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By Anders Nilsson

Is Science opposed to Spirituality? Has the world of incredible scientific discoveries, and the explosion of computers, smart phones, amazing apps and the like become the new religion? Do we believe science and medicine will handle every conceivable need and philosophical issue?

As a physics and chemistry research scientist and a spirtual teacher, I can see both sides. I believe that science and spirituality can co exist and be complementary to each other. To understand the outer, social and physical world we turn to science, but to understand the realm that our physical senses cannot see or touch is where the power of spirituality comes into play.

In The Gentle Way of the Heart, I write about going within to discover a true self that experiences and responds to the physical reality of the world, while remaining secure in the belief that the divinity of the self exists beyond time and space. Science cannot study the true self, the real “us” that is connected with all of existence to the Divine, the source of everything that feels love and seeks oneness. Traditional science does not explain every element of human existence.

We experience the physical world through our five senses and we use our bodies to communicate and interact with our surroundings and those within the society in which we live. Science explains and paints a picture of how that physical world operates, a llowing us to actually see the smallest dimensions within atoms and look far out into the universe. Medical science is also helping us understand the nature of our brains and how they connect through the nervous system with the rest of the body and determine how we act and int eract. When we are challenged or experience fear of the future, the false self takes over and for some, completely dominates their lives. Science has developed many disciplines and therapeutic methods to study various facets of the false self, which in many cases is derived from childhood trauma.

By striving to transform this false self and come closer to our true being, we can use science and technology as tools to manifest our innermost wishes that derive from love within, a love that has no boundaries and seeks pure openness. The true self emerges when we are gentle and kind to our surroundings, to others and to ourselves. When spirituality meets science, a harmonious, healthy earth can be imagined. Instead of competition with and divisiveness from others, pathways can be established that bring mankind together.

As a scientist, I look from my own true self upon the beauty of the physical and natural world, and my heart sings with gratitude that I can have such an experience. I know that we can build a remarkable future when all of humanity operates from the true self and manifests from the Divine within. We can develop the tools to make abundance and individual contribution available to everyone.

We can create artificial photosynthesis to generate fuel from captured CO2, water and sunlight, and chemicals and materials generated in green processes with side products that are harmless to our environment, and purify polluted or salty water so everyone have access to clean water. We can build houses based on synergy with nature, where the construction is almost biological.

As humans on a journey together on planet Earth, we are co-creators of the world that we inhabit. Through the self-discovery concepts laid out in my new book, The Gentle Way of the Heart, science and spirituality can be joined to create a Divine world on the Earth and to manifest the wishes of the Divine source that exists deep within all of us. By finding and living from our true selves, we can create a harmonious, love-focused world in which we accept everything as it is and everyone for who they are. We can change our lives and the future of man by bringing science and spirituality together.

For more information or to purchase this book from AMAZON.COM simply click on its title: The Gentle Way of the Heart


About the Author: Born in Sweden, Anders Nilsson received a Ph.D. in Physics from Uppsala University, and has engaged in award-winning fundamental research in physics and chemistry for decades. In 2000, he moved to California to become a Professor of Photon Science at Stanford University. Currently studying the fundamental properties and structure of liquid water and artificial photosynthesis, he has authored or co-authored numerous scientific papers.

In parallel, and independent from his role as Stanford professor, he has led spiritual workshops in Sweden for many years.


©2014 Anders Nilsson, author of The Gentle Way of the Heart published by Nordic Light Press. EAN: 978-0-

9892746-0-9 List Price: US $14.99


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