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Slow Moving Ball of Light Reported By Michigan Cab Driver

by Roger Marsh
UFO Examiner

A Roseville, Michigan cab driver reports an “orange-pinkish” ball of light slow moving under 300 feet at 7:22 p.m. on November 20, 2010, while driving east on 10 Mile Road, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The light remained constant as it moved directly above the witness, who stated that it then appeared to be about “500 feet in the air.”

“There was no structure that I could make out, just a light,” the witness stated. “An orange-ish pink-ish hue, a color unlike any other light I have ever seen in the sky, and although not extremely bright, it appeared to have sort of brilliant corona, as if it should have been bright, but the intensity of the light just was not bright. Kind of difficult to explain really.”

As the object moved overhead, the witness stated that it moved in a slow to moderate pace and was gaining altitude.

“I would say it was climbing at a 45 degree angle. Even though the speed appeared to be constant (slow to moderate) it didn’t take long (about 90 seconds?) for the object to fade away into the distance, at which point I would guess it to be several thousand feet by then.”

The witness is guessing the object was about six feet in diameter.

“If my estimate of its height when I got out of the car to look at it is correct (500 feet), then I would guess its size to be six feet in diameter. The light never varied in intensity, it didn’t flicker, and it didn’t change color.”

The witness believes the object moved in a controlled manner, ruling out many conclusions like balloons or radio controlled craft.

Roseville is a city in Macomb County, Michigan, population 48,129. No video or images were included with the MUFON report, which was filed on November 21, 2010.

Michigan is a current UFO ALERT 5 rating, with a lower than average number of UFO sightings recently. Michigan had 18 UFO sighting reports in October 2010.

You can read more details about other recently reported cases at the UFO Examiner home page. The most up-to-date UFO information can be heard at web radio show UFO Traffic Report every Wednesday, 9 – 10:30 p.m. EST, which includes a UFO Witness Testimony Program segment, and an update of the UFO ALERT national rating system. Past shows are available at the Archive page.

The following is the unedited and as yet uninvestigated report filed with MUFON. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or manmade. If Michigan MUFON State Director William J. Konkolesky investigates and reports back on this case, I will release an update. Please report UFO activity to

MI, November 20, 2010 – small orange-pinkish light moved in a straight line from NE to SW. MUFON Case # 26684.

I’ve been working the night shift as a cab driver for several years, and I’m an avid skywatcher, and a UFO “enthusiast”, if you will. I’m constantly keeping my eyes on the skies, but up until now I’ve NEVER seen anything that I couldn’t explain(as much as I have wanted to see something).

On Saturday, November 20th at 7:22 p.m. I was driving in the city of Roseville Michigan, going eastbound on 10 mile road, when I saw this strange light directly ahead of me, at what appeared to be maybe 200 to 300 feet in the air.

At first I thought it might have been a firework(a roman candle) that someone had just shot off. But the light remained constant and didn’t dim or go out, which is when I said to myself “what the HECK is that?”. I immediately pulled over onto a side street and got out of the car to get a good look at it.

At this point it was almost directly above me, and now looked to be perhaps 500 feet in the air.

Although it’s hard to judge distance on a “LIGHT”. There was no STRUCTURE that I could make out, just a LIGHT. An orange-ish pink-ish hue, a color unlike any other light I have ever seen in the sky, and although not extremely bright, it appeared to have sort of brilliant corona, as if it SHOULD have been bright, but the intensity of the light just was not bright. Kind of difficult to explain really.

As I watched it fly past, it “appeared” to be moving at a relatively slow to moderate speed, steadily gaining altitude, and heading on a true and straight line trajectory. I would say it was climbing at a 45 degree angle. Even though the speed appeared to be constant(slow to moderate) it didn’t take long(about 90 seconds?) for the object to fade away into the distance, at which point I would guess it to be several thousand feet by then. Like I said, it’s hard to gauge distance on a LIGHT, and it was also small in size.

If my estimate of it’s height when I got out of the car to look at it is correct(500 feet), then I would guess it’s size to be 6 feet in diameter. The light never varied in intensity, it didn’t flicker, and it didn’t change color.

I don’t know what this was, but I can tell you what it wasn’t. It wasn’t a Chinese lantern. It wasn’t a balloon. It wasn’t a flare tied to a balloon. It wasn’t any sort of radio controlled craft. And it definitely wasn’t any type of conventional aircraft. It was simply a “LIGHT”. Close enough for me to see that it wasn’t “attached” to any sort of craft, although the possibility remains that it was indeed a craft, that was “glowing”. It flew, not floated, but “FLEW” like some type of craft. I don’t know what it was, but I’ve never seen anything like it, and I can’t for the life of me explain it. My very first UFO.

Story continues: here.


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