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Our own dimensionality remains fixed in 3-D space-time largely as a function of limited conscious processing and the perceptions that we “as humans” are limited to only one fixed perspective. While religions can argue about the survivability of a “soul” post-mortem, and science can quibble over dimensions, string theories, and quantum entanglement; the writ of preserved human literature insists we are mystical beings endowed with some type of “X factor” that occasionally manifests in inconvenient ways. The father of modern paranormal research, and skeptic, Charles Hoy Fort (for whom is termed “Fortean”), documented phenomena that seems to be linked to human consciousness, sometimes gone horribly astray.

That our consciousness is powerful is, in fact, the two-edged sword: quantum physics reminds us that observation does, in fact, alter that which is observed. Human will and participation in Universe becomes “as

if” Universe. A divine paradox that confounds the linear logic of modern mankind. In a sense, there may be no greater truth than: “I AM THAT I AM”.

Author and abduction researcher, Nigel Kerner, likewise, reminds us that our understanding of consciousness, and our own multi-dimensional nature is still very much in flux:

“Living being in this universe is thus twisted, mangled God-ness. The range of choices within each margin will be forever limited if this is a fixed system and nothing from outside it can enter…

So enter Redeemers, or “Sons of Man,” all over the universe from a situation outside. They are the great informers who constantly re-inform the “lost
sheep” (those who are still trapped in Universes of Parts in physical forms yet are still able to understand them) of the lost history and perspectives of their being and nature once upon a time when it was possible to return to the Godverse at a whim of thought.9”

This “God-ness” state, in turn, requires integrating ancient mystical writ with our own modern mythologies. Our “future selves” may be the streaming, forward and back, of a superset of consciousness, both individuated and collective in forms which allow “them” to communicate on the temporal levels. The persistence of the UFO as a modern archetype of the “future” has morphed over the last century, even as human technology was developing. The craft have shifted in design and sleekness as we ourselves have begun to take the phenomenon seriously. In our “noticing” we, it seems, shifted the objects (and the beings) into a pantheon that now embraces hundreds of “alien” races.

When we suspend the requirements for time-space and linear progression; and of concepts of Deity, both in thought and linguistics; it becomes conceivable, as well, to embrace a higher concept of WHAT our “future selves” might embody. The Kabballalist concept of yeridat ha-dorot holds for a “process of successively higher articulations of mystical thought as the process of history unfolds”.10 The understanding of “generations” itself moves seamlessly back and forth to the “I AM THAT I AM” of Moses and Jesus.

Mankind’s religious concepts of “God”, likewise impede the larger awareness that we ARE, in fact this very God we seek. Jesus answered to charges of blasphemy by stating: “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods”? (New Testament John 10:34), echoing passages in Isaiah and Psalms. He repeated this concept more succinctly in reminding: “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” (New Testament, Luke 17:21). Or, as Robert Heinlein put it: “Thou art god, I am god. All that groks is god.”11

The next evolution in consciousness clearly points to unification after eons of fractured egoic thought. Modern archetypes such as the heightened phenomena of UFO sitings, ET interactions of all types, and the blurring of distinctions between old school paranormal occurrences and modern scientific models, all indicate that humanity is preparing to merge into a holistic model that holds real potential to vastly expand not just our consciousness, but the very core of WHO and WHAT we are, and are to become. 
6 Romanek, Stan, Messages (Llewellyn Publications), Chapter 30 New Equations and a Date for Change, 2009-05-08 messages-an-analysis-and-warningq
9 Kerner, Nigel (2010-01-19). Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls: The Conspiracy to Genetically Tamper with Humanity (p. 271). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company.
11 Heinlein, Robert (1987-05-15). Stranger in a Strange Land. Penguin Group. Kindle Edition. 


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