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Owner/Organizer of Your Own Mind! Share the Infinite New Consciousness of Ascension Brain Training

We are learning to share that which we call the universe, multiverse, metaverse, polyverse, xenoverse, alphaverse, omniverse and so on and so forth.

Science and Philosophy are one and the same when we trace the origins back of our Ancient Ancestors.

The Change that we feel is important for those who are awake and aware are seeing the higher levels of thought transference happening in their lifetimes as success and rational brain training.

It is now time to share the future with your self and others through service to the common cause of shifting and uplifting the awakened awareness of ascension of the conscious (spirit) soul’s essence.

We are now sharing what is on the other side of the “EVENT HORIZON” physically and intellectually with the common population around the world.

We will be sharing more videos that spark the awakened awareness in one’s own spirit.

What parts of things have we ever found that there is only one of?

Cosmic Education is now awakened to the space time geometry analysis and quantum physics dealing in all the forces and ready to confirm that there may be other laws in other universes before there was life as we know it!

“The Rational Answers” are usually what we accept as “WHY ARE WE HERE”.

The new answer for spiritually based and centered humanoids is knowing that the “EXISTENCE OF THE I AM HAS ALWAYS BEEN!” Life is evermore lively and have new laws to permit life as a source of repetition and variation…

We shall all learn that we are all about the future dealing in the categories of Art, Culture, Education, Science, Technology, and our own Social Folklife we call Alpha Creative Enlightenment in High Dimensional Space Beyond the Horizon of the Sea of Consciousness. We are sharing bubbles within Bubbles!

Share all the ideas we now have about others and share your speculation of the mulitverse in scientific and philosophical settings as ideas.




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