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Randle explains: “In interviews conducted in the early 1990s, and videotaped for the inclusion in the Fund for UFO Research’s video library, DuBose elaborated…McMullen ordered Ramey to cover up the whole thing.” DuBose further stated “McMullen told me you are not to discuss this and this is a point at which this is more than top secret…highest priority and you will say nothing.”

If you missed Part I of this series click here:


General Arthur Ernest Exon, according to researcher David Rudiak in an interview before Exon’s death, “made it clear” that Exon talked to participants in the “analysis of the debris and the bodies.” Exon was a lieutenant colonel in 1947 assigned to Wright Field. “…that he knew…the rumored bodies and the ‘residue’ from New Mexico,” says Randle, “were being brought to the base for analysis.” (p. 61.)

Exon mentioned officials that belonged to an overnight committee to the Roswell crash, none of which seemed to match those that supposedly were on the infamous Majestic-12 document. Steve Erdmann speculated that either the MJ-12 documents were faked or early “compartmentalization” that separated mention of various officials involved.


Randle covers quite a few of the disproven testimonies of Roswell-related witnesses: Lieutenant Colonel Philip Corso, Jim Ragsdale, Frank Kaufmann, Glenn Dennis, and several others that seemed to be confirmed witnesses at first but eventually crumbled into disbelief and discrepancy by the skeptics.

Equally puzzling was the analysis of a “memo” photographed by J. Bond Johnson as being held in the hand of Brigadier General Ramey on July 8, 1947 in his office at the Eight Air Force headquarters; when blown-up and magnified, various analysts said that some of the text could be made out, showing indications of a “crash” and “victims” (p.140). Other analysts saw less discernable characters or none at all. Analysis by Don Burleson and associates highlight certain texts as “Roswell disk,” “victims,” and “Denver crews.” David Rudiak’s analysis seemed to show similar text.

“What it seems to boil down to is that there is no real consensus on what the message says,” mentions Randle, “no matter how much argument there is about it.”


The Air Force explanation that the material was from a special train of a balloon and sensitive equipment to detect Russian atomic bomb explosions (called Project Mogul) seemed to fall short because the debris description did not match. Additionally, the launch of Mogul No. 4 consisted of Neoprene and no Rawin target to create metal debris. According to the Roswell Daily Record of July 9, 1947, the June 4 Mogul experiment “suggests that Brazel found the balloon first on June 14, ten days after the launch,” says Randle.


Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt, two investigators that highlighted additional facts in their book Inside the Real Area 51: The Secret History of Wright-Patterson (New Page Books, a division of the Career Press, Inc. 220 West Parkway, Unit 12. Pompton Plains, N.J. 07444, 288 pages, $16.99).The authors added stories from other historical encounters: Captain Joseph Toth, Norma Gardner, Robert Thompson and several others. Special notice was made of June Crain and squadron leader Marion “Black Mac” Magruder.

June Crain was present at Wright-Patterson originally by way of the U.S War Department on three occasions from 1942 through 1952. She carried a top-secret “Q” security classification. It, however, was not enough to allow Crain complete knowledge of “Project Caucasian” (suspected to be the UFO crash).  A Richard V. Wheeler was suspected to be the officer who allowed Crain to handle a piece of “a space ship.” Crain said that the truth about UFOs and crashes was “common knowledge” among the scientists and engineers at Wright-Patterson. Wernher Von Braun was one of those scientists.

Mark Magruder, the son of Lieutenant Colonel Marion Milton “Black Mac” Magruder, highly decorated World War II fighter pilot, told of his father’s witnessing the bodies and remnants of the Roswell UFO crash during April of 1948.


Their book covered several interesting avenues. Alleged physical descriptions are given from the files of Leonard Stringfield: Dr. Lejeune Foster who examined bodies retrieved at Roswell, Dr. Leon E. Kazarian, who specialized in biomechanics, and was a senior-level scientist with the Air Force Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson in the 1960s and 1970s, were probable witnesses. Dr. Leon B. Visse, a French expert on biological elements connected with cellular tissue, did a 1959 examination of alien corpses at Wright-Patterson. There were other scientists. John Mosgrove in October of 1979 was party to a dental specimen of an alleged alien jaw bone from Wright-Patterson.

The authors additionally uncovered the testimony of Robert L. Marshall Jr., an iron worker who helped construct some of the special hangers and sites at Wright Field. It was through his testimony, and a few witnesses, that the puzzle about “Hanger 18” became clearer: there was a Building 18, and in fact a “building 18 complex of A, B, C, D, F and G.”

Scientists Elroy John Center and Fred Wang supposedly worked with the Roswell material. Several UFO investigators followed their trail into the development of “Nitinol,” a laboratory attempt to mimic the mysterious qualities of the fragments.

Randle’s book and investigation was not privy to many of the Carey-Schmitt findings, which came later than the publication of his Roswell book. One of the more interesting stories is the deathbed affidavit of Walter Haut (a writer for UFO Casebook summarized): “The prize witness is Walter Haut, as most of us know, the Roswell base public information officer, who put out Colonel Blanchard’s recovered flying disc press release on July 8, 1947.” 

Haut in 2002 filled out a notarized affidavit, to be sealed until after his death.  Here the affidavit is revealed in full. Haut, as he first did in an oral history with Wendy Connors and Dennis Balthaser in 2000, revealed seeing the crash object and several small bodies with big heads at Hangar 84, being taken there by Col. Blanchard.This was on Tuesday, July 8 in the afternoon, after the press release had hit the wires. 

Haut also revealed first hearing about the Brazel debris field and another crash location 40 miles to the north, where the main craft and bodies were, on Monday afternoon, July 7, after returning to the base from home after the 4th of July weekend. 

The northern site had just been found by civilians and rumors of the two sites were beginning to break out in town and on the base. 

The following morning at 7:30, Haut attended the senior staff morning meeting where everybody was briefed as to what was happening. Marcel and Cavitt described their findings at the Brazel debris field and Blanchard filled in everybody on the second crash site. 

Haut also stated that Gen. Ramey and Col. Dubose were there, meaning they had flown in from Fort Worth. 

Debris was passed around for everybody to handle and nobody could identify it. Much of the meeting was devoted to discussing how to handle the situation and what the public should be told. 

Here Haut discussed some of the rationale behind the issuing of the puzzling press release. According to Haut, it was Gen. Ramey’s idea to divert public attention away from the closer and more important craft/body site. Haut felt Ramey was just carrying out orders from the Pentagon. 

Haut also stated he went out to at least one of the sites and brought back some debris of his own. He was aware of two teams that went out for months afterwards to try to uncover any physical evidence that might have been left behind. Although he doesn’t say it, Haut is here providing some corroboration for various tales of debris confiscation afterwards, such as told by Bill Brazel Jr. 

Haut’s affidavit plus other testimony below revives the crash site 40 miles of north of Roswell where the main craft and bodies were found. 

Haut also presented a new timeline of the discovery of the site on July 7, which means recovery began at this site at the same time Marcel and Cavitt were out at the Brazel debris field investigating it.”

(Additionally, Casey-Schmitt conducted further chronologies of witnesses of some type or degree in their Area 51 book, which the reader should review for themselves.)

Cosmic Conspiracies Magazine surveyed a series of scientific findings at Langley’s Air Force Base “Morphing Project” and DARPA’s CHAP (Compact Hybrid Activation Program), as mentioned by researcher Andy Lloyd as he spoke of the Carey-Schmitt book: 

“The author’s present new research by Anthony Bragalia, who also contributed to ‘Witness to Roswell’,” said researcher Andy Lloyd, “this time, the focus is on first-hand accounts of early research into memory metals, leading on from the reported ‘shape-recovering’ properties of fragments of metal that did the rounds post-Roswell. In this regard, mention is made of Colonel Philip Corso’s testimony about back-engineering of Roswell material, and its consequent widespread seeding in US industry – although the authors appear cautious about Corso’s own ‘deathbed confession’ material. Surprisingly, no mention is made of ‘actuators’ or DARPA during this section of the book. Readers should find a Google search bringing those terms together with ‘shape recovery’ very illuminating.”

A few others had sober comments concerning the Schmitt-Carey endeavor:

“I am also very impressed with the consistency of the accounts as they often neatly fit together into a cross-corroborating narrative of what happened, which I’ve tried to indicate in the presentation of the various witness accounts.

“It is also hard not to be impressed with the sheer numbers of witnesses that have been compiled. Can all of them be lying? Would a Mogul balloon cause this? 

“I have some quibbles about the organization and writing up of some accounts in the book. Tables summarizing witnesses would have been very useful. There are very large numbers of them to keep track of and they are often scattered throughout the book. 

“However, in general this is a very impressive body of testimony that Carey and Schmitt have collected and has given me a lot of things to think about.”


Tim Printy was one of the most stringent critics of UFO Cases and the Roswell mystery and went to great lengths to analyze the statements of Roswell witnesses exposing what he feels are obvious lapses in witness logic and statements. In his website, Vultures in the Desert, Printy showed how easily this can be done when one is dedicated to likewise brutally analyzing the issues (though one wonders at what expense this is done to the full truth and fairness). He concluded his arguments, thusly:

“Don Schmitt and Tom Carey have presented us the truth as they see it. However, their version of the truth is nothing more than rumor and stories, that can’t be checked, being presented as fact. Recall that Glenn Dennis, Gerald Anderson, Frank Kaufmann, and James Ragsdale were honest credible witnesses as well and swore that they were telling the truth. By rationalizing problems with their testimony, investigators allowed them to appear as star witnesses and contaminate the witness pool with lots of ideas for new stories. It took years for investigators to finally admit they were not so credible and their testimony was discarded. Like the mythical Hydra, which grew back a head (or two) when one was lopped off, new ‘credible’ witnesses began to show up to fill the void left by the discredited ones.  Are they any more ‘credible’ than the discredited ones before them? What prevents these ‘new’ witnesses from just repeating new versions of the tales previously told? It is these ‘astonishing eyewitness reports’ that serve as the carrion of Roswell. They feed these sensationalist writings about crashed spaceships and alien bodies. One can expect more revelations from the vultures that continue to hover near the dying veterans of the 509th waiting for some vague utterance that they can twist around into another ‘undeniable truth’.”

“No there is no positive evidence on Roswell, and after 65 years it is safe to say there never will be.

“All we shall ever get is a repeat of the 3 things you elucidate (regurgitating old Roswell facts, being obsessed with this case and not searching out new evidence). And it goes without saying that conspiracy theory is an essential part of the Roswell ‘story’. Yes, essential, since the whole tale is based on the USAF gathering up and storing the wreckage and bodies. But they have never admitted this, and never released the documentation. Ergo, they have hushed it up – hence conspiracy theory inevitably follows from this.

“So, yes, you are right. The case is as dead as a dodo; unless and until the actual debris, wreckage or paperwork is found and produced. I’ll leave you to work out the chances of this.”

Terry: Saturday, April 07, 2012 [].


Perhaps in an ‘roundabout’ exercise and response to UFO critics such as Tim Printy in their largesse to ‘clear thinking.’ UFO researchers Mark Rodeghier and Mark Chesney likewise destroy the Air Force argument that the Roswell object was a Mogul balloon, illustrating that there was no possible way it could have been, and also showing the subversive and inaccurate logic of said critics:

Extent of debris. Sheridan Cavitt mentioned the debris as 20-feet in length at most. The Air Force report, however, further mentioned a July 9, 1947 news report that the debris field was 200 yards in size. Both could not be correct.

General appearance.The Air Force report mentioned that a possible balloon lay out in the desert for ten days, June 4 to 14, 1947: the neoprene would have turned to grey or black flakes or even ash. This is not what was found by Cavitt or Brazel. This is, as it stands, irreconcilable. 

Type of balloon. Brazel had found two weather balloons previously, and he stated this is not what he found. Irving Newton and Sheridan Cavitt were the two that insisted the object was a weather balloon, however. Mogul flight 4 was stated already by Mogul employees as normal balloons and not unusual, but they were definitely not standard weather balloons.

Symbols. When grilled on what he saw, Cavitt insisted that he did not see any kind of writing at all or “anything like that.” Then how could claims about children’s decorative tape with writing become substantiated?

“There is one other flagrant lacuna that confirms to us, at least, that the Air Force was not interested in conducting an in-depth investigation into Roswell: the lack of thoughtful and insightful questions by Weaver as he interviewed Cavitt. Earlier we noted the bizarre situation in which Cavitt was able to recognize balloon debris immediately, but Marcel and Blanchard could not.”

Similarly, UFO researcher Stanton Friedman challenged another UFO critic, Kent Jeffrey, in Jeffrey’s attack on Roswell theories:

Kent Jeffrey’s anti-Roswell conclusions (MUFON Journal, June, 1997) are based on the same kind of false reasoning that led to his pro-Roswell views: Don’t bother me with the facts, my mind’s made up; be enthusiastic and ready to put one’s money where one’s mouth is, but don’t have the facts in hand first; don’t bother finding out how security works; believe what one wants to believe. Do one’s research by proclamation rather than investigation. Select from the data available to back up your conclusions, and ignore the facts that don’t.

“Kent stated on a recent radio show with me that he has never had a security clearance and his article certainly shows over and over again that he doesn’t understand: that higher classification info cannot be presented in lower classification documents; that having a particular level clearance is not enough to gain access to classified information; that one must have a need-to-know for that information; that people with high level security clearance do not pass on classified information to people not having a clearance and need-to-know for the information…In short, Kent Jeffrey’s enthusiastic ‘definitive’ article is a splendid example of propaganda, NOT investigation.


“In a podcast interview with Canadian filmmaker Paul Kimball released on August 25, 2013, Kevin Randle stated that while he still personally believed that an extraterrestrial spacecraft crashed in New Mexico, the evidence does not support that conclusion beyond a reasonable doubt. ‘We really can’t get to the extraterrestrial,’ stated Randle. ‘We can eliminate practically everything else that you care to mention, but that still doesn’t get us to the extraterrestrial.’”—1947.html.

Randle collects the major testimonies both pro and con, leaving it to the readers’ inquisitiveness to discover further evidence. “Now we need to finish the job, learning exactly what fell, and letting the world in on the greatest secret of the last thousand years.”

If you would like more information on Roswell Revisted simply click on this link: Roswell Revisited


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