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Press Release – Missing Time

Actor, writer and producer Nabil Shaban and UFO researcher and author Philip Mantle from the UK have now officially signed an agreement to co-write a screenplay and script for Mantle’s so far unpublished novel ‘Once Upon A Missing Time’.  This fictional account of an alien abduction story from the UK has now been re-named ‘MISSING TIME’. 

Speaking from his home in Scotland Nabil Shaban had this to say recently: 

“I thought Philip’s novel about an alien abduction was a fascinating read. The storyline is realistic and believable and the characters are all people we can identify with.  I knew the first time that I read it that it would make for a first class drama either for the large screen but probably better as a TV movie.” 

Shaban is well known for his TV, movie and theatre work and his campaigning for the rights of disabled people. Mantle is a well known international UFO researcher from the UK and he is currently the editor of the new newsstand magazine UFO MATRIX. 

He had this to say about this project with Shaban: 

“During my 30 years of UFO research I have been involved with many things, TV shows, documentaries, book and conferences, but never a movie project based on some of my own work. I am extremely excited about this and have no doubt that the viewing public would like the finished item. I am looking forward a great deal to working with Nabil Shaban on this and I had no hesitation in signing the contract with him. 

Once this project has been successfully completed both parties have tentatively agreed to work on another project provisionally entitled; ‘ALIEN AUTOPSY EXPOSURE’ based on Mantle’s forthcoming book Alien Autopsy Casebook. This new drama will accurately depict the alien autopsy film hoax for the very first time. Details of this project are being kept secret at the moment with more information to follow later this year. 

For Further information please contact Nabil Shaban on:, and Philip Mantle on:

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