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After observing an amazing flotilla of assembling UFOs overhead, it appeared, beyond logic, that alien entities climbed down the ladder of my awe to cause paranormal experiences.

I felt electric vibrations in bed and saw my body float out of my body; astral abduction of my spiritual essence, which retained all my predilections and discrimination, leaving my chop-meat DNA contrived body, behind in bed.

At first, I believed that I had died!

Out of body, I had sublime and terrifying experiences directly tied to my previously monitored thoughts.

This is one recollection that illustrates that alien-proprietary- monitored- consciousness, suffered by abductees:

I awakened slowly, and found myself underwater.

It was an experience real, in sensory totality, more than a vivid dream, another alien fingerprint, a nighttime OBE, Out-of-Body-Experience.

Alien entities specialize in astral abductions, more predatory of our spiritual essences, essences that we are barely aware of.

One’s car is stopped on a lonely road and one ascends into an overhead waiting craft as one watches one’s body in the car below recede from view.

But abductees rarely go on to assess such contradictions, in their daily functioning concepts, of ‘self’.

In this experience, under twenty feet of water,

I was semi-conscious but aware; I could doze, float and breathe normally, all while immersed under a shoal deep under a narrow inlet.

As I floated, I slowly became dimly aware that visually, ten or fifteen gray ghosts, torpedo shapes, which had hovered nearby, now swam closer, nearer than twenty feet away.

Porpoises, a school of thirty gray forms, hovered in the inlet’s shoal, nearby!

I struggled to come to my still dull senses, and watched as large torpedo shapes swam closer and as they approached they radiated discernible and palpable curiosity.

A large school of inquisitive silver-gray porpoises came very close, now, some within five feet, for a better look at me, still half awake and floating.

The very instant that my mind asserted a greater awareness, in an attempt to seize upon my predicament, at that very moment, they started en-masse, startled away, as though privy to and threatened by my thoughts.

\With quick tail movements, they all vanished into the water’s distant murky gloom.

Slammed with a jolt, back into my body, awakened in bed, I suddenly recalled a thought-sentence that I had very often repeated in my writings:

“In the spiritual ocean tidal currents between two and six o’clock, I have stumbled across only negative thought entities, nighttime bedroom intruders; I have sadly met predominately sharks, and not ever, enlightened porpoises.”

This experience underlined aliens’ astral abductions, and their meddling psychic omnipresence.

This nighttime vivid OBE, Out-Of-Body-Experience, pointed to a proprietary alien creature with a too literal sense of my sentence’s meaning, or perhaps, instead, one with a rarified sense of humor.

I leave it in your hands, to peruse, consider and decide.


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