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Pilots and Strange Objects They Have Encountered


I have  three close friends who  happen to be pilots. 

Over the years I never found the right time  to ask  them if they had ever seen anything unknown during their years of flying.  This summer I decided to change that and went out of my way to find time to talk alone with each of them.

It was long overdue for me to ask my friends if any of them ever encountered something they considered strange or unknown while flying.  I did not anticipate much of a response as I have known the three men  I am writing about for many years and not one of them ever mentioned anything  at all  along the lines of  unknown crafts or objects.

I thought it would have come up in conversation over the years if any of them had seen something they could not explain so  did not think I would get much of a response to my questions .  However I did want to ask  each one of them to satisfy my own curiosity once and for all.

Obviously  I was wrong and my pilot pals  had seen strange things during their years of flying.

The first man I spoke with  was  a pilot for a very large corporation in Canada.  After ending his career with the military he became a pilot for this corporation flying a private jet  across  North America to transport the executives  in the company.  

He told me that occasionally he and his crew would have to fly empty back  across Canada in order to pick up a new group of passengers to transport across the continent.  He told me when they did this he would fly high and fast to make up time.

During one of these trips,  in the early 1990s ,  over the  wilderness portion of Canada  he and his co-pilot and two other crew members noticed a  group of strange lights keeping pace with them .   When they first noticed the lights they were  far away from them but at the same altitude and speed.  

The lights kept  their distance for about 20 minutes before closing the distance between them.   Within seconds they were close enough so   they could  make out the defined shape of an enormous  rectangle shaped  ship  speeding along  next to them  at a distance of about a half a mile.  The  pilot radioed  to  find out if  the strange object was being picked up by radar.  At first he was told yes and  then told it was not.  

The crew of the  private jet could not determine what this strange enormous craft could be  and decided it best to drop in altitude to try to avoid any further contact  with the unknown object.

The pilot changed course and became frightened as the craft also followed his changes.

Again the jet requested to  change course  and again they were followed.  The pilot then requested to  land at a nearby airport and not continue on with his flight. 

The  pilot and crew prepared to change course for a third time to ready for a landing.  Finally the  huge craft changed its course and headed upwards away from the jet at an enormous speed .

The crew landed the private jet  shaken and confused on what it was that was  following them over the wilderness of  Canada.

Of course  nothing came of the incident other than the fact my pilot friend did all he could to not  fly that  path again during his career.  He told me did not want to chance another encounter with something he did not understand that could out maneuver  with  extreme speed anything he had ever seen before.  

I thought his encounter was very interesting  but I must admit I am not at all surprised this sighting took place over the Canadian wilderness.  I think there are many strange  things  that find a  haven in  the wilderness of Canada.  It could be a place where   a base or  gathering  area is located for   unknown crafts.  So much area in the Canadian wilderness is without population  yet  located  close to  the large population of  the United States and the Canadian borders where most of  Canada’s population  is located.   Using this wilderness would be  a perfect  destination  for those who wish to  visit  us  without  being seen.  Especially large crafts that  have the ability to fly high and fast.  They could come in and out of our  planet via the protection of the wilderness as well as fly high and fast to avoid  most air traffic.  

The second friend I talked to was a Capt in the Air Force who flew bombing missions over Vietnam  in the mid  1960s.  He flew many missions  during his military service giving him many hours in the sky.

I did not think he would have much to say on this subject as he is a very black and white kind of man without any room for fantasy or abstracts.  I was a bit nervous to even bring up the subject knowing how he thinks and reacts to life.

During the summer  I found myself sitting alone with my friend on the beach. We were talking about our families and life when I decided to just go for it and ask him if he had ever seen anything unusual while flying  in the military.

My friend shocked me by quickly responding  :

“You mean like UFO,s and stuff like that ?” Oh hell yeah,  they followed us all the damn time”.

He then told me that it was not common but not unusual at all for the  pilots who flew the missions at that time  to be followed or escorted by objects that were  part of the military or any craft they had ever seen before.  He told me he had a few very plain   gun metal  oval  shaped  objects about the size of a  school bus  fly along side of or above him as he flew in and  out of  battle.  He told me they never stayed long or approached  too closely and  were only seen for a few minutes at a time.  He said he tried , as did the other  pilots who saw them , to get  away from them as they did not know what they were.  He also told me they were very fast and could climb , turn and dive unlike anything we had that he knew of at the time.

I found it  stunning that this particular friend was so matter of fact about something I found to be so extra ordinary.  I asked him if he reported it and he simply laughed and said ,     ” Hell no we all wanted to stay flying, so we just never mentioned it and neither did the military – it was just part of the job”.

It  shows that  even in the  mid 1960,s the code of silence already was strong as far as the subject of  UFO’s were  concerned .

The last pilot I talked to is a very close friend of mine.  He told me about this event while staying with me this summer.  It  is a very interesting report to me  as I know this man to be of high character and extremely logical and intelligent.

This friend also was an Air Force pilot during the  1960’s .  He was a  FAC or Forward  Air Controller pilot  in the Vietnam War. 

After he finished his service to his country my friend  became  a  private pilot flying out of  Northern California. 

He told me of a very odd experience he had during a flight in a small airplane while transporting one female passenger over Sacramento  California in 1974.

He was flying over   Sacramento  California one afternoon with his female passenger approaching the  Capital Building .  As my friend and his passenger flew closer they both noticed a large  red orb  about 1500 ft over the  Capital Building just hanging there  silently .  My friend had never seen anything like it before. 

He radioed in asking if anyone else had reported the strange orb. He was told no one else had.  He  was fascinated by this strange object and radioed back that he was changing course to circle this object to see if he could figure out what it was and how it was  just hovering in mid air .

He and his passenger flew a  semi circle around this object to get a better look at it.  He said it was about the size of a Volkswagen.  It  was a perfect sphere hovering about 1500 feet  directly over the Capital  building ‘s  dome.  It was an incredible sight he told me as it  had a liquid  plasma  moving interior. 

My friend described the orb as nothing he had ever seen before. He told me it was completely silent and did  not move at all beside the motion of the plasma material in the center of the orb.  There was no obvious  method  of  how this object was able to hover in mid air.   He and his passenger  flew around  the object as to make sure it was not a reflection  or  something that  was a projection of some kind. 

It appeared to be equal  all around and  a solid object hovering in place over the Capital  building. 

When  my friend and the passenger  returned to their planned  course  they radioed in the sighting to be met with  a dull response that no one else is reporting the object.

They landed shortly after with the anticipation all the news all over would be covered with the  fact this large red orb was hovering over the  Sacramento Capital Building in Sacramento California.  To their utter astonishment there was not one word of it anywhere.  It seemed incredulous to him and his passengers that thousands of other people  out and about  the Sacramento area did not notice that huge orb  hovering directly over that building.

He watched the news for about a week without any other report of the object. This my pilot friend found as strange as the sight of the object.  He told me he never got over that day and wonders often what it was he saw hovering over that building. The only reasons I can come up for this is either the craft was cloaked from the ground so those below it could not see it or that the world just does not look up. Even on beautiful days in Sacramento.

I find this encounter very interesting.  I too witnessed a  strange red orb with the same plasma type material moving within its borders.  Although the one I saw was much smaller it too hovered silently in mid air.  Interestingly the red orb I saw was also in the mid 1970s.

I have been carefully reading other reports of similar objects and think one theory worth considering is that these orbs are secondary objects being released from much larger mother type ships.  They may be used  for the purpose of surveillance or some kind of connection with our planet that we do not yet understand.  I came to this conclusion as I did come upon a few reports that mentioned second larger ships  at  a greater altitude  seen around  the area of orb sightings.  I see no reason to discount this theory or any logical explanation  concerning  the  reports all over the world of orbs over  houses , buildings, towns,  and cities.  These objects are doing something,  We just do not know what it is!

I was glad  I took the time to privately ask each of my pilot pals about this subject as they  were the ones up there  with the objects  when they  sighted them. The idea of it being  lanterns,  balloons,  birds,  swamp gas, or other planes was wiped out by the close view and expert eyes of the pilots flying along with these objects. 

I know after talking to those I know who fly the skies  that I will pay far more attention next time I am traveling  by air.  Who knows what may be found if we just pay attention and look!

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Chris Holly’s Paranormal World-
Email      Phone:     631-887-4818      

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