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Second Sight


by Lindy Tucker 


It was late in the evening on March 3, 1975 when my world started changing. I was living in a small town in southern Ontario and I was upstairs reading a book in bed around 11:30 PM when I got this strange thought in my head; and that thought was that if I “went downstairs and looked out the back door, I’d see something”. So, I got dressed and went downstairs and flung the back door open and there were three brilliant lights on the horizon, just hanging there. And they were huge.

After a few minutes, I called to my husband and neighbor who were upstairs watching TV, and they came down and watched them with me. We couldn’t figure out what it was and after about 20 minutes, these three brilliant “lights” just came together into one and blinked out. I forgot about them until about a week later when I got that same peculiar feeling again…that if I went out back and looked, that I would “see something”. And I was washing dishes at that moment, so I dried my hands and went out the back door, and this time there were several of them turning different colors and making angular and triangular movements in the sky. They would go together as one, then blink out, then re-appear and split apart again.

So whatever this was, I was aware of it and it would call to me, early enough in the day to tell my neighbors what time of the evening a light show would start. And they would always be on time. Then along came a peculiar, metallic beeping sound, like the sonar from a submarine…loud and piercing. It had a rotational quality to it and filled the night air. Soon after that came a close encounter with a rotating thirty foot disc with a lighted dome on the top. I could have thrown a rock at it. My neighbors and I had gone back out one night to investigate the lights and the sound and we all saw it. My life changed even more from that moment on. It was like sticking a finger in a live electrical socket, because I was able to sense or know things from that point on; things my normal awareness never paid attention to. I now have precognitive abilities…. or “second sight”.

This “telepathic contact” with the lights and sound started a cat and mouse game I never got tired of playing. Unusual events started happening. I noticed a PSI energy around me. Telephone disconnections due to an unusual sound coming through the wires, clocks stopping when I looked at them, double exposures occurring when I used a Polaroid camera, batteries draining, electrical objects turning on without me touching them, alarms going off, compasses spinning in my hand, bizarre synchronicities, crushing headaches, periods of narcolepsy, appliances turning on or timers or alarms going off, odd rashes or burns after being out late in the fields trying to get closer to this mysterious force that was getting closer to me.

I remember one night being approached by a large glowing mass…a luminous orange sphere about three feet across. I felt it was sentient, and I stopped dead in my tracks. There were other times when my husband and I would be followed by a solitary light for 10 miles or more, pacing the car and changing direction as we changed direction. I’d step out of the car, and it would stay for a moment than blink out.

Two odd things followed the sightings. I grew a 75 pound cabbage in my garden that summer, right after my close encounter (Click Here for Photo). I felt like I was caught between Findhorn and the Twilight Zone. A field of cattle corn went down on the land adjacent to our property. I remember discussing it with my husband at the time, as every single stalk was laid down as far as the eye could see. It also looked singed. We noticed this because we were going into the field weekly to pick fresh corn for dinner. There had been no storm, no damaging winds. At the time we figured that some cows had got into the field and laid down every single stalk. And we left it at that. It had to be another 15 years before I saw my first photo of a corn circle and saw the damage, that reminded me of that field next to ours so long ago.

We moved out of the area a couple of years later, but the contacts followed, but in a different fashion.

We ended up in Florida in a small town, far away from the rugged outdoors of southern Ontario. Because of some odd things that started happening, including hearing the beeping sounds again; I decided to become my own investigator, joining MUFON (the Mutual UFO Network) and met an incredible group of professionals who quickly put me on the right path to finding answers. I found that “beeping UFO” cases just like mine were prevalent in certain areas in the 1960’s and 70’s and that the Air Force had declassified some of them. The handwritten reports of the same size disc with the lighted dome on top, along with the strange metallic beeping sounds caused quite a stir and had titles like “Survivors of the Beep Beep”, or “Our UFO Summer”. These cases occurred in the Pacific Northwest, Oregon, Alberta, southern Ontario and upstate New York for many years. Not only did the Air Force officially investigate these sounds and sightings, but I was able to collect nine recordings of these beeping sounds and gave them to a tenured aerospace professor out at the University of Austin, Texas. Although the Air Force’s Condon report passed the sounds (and local hysteria) off as a Sawhet owl, our findings prove it is NOT an owl. For one, these beeping sounds were reportedly heard over AM/FM longwave/shortwave, CB and car radios, and even a TV set, while the craft was in sight. Of course, the Air Force conveniently left these eyewitness accounts out of their official report.

The beeping cases I accumulated all happened from 1962 to 1992, so it has been quiet ever since. It doesn’t mean that they are on the same time line as we are, and they can re-occur at any time. The intelligence that comes with this form of contact, is that it is intelligent, and it appears to move among society causing changes. For example, after meeting with Dr. Steven Greer in 1991, within days, the beeping sounds appeared in his home, while he talking to his wife Emily about me. Another odd co-incidence happened in 2002 when I was visiting his home in Virginia. A crop circle with a variation on the CSETI logo appeared 2 miles from my old homestead in southern Ontario! (see top of page)

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