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Somewhere Over the Rainbow, A Response to: “The Changing Tide of Unidentified Craft Being Reported”

Chris Holly’s article “The Changing Tide of Unidentified Craft Being Reported,” in which a man phoned the radio show and reported what he and his family saw a flying building, reminded me of a wonderful sighting reported in John Keel’s

Disneyland of the Gods book, in which observers saw a saucer-shaped UFO with a big Mickey Mouse painting on the outside. John Keel and Jacque Vallee researched a number of UFO sightings which seemed to be flying buildings (rectangles), rigid geometric shapes like squares and triangles, and even locomotives and trains going across the sky.

I wonder if there is a changing tide of unidentified craft being reported, or if this has always been a feature of whatever they are. Perhaps several phenomena are involved: maybe there are the flying saucer aliens and then there are the beings who sit on Mars (or somewhere), and send projections once in a while, of flying buildings and trains.

Generally, though, I don’t find evidence at this point that the shapes of the craft are changing radically. The vast majority of UFO sightings are still saucers, triangle-craft, cigar-shaped ships or orbs.

I do not understand Ms Holly’s reference to “la la land – science fiction.”

Let me state that as a longtime science fiction reader and, yes, watcher of shows like

Star Trek and other science fiction shows of quality, my ability as a UFO researcher is not compromised by the fact I like science fiction!

I do not believe religiously in the thousands of realities which science fiction has presented to me, like some people believe in the reality of the scenarios that the Bible offers. I am not brainwashed by Ray Bradbury, Issac Asimov, and Gene Roddenberry, and I am baffled that people would think I am that gullible. I do think they were great writers and creators of science fiction.

I do find great empathy with

Stranger in a Strange Land, it is a memorable, moving experience which my mind, and my soul celebrates. My life would be poorer without it. I do see human potential realized in Star Trek, my dream is that we as a species can become members of the galactic community someday.

Does this mean I am in “la la land?”

Does it mean I am a brain-washed science fiction vegetable being led around through the nose by Hollywood? (“la-la land” started, I do believe, as a silly expression referring to Los Angeles).

If I am disqualified, therefore, as an objective UFO researcher (or as “objective” as any of us are), then let’s disqualify any UFO researcher who is even vaguely Christian. The Bible, if not science

fiction, is a spiritual book which has gone through many translations, and it does give the individual a particular set of perceptions and values. Brain-washing?

If I as one who not only enjoys science fiction, but also finds some inspiration in it, am disqualified as a reporter of UFO sightings and my ideas are automatically no good, let’s also disqualify the UFO researchers who like Confucius, Edgar Cayce, David Icke and Laura Magdalene Eisenhower.

Look, we who love science fiction can read what we like to read just as well as anyone else, and then put on our UFO investigator hats just like everyone else, and leave our personal reading habits in that department of our brain. Science fiction is not some kind of occult magic which is different from everything else ever printed, which then enters your mind and eats it alive. Personally, I think religion does that, but I do not often refer to the inaccuracies of Christian UFO investigators simply because they are Christian. I assume that one’s involvement with a church is left behind as I read his or her report on a UFO sighting or theory. As a science fiction enjoyer, I demand the same respect.

Incidentally good science fiction is more likely an examination of human culture and society, placed in a different setting rather than about some alien planet. Science fiction has a lot of levels and good sci fi is just plain intelligent.

And now I’m going one further, because I ask the question:” Ok, a flying building went over, according to a man I never met. I take Ms Holly’s word for his phone call and its content. I do not know the psychological state of this man. I assume he is a nice man who was vacationing with his family, but I do not know if they ate some magic mushrooms, I do not know if he has called in UFO hoaxes before, all I know is, he saw a building fly by.

Why does his observation trump my abilities as a UFO researcher? Why believe him outright, and then if I give some ideas on his sighting, instantly disqualify me because my reading habits are in “la-la land?” Apparently because I like the la-la land of science fiction, I will not ever be able to understand the man’s flying building.

Actually, my inclination was to start thinking, “Well, was it a projection? Buildings are not aero-dynamic.” Oh, but I bet that is somewhere in a science fiction story! So, stop that line of thinking, not permitted.

So, now, what have we got? A flying building, just a flying building, nowhere to go from there.

My point is, we as human beings cannot help but dream. We cannot help but create with our minds and souls. Should this very human and mostly wonderful aspect of humanity be somehow drummed out of UFOlogy?

What if part of the UFO answer involves our creative human minds? What then?

Ms Holly says that some people have childish attitudes about what is out there, I guess I am one of them, but I would amend “childish” to “child-like.” Not “child-like” in my objective investigations, but in my hopes and dreams, yes.

So, in voicing my opinions and ideas, am I stopping everyone from really knowing what is out there? Should I be dismissed immediately? Ignored? I am a science fiction reader, yes I am.

Is it wrong to dream? Is it wrong to let your mind go over the rainbow on a starry night? This is not what the Dark Ages was about as Ms Holly suggests, the Dark Ages were about stopping this kind of dreaming!

Ms Holly says it is really amazing out there in the universe if only people would look at it for what it is. What is it then? Please tell us! Be careful, do not let your mind dream or fantasize!

I really do not understand. When I was a field investigator for the Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization (APRO) and State Section Director of Florida MUFON, I was painstakingly objective. I still am when I give a UFO sighting report, and I do keep in mind that some observers and even abductees, may have psychological obstacles or hidden reasons not to report truthfully. I think most serious UFO investigators are painstakingly careful to be objective. I did not and do not mix my UFO investigations with my method of relaxation and enjoyment.

In my spare time, can I not dream too? Or are those who do not enjoy science fiction, the only ones allowed to dream of what is out there in the universe? I do not understand.

“Somewhere, over the rainbow, blue birds fly…why then oh why, can’t I?”

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