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Triangle UFO  report

Since I have published my article concerning the new style of UFO’s being reported this year I have had reports of people seeing what I described in the article. I have included one report here that was seen recently and have others with a video of other recent reports on my blog .

Below find recent report:

  Subject: Triangle UFO  report
  Place: Ocean City, NJ  
  Date: Saturday morning around 3-3:30am, August 17th  2013
My girlfriend and I were out with friends. We got back to her place about 3 am. My girlfriend’s brother and sister in law were with us and went to bed as soon as we got home. My girlfriend and I went outside on the deck to smoke a cigarette. I knew that the Presides were still semi active so I was I looking up and coaxed her to look up as well to see if we could spot a few shooting stars. 
After seeing a few shooting stars something else caught my eye. .It was giving off a very soft deep reddish glow and was an unmistakable triangle moving across the sky. It did not change direction but seemed as though it appeared from nowhere right over head and headed south following the shoreline. I brought it to her attention because I wanted to make sure I was not seeing things but she saw it too.
 It was not a satellite, nor an airplane that I’ve ever seen before.  I work nights and I tend to look out at the night sky daily. I don’t miss meteor showers or when the ISS passes over. I also have an app on my phone that gives me the location of visible satellites. This was something that I’ve never seen before for sure. I read the article posted on “beforeitisnews” and reminded me of it. And since you had your email address up, I figured I’d email you my story.  if you have any questions or comments I’d be more than happy to assist you . Thank you  for your time.
   Name withheld by request
Find other reports posted under my article  ‘ New Style of UFO’s ‘ @
Chris Hollys Paranormal World



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