PublishAmerica Presents Existence of Intelligent Extraterrestrials and Their Presence Here on Earth by E. Lee Gregory

PublishAmerica Presents Existence of Intelligent Extraterrestrials and Their Presence Here on Earth by E. Lee Gregory

Neanderthal DNA evidence is combined with modern research techniques to prove alien manipulation of Neanderthal genetics to produce Cro-Magnon man! Cro-Magnon cave drawings and the centuries old artwork of the great masters leave clear evidence of alien craft and beings here on Earth. Six-thousand-year-old clay tablets accurately tell of the spreading continent theory that we know today to be fact only through the application of modern day scientific method and instrumentation. These same clay tablets also depict a ten planet solar system at a time when man could only see five. These clay tablets tell us of powerful beings from the heavens coming down to rule and teach. How could these ancient people have known such things? Do we believe the part about the alien gods as well? There is a Harvard University study that proves beyond all doubt that alien abductions are taking place!
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