Oval and Cigar Shape UFOs Photographed Over France

By Christian Macé
UFO Digest European Correspondent

UFO flying saucer and cigar type UFO photographed at Etel in the Morbihan in France.  


etel3Above I have circled in red the two UFOs, which I discovered a UFO

















Above Thierry discovered and selected the UFO 2!


Thierry took these UFOs like “flying saucer” and “cigar” in Etel in Morbihan, Brittany, France, May 9, 2010 at 18 H 30.

Many thanks to our friend Thierry who comes to speak this email with the original photo of the UFO and the selection of the UFO with other contrasts made ??by Thierry … 

Thierry message: Here you have different shots, negative, and improved contrast, we see that he is something solid! …

I pray you to kindly look at this picture and keep me informed of the outcome of this photograph, kindly.

Technical Details: pentaxk20d, 1 / 90 s ISO 100, F13.

erry took these UFOs like “flying saucer” and “cigar” in Etel in Morbihan, Brittany, France, May 9, 2010 at 18 H 30.


See more photos and analysis at ovniparanormal.over-blog.com


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