Noel Edmonds whocredits Cosmic Ordering with delivering him the job as host on the hit show Deal or No Deal.

To use the Cosmic Ordering Service you must first identify what you desire. Some people find it helps to put their request in writing, as taking physical actions makes them feel more in control. As putting your order to the cosmos in writing is unnecessary, it does not matter how you choose to go about it and you should go with what feels most comfortable to you. For example, you could write a letter and put it under your pillow or bury it in the garden. There are also several websites which provide a free cosmic ordering order form.

You must also specify a time frame for your desire to be fulfilled. Be realistic though. The cosmos can, for example, bring you your perfect partner but it is unreasonable to wish for that to be delivered to you in less than 24 hours. If you are too unrealistic in your request you may find it is ignored altogether.

The next guideline is that you should not wish harm on other people. Barbel Mohr – who has received her requests for a dream job, perfect husband, twins and a castle – says the Cosmos will not deliver on such a negative request. The fastest ‘orders’ to be delivered are those which are loving and kind. Wishing for a comfortable home and lifestyle for your family will yield faster results than asking for a huge house and pots of cash.

Thinking positively will help with the delivery of your wishes while negative thoughts can counteract this. However, the author of The Cosmic Ordering Service insists that there is more to achieving your wants and desires than positive thinking, which is what sceptics and her critics have put any results down to. She believes that ultimately everything in the universe is one and connected. Therefore, you can learn to tap into this connectivity to manifest your wants and desires.

The theories on the mechanics of why cosmic ordering works vary a little, but there are several books and websites dedicated to explaining how you can make the cosmos achieve something for you and the dynamics of why it really works.

What Is Cosmic Ordering?

Cosmic Ordering has become the ‘in’ New Age faith. The basic principle is that you place an order for …..

Cosmic Ordering has become the ‘in’ New Age faith. The basic principle is that you place an order for whatever you desire and the cosmos will bring it to you. The theory originated in a book by former journalist Barbel Mohr called ‘The Cosmic Ordering Service – A Guide To Realizing Your Dreams’. It has received celebrity endorsement, notably from Noel Edmonds whocredits Cosmic Ordering with delivering him the job as host on the hit show Deal or No Deal.

To use the Cosmic Ordering Service you must first identify what you desire. Some people find it helps to put their request in writing, as taking physical actions makes them feel more in control. As putting your order to the cosmos in writing is unnecessary, it does not matter how you choose to go about it and you should go with what feels most comfortable to you. For example, you could write a letter and put it under your pillow or bury it in the garden. There are also several websites which provide a free cosmic ordering order form.

You must also specify a time frame for your desire to be fulfilled. Be realistic though. The cosmos can, for example, bring you your perfect partner but it is unreasonable to wish for that to be delivered to you in less than 24 hours. If you are too unrealistic in your request you may find it is ignored altogether.

The next guideline is that you should not wish harm on other people. Barbel Mohr – who has received her requests for a dream job, perfect husband, twins and a castle – says the Cosmos will not deliver on such a negative request. The fastest ‘orders’ to be delivered are those which are loving and kind. Wishing for a comfortable home and lifestyle for your family will yield faster results than asking for a huge house and pots of cash.

Thinking positively will help with the delivery of your wishes while negative thoughts can counteract this. However, the author of The Cosmic Ordering Service insists that there is more to achieving your wants and desires than positive thinking, which is what skeptics and her critics have put any results down to. She believes that ultimately everything in the universe is one and connected. Therefore, you can learn to tap into this connectivity to manifest your wants and desires.

The theories on the mechanics of why cosmic ordering works vary a little, but there are several books and websites dedicated to explaining how you can make the cosmos achieve something for you and the dynamics of why it really works.

What Is Cosmic Ordering?

Cosmic Ordering has become the ‘in’ New Age faith. The basic principle is that you place an order for …..

Astral Projection Benefits

Getting To Know Your Guardian Angel

Almost half of all Americans believe they have a guardian angel and there are many amazing anecdotes on the internet of …..Astral projection is something which rouses most people’s curiosity. It is natural to be slightly afraid or wary of the unknown and this can cause people to worry that there are dangers associated with astral projection. But out of body experiences are really very safe and there are some wonderful benefits. Some of these are outlined below but it is important to realize that experiences of astral travel are unique to each individual, and consequently the benefits are unique too.

Many people are a little fearful of death, as people are naturally scared of the unknown, but those who practice astral projection usually overcome this. Visiting the spiritual plane brings with it a realization that you are not dependent on your physical body and that after you die your soul will still exist. This can also bring comfort if you have lost a love one, as you know that although their physical presence is gone that their spirit lives on, and some practitioners of astral travel have even reported communicating with dead relatives.

Increase Spirituality – ET Presences

This, in turn, can lead to increased spirituality. People who practice astral projection often feel they have a much more profound understanding of the soul and the human condition. With this comes a feeling of inner calm which can lead to decreased stress levels, greater happiness, self acceptance and an increased zest for life. Aggression and anger will be reduced.

Astral projection has also been associated with a greater increase in memory and skills such as creativity. There is no definitive reason for this but it has been theorized that somehow astral travel stimulates parts of the brain which are not usually active and this can enhance your abilities.

What Is The Law Of Attraction And How To Use It

You may know someone who seems to be very lucky and who appears to effortlessly …..It is not just your every day skills that can be improved by astral projection, there is often an increase in psychic powers. Out of body experiences can tap into spiritual energies and lead to greater telepathy, precognition and the ability to sense spirits. Some people who have previously experienced no psychic ability at all suddenly find they can both see and read people’s auras.

The greatest benefit of astral projection for many people is the sense of excitement and adventure it brings. Half of people who practice it have encountered other beings. These can take the form of white light, angels and spiritual guides. You will experience things that you would never have had the opportunity to do so in physical life.

Astral travel will increase your awareness of the world around you and make you feel more alive. 

Dream Analysis – How to Interpret your Dreams

Can Psychics Predict Death?

When visiting a psychic for the first time one thing many people worry about is whether they can predict a death. A fear of …..It is believed by many people that dreams have hidden meanings which can reveal inner thoughts and feelings. Interpreting dreams can therefore help you make intuitive decisions to improve your life. There is some disagreement over how common themes in dreams should be deciphered, but the following will give you a basic guideline.


Animals are instinctual creatures and therefore there presence in a dream usually symbolizes emotions. The personality trait which you personally associate with the animal in your dream is the key to understanding the meaning. For instance, a lion is often thought to be brave so this could indicate a desire to be courageous and overcome a fear, for instance you may be too afraid of rejection to go for a promotion at work. Or a snake, which in Biblical interpretations is a devious and deceitful creature, may be a sign that you are feeling guilty about betraying someone.


Dreaming about your boss may not literally mean you are thinking about your employer. They could symbolize any authority figure in your life. More commonly, dreams about your boss could be revealing your feelings about important decisions or responsibilities in your life. The ‘boss’ is actually representative of aspects of your personality. 

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