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Sirius documentary producer wants profits for crowdfunders and truth for the masses

If producer J.D. Seraphine has his way, “Sirius” will become the first film in movie history that is “funded by the people, made for the people and then distributed by the people.” Credits:  Sirius/Never Ending Light Productions L.L.C.

In an exclusive live interview broadcast over YouTube on Wednesday, May 29, 2013, “Sirius” producer J.D. Seraphine responded to critics who argue that the documentary film (cited as the result of one of the most successful crowdfunding initiatives in internet history) should be available to the public at no charge. “Of course we considered putting it out on YouTube for free,” the son of the hit band Chicago’s founding drummer Danny Seraphine explained. “A lot of documentaries in this subject have been done that way. But we said to ourselves, “Who’s going to see the movie then?””

Sirius” is billed as “A feature length documentary that follows Dr. Steven Greer – an emergency room doctor turned UFO researcher – as he struggles to disclose top secret information about classified energy & propulsion techniques.” Drawing from the CSETI and Disclosure Project founder’s extensive archives of whistleblower interviews and Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind night vision videos, the film chronicles Dr. Greer’s quest to understand an artifact called the “Atacama Humanoid” while examining prototype “free energy” devices and their implications for a new social, economic and political world order.

During the one-hour interview, J.D. Seraphine offered expert insight into the nature of contemporary movie distribution, reflecting how “If you’re “Zeitgeist” and you monetize your YouTube channel and you have 100 million people watch your movie, you’ve made a lot of money.”

When it comes to online content piracy, the production manager and coordinator for blue-chip companies including Nike and Apple is less effusive. “Anyone who has the illusions that the Pirate Bay people and the people who pirate films are not making money off of the pirated content, then you’re delusional. Because the reality is they’re selling advertising to porn companies.”

Global patronage of content piracy websites can invoke dire consequences for the future of a vibrant, viable domestic motion picture arts and sciences community. J.D. Serphine concedes that with publicly-supported online content piracy, it’s the pirates who profit “instead of an independent filmmaker whose only goal is to barely make a living trying to spread truth and knowledge into the world.”

If the film’s producer has his way, “Sirius” will become the first film in movie history that is “funded by the people, made for the people and then distributed by the people.”

Click here to watch “Sirius Producer J.D. Seraphine LIVE on UFOPM,” an exclusive interview from Wednesday, May 29, 2013, featuring “Sirius” producer J.D. Seraphine in a one-hour discussion with former CBS Radio feature producer, Jon Kelly.

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