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By Christine Day

You are meant in this lifetime to change the dynamic, the relationship with your humanness to self love; from a 3rd dimensional stand point of separation and self condemnation to a 4th and 5th dimensional experience of self love; of accepting yourselves in your humanness with your vulnerabilities and your imperfections. 

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You have come here on this earth plane to have a human experience. Part of being human is that you are ‘perfectly imperfect’, and you came to learn through your mistakes.

Now is the time for each one of you to accept your imperfections, your vulnerabilities and to honor this aspect of your human journey.

An important part of your enlightenment process is to turn back towards your human self and build a new relationship with your self as a human being. Now is the time for a new aspect of a relationship of self love to emerge within you; embracing and loving yourself for all your imperfections and for all your vulnerabilities. 

It’s time to honor yourselves for the journey that you have had up to this moment in time and to honor all the suffering; everything that you have gone through; all the painful moments that you have created; all the decisions you’ve made that have brought you to a series of experiences in order to learn. 

You need to come to this place within yourself, and you don’t have to do it perfectly. Get that – you do not have to do it perfectly.

One moment in time of holding yourself with love and compassion for everything that you have been through – that one moment ends separation inside of you. And in that one moment where separation ends, when you hold yourself with that love and compassion for everything you have been through, that ‘love’ then anchors through every cell in your body. And that one moment of self-love is accumulative. 

This next step is about you beginning this process  – even if you take only one moment a week, that is enough for you to begin this empowering and life changing process. It doesn’t have to be every moment – one moment a week of holding your self with compassion over something that you did or didn’t do, said or didn’t say… Knowing that you did the very best that you could in each moment. Holding your self with love and compassion for all that you have been through, and honoring the courage of your journey here.

Know that it is the aspect of your ego mind only that holds this illusion, this story about you. The divine aspect of your self is here to support you in re- birthing, taking your next step forward as a part of your enlightenment process. So turning back towards yourself, ending separation in that one moment is your next step. 

If you can commit to one moment a week, just for that moment, and then one day, guess what?  It’s like a tight ball inside of you, like a ball of twine and every time you hold yourself with ‘one moment’ of compassionate love, that ball of twine loosens. Then one day the ball gets so loose it can’t hold together anymore and the tightness falls away. 

Start with a list. Write everything you hold against yourself, a huge list probably – you know – didn’t do this, said that, shouldn’t have done this, should have done that, wasn’t there for this person, guilt, shame, condemnation. 

Make your list and start with one thing on your list, just be with that experience and breathe. It’s important to allow the full feeling attached to that experience first, and then open to the truth of how you did the very best you could in each moment within that experience.  It’s enough for the Universe; it’s just not enough for the ego mind. Realize how much you punish yourselves and hold things against yourselves for all that you have done, trying so hard to get it right. When all along the aim was to experience the imperfection of our humanness, and it was impossible for you to do it perfectly at that time. 

Open to the possibility it is impossible to do it ‘perfectly’ anytime as a human being!

You can’t just think ‘okay, I’m going to be enlightened here. I’m going to be love and light. Love and light.’ And then the next day guess what, with all that love and light the anger starts to come up! Know that you are vulnerable as a human being

You have to learn just to smile at yourself and say ‘oh, look at myself again, I did this again’ and laugh. And hold yourself, its okay. ‘I know I must have been afraid to do this again. Something made me afraid.’ The anger is just hidden fear. You know, just give yourself a break. You have given your self so much of a hard time in your life trying to get everything right, you have been through so much and now it is the time to let go of the trying.

Let’s ‘let go’ together and I am really supporting each one of you in working with this human aspect with yourself and being willing to give yourself a chance just to ‘let go’ of the judgments for one moment, one moment in time, that’s all. 

And then you can naturally move forward into your enlightenment process as you open up to the truth of your imperfection and begin to let go of holding things against yourself, ending that separation. To become enlightened you have to end the separation first within you. And when you end it inside yourself, guess what? You naturally stop judging everyone else because everyone is a mirror to you. 

When you are judging your self, you automatically judge everyone else. An automatic outcome of self- loving is a change of relationship with your self and then your whole world changes. You set yourself free. You liberate yourself. Now is the time for liberation. You deserve to be free.

Spirit sees you in your beauty, in your pure beauty. Each one of you being a jewel, a brilliant light and the human part is the part you came here to have as an experience. 

Your mission in this lifetime is to be in your human-ness, love yourselves and consciously awaken to your own spiritual aspect and anchor it into this body in this lifetime. That is what you are all meant to do here now. 

If you would like more information about this book or to purchase it from simply click on the book’s title. Pleiadian Principles for Living: A Guide to Accessing Dimensional Energies, Communicating With the Pleiadians, and Navigating These Changing Times

Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from Pleiadian Principles for Living © 2013 Christine Day. Published by New Page Books a division of Career Press, Pompton Plains, NJ. 800-227-3371. All rights reserved.


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