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Origins of the Flying Saucer, Art by Danny Rogers

Another week gone, I just can’t believe how quick this year is going !

Here is my artwork for this week, this piece is called ‘Origins of the flying saucer’. Again, along the same lines as the previous artwork posted on this site. Without trying to sound stereo typical I have found this to be the piece, that out of all my alien art, gets appreciation from a wider audience. Even if the individual/couple, family or friends have never been interested in UFO’s or mysteries of the unexplained, this little alien always seems to get a warm smile and a discussion started.

The basis behind this was whilst feeding my baby daughter i had this image of an alien baby pushing a bowl from their high chair, hence the origins of the flying saucer!

Well, i hope everyone who sees this enjoys it and furthermore i have completed another alien painting approx 1/2 hour before writing this article, so i will post it next week, as i have to let the oil paint dry otherwise the photo becomes rather to shiny, what with the reflection and all.

I leave you with a link to my printers and my gallery and i hope you are all well,

Best Regards,

Danny Rogers. –

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