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Reasonable Theories Can Differ, An Alternative Theory Of 2012


As we stand on the precipice of December 21, 2012, many theories have been written and discussed about this looming date. Many of these theories are apocalyptic that concentrate on the world ending. Some of these theories are Planet X will collide with our planet, the beginning of World War III and a nuclear holocaust, the sun perishes becoming a Supernova, the ripping apart of our world by tumultuous seismic activities and volcanic eruptions, the galaxy aligning creating a combined gravitational effect between the Sun, and the supermassive black hole at the center of the universe which wrecks havoc on Earth.

Rather than concentrate on these theories, I propose an alternative theory of December 21, 2012. This theory is not entirely new, but the evidence that I interject combines some scientific evidence into the New Age proposition of a shift in the collective consciousness of humanity on this date. Astronomers and other scientist as pseudoscience have previously rejected much of this; however, my plausibility intertwines New Age concepts with proven scientific concepts.

This hypothesis acknowledges there will be a shift in the collective consciousness of humanity, and will bring a dramatic change in the way the human mind works. This will materialize as we make a dimensional shift from the third dimension (present dimension to the fifth dimension) Through manifestation this shift will take place individually. Scientifically, utilizing the concept of connectivity, it will radiate throughout into the universe. Our planet Earth is likewise recognized as a living being via the Gaia Earth Theory, and will also make this shift in collective consciousness. The Gaia Earth Theory encompasses all the living and non-living components of the Earth’s biosphere. The proposition is that the complex interacting systems regulate our environment to a very high degree. This is so extensive; the planet may be viewed as a single organism in its own right.

I will examine in this article how this flows, and the change in the collective consciousness will affect all including the planet and the universe leading to the heightened enlightenment as we depart the Age of Pieces to enter the Age of Aquarius.


Individually in manifestation to manifest your desires, you must shift your vibration. We are all energetic and vibrational beings in an energetic and vibrational universe. You are both a transmitter and a receiver of energy. You attract those things that you are in vibrational resonance with. The vibration is your feeling, and higher vibrations and feelings are the medium that will allow you to manifest your desires more easily.

It has been stated that emotion is energy, and energy attracts like energy according to the law of attraction. You attract what you are signaling. This can be analogized to a vibrational transmitter. You send out signals that either attract or repel other vibrational beings, events, and experiences.

Because you are a vibrational transmitter, your being has a vibrational hum. The true signal that you emit is a frequency. Also, you can tune into signals from our immediate environment. The summation of all the signals that you are sending out is your energy signature. Your individual thoughts and feelings are the effects of the signals. If you change the signal that you are emitting, your thoughts and feelings will shift as well.

The vibration you are experiencing and your environment will shift to equilibrium over time. To make a change in your equilibrium, your dominant signal must change. If you start transmitting a new signal, you shift your vibration to making a lasting disconnect with your current environment. Just as a magnet, you will repel whatever is incompatible with your new signal and attract people, events and experiences that are compatible with your new signal. The goal is to hold this new vibration long enough to make lasting changes in your physical reality. You may use visualization to enforce this. Also, you may change your emotional signals by changing your environmental physical and social reality.

Controlling your individual vibrational frequency is powerful to create what you desire. Through our individual vibrational manifestation, we can utilize it to move to higher levels of consciousness and heightened enlightenment. Individually we utilize manifestation to raise our vibrational level compatible with entering the fifth dimension, as we approach December 21, 2012 and on into 2013 and beyond. This is a separate personal journey and choice.


As individuals we may feel separated from the remainder of the universe as we make this vast vibrational transformation. It is true we are separated from the universe, being connected principally by the “present moment” and gravity.

However this separation is only partial and temporary, and exits because it allows us personal freedom of action and experience. In this case, utilizing manifestation to raise our vibrational level is compatible with entering the fifth dimension. It also guarantees that when it does come time to redeem the symmetry and energy debts represented by atomic charge and rest mass, they will be undiminished by time or use. Conservation will eventually be complete and in full measure.

Temporary separation is simply the only way the entropic conservation of matter and history can function to allow a free will, personal, individual experience and still guarantee complete conservation in the fullness of time. Gravity is actually our physical connection to the greater universe. As long as gravity functions, you can have faith and trust in the physical reality and security of our connection to the immense conservation domain of historic space time that is our universe.1

The evolutionary achievement of human consciousness through this transformation centered around December 21, 2012 is one self-sufficient goal of the universe and evolution. As we become more self-aware and enlightened, our self-awareness becomes that of the cosmos. This information and this heightened enlightenment and consciousness will live forever in the historic domain of space time.

This connectivity has strengthened the Human Collective Consciousness in entirely new ways. On a metaphysical level, this expansive has grown from the Human Collective Consciousness into a Universal or Global Consciousness. Included in this Global Consciousness are the consciousness of animals, plants, trees, mountains, rivers, the oceans, and the consciousness of the Entire Planet Earth as she spins around the Sun.

Gaia Earth Theory Application

James Lovelock, an atmospheric chemist, formulated the Gaia Earth Theory. Also, Lynn Margulis, an evolutionary biologist has partnered with him on the theory. They say that the Earth is alive. A life-like quality emerges from the interaction of living beings with each other and with non-living parts of the planetary systems. Examples are the rocks, atmosphere, and ocean. Further, not only does the Earth support individual living organisms and species, but the sum all these organisms in the Earth’s environment creates a system, that is also alive. The Earth is able to self-regulate essential characteristics of its environment such as the average temperature, the salinity of the oceans, and the mixture of the gases including oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

The range of the Gaia Earth hypothesis may be split into a range of hypotheses from Weak Gaia to the radical or Strong Gaia views. The weaker versions are more acceptable from an orthodox scientific perspective. Guy Murchie who extends the quality of a holistic lifeform to galaxies has proposed one form of the strong Gaia hypothesis. Murchie describes geologic phenomena such as sand dunes, glaciers, fires, and so forth, as living organisms, as well as the life of metals and crystals. The most extreme forms of the Strong Gaia hypothesis is that the entire Earth is a single unified organism that is consciously manipulating the climate to make conditions more conducive to life.

I extend the theory, because the Gaia Earth is considered a living being under this theory, as an individual can manifest and raise their vibrational levels, so can Gaia Earth raise her vibrational levels, and she is now doing so.

It is presented that this has been taking place and is an answer to the unexplainable mysterious booms, shaking and noises throughout the world. Since March 2011, this has been especially evident. Gaia Earth is manifesting and raising her vibrational levels as we approach December 21, 2012 and proceed on into 2013.

This year around March 23, 2012, in Alabama, Georgia, and Wisconsin a mysterious boom shook buildings and created a loud noise. Although for parts of Wisconsin the booms were associated with a minor quake, earthquakes were ruled out for Alabama and Georgia. Aircrafts or possible sonic booms were ruled out by Government agencies.

According to ABC news, City Administrator Lisa Kuss of Clintonville Wisconsin said, “I think that right now the greatest possibility is that it is some sort of natural phenomenon. I think that it’s a possibility that there is some earth shifting going on underneath the ground that creates those popping sort of exploding popping or vibrating noises that people feel.”2

Other recent occurrences include the Indian town of Jawhar plagued by noises and tremors, loud booms and shaking ground in the California foothills. A mysterious hum surfaced in Wellington, New Zealand in October. Loud booms and mysterious ground shaking in New Jersey was attributed to earth wobbles although on the date, October 22, 2012, no earthquakes were reported by the U.S. Geological Survey. Additionally, the loud booms and earth shaking were also reported during July and August in the same area. In that same three month period, they were reported in Australia, Nova Scotia, Cananda and the U.K. and across the United States including Ohio, Georgia, Illinois, Mississippi, Michigan, Louisiana, and Tennessee.

Under the hypothesis these are attributed to GAO Earth vibrationally manifesting into the fifth dimension as December 21, 2012 beckons. Due to this, there is some kind of shaking going on. The sounds are the inner crust of the earth as there are shifts in the sedimentary distribution, underground water, or other localized natural geological phenomena. 

Currently, we are in the fourth dimension and we will enter the fifth dimension in 2013. Prior to the fourth dimension, our consciousness had been in the third dimension where discovery and the concept of curiosity were developed. The fourth dimension is “living outside the box” The concepts of time and space are introduced. As we shift into conscious 5th dimension existence, paradigm shifts, which include, awakenings, enlightenments, and ascension occur on an individual and mass scale. Being in the fourth dimension can be described as the act of being in the moment, while making this transformation into the fifth dimension is the passive action of allowing for any and all potentiality and possibility. We will no longer struggle to control and impose limitations upon others and ourselves. We will be and allow others to be as they are with out limitation. The possibilities are there and we allow them to happen without strife. The fifth dimension will allow us as a civilization and planet to have more freedom and less restriction on all levels.

We as a civilization must embrace this shift and ascend in harmony with our plant, Gaia Earth. I believe we will make it successfully past December 21, 2012, and will enter the fifth dimension in 2013.

Both the earth and we as individuals are evolving, going through the process of ascension at this time. As individuals we filter and integrate the elements from the earth and cosmos, ethereally and energetically, into our bodies via the chakras so the body and consciousness can function and heal itself to sustain a life force within this dimension on Earth. We continue to evolve in body and consciousness. The Earth continues to change and evolve through this time.

In actuality as it relates to the Earth ascension is a state of evolution. For example, at times in the past there have been extinctions of animal species and the completion of ancient civilizations because of intense Earth and weather changes. Those species that survived these Earth changes were energetically sustained to evolve by making the necessary evolutionary step in their body and consciousness.

Examples of Gaia Earth and cosmos entering the fifth dimension along with the internal and external sounds we have witnessed include the dramatic increase in the number of M and X class solar flares, dramatic increases in the number and severity of seismic activity, the rediscovery of ancient civilizations and the ancient memories and knowledge, changes in the Ice Caps, and the changing migratory patterns of birds, dolphins and whales.

For each of us to master this time of transition, we must lift our personal vibration so we can anchor or template to create the necessary changes within and around ourselves, in accordance with the changes occurring as we enter the fifth dimension. The changes in Gaia Earth are creating the necessary energetic and alchemical changes within our bodies so that our bodies can adapt and ascend into a higher level of frequency and consciousness, as well as creating the necessary energetic and alchemical changes in the planet itself.

These massive consciousness and geographical changes presently taking place, as we approach December 21, 2012 and beyond, are supporting our humanity to awaken and evolve to live in synergy with the scientific laws that govern the connected universe. My personal challenge is to prove me wrong.


1. Credit: NASA, ESA, CFHT, CXO, M.J. Jee (University of California, Davis), and A. Mahdavi (San Francisco State University), Also review for additional information.

2. Dolak, K (2012, March 21) Mysterious Booms and Trembles Plague Wisconsin Town,

Baffle Scientists, ABC, 4 pgs. Retrieved November 16, 2012, from ABC News database.

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