Stephen Hawking wrong to assume there is no afterlife

The renowned physicist, Stephen Hawking, has claimed that our brains switch off like “broken-down computers” when we die, but how accurate is this assumption? 

Like Stephen Hawking, I do not believe in a God and therefore have difficulty in picturing a heaven (at least in a biblical sense). I also totally agree that our brains are like computers and they will switch off when we obtain a physical death.

However, it is my belief that there is a short period of time (maybe only seconds) before our “computer” switches off, which enables the information in the brain to be transmitted elsewhere. This may not happen for every individual, but there is potential evidence to suggest that it does for some. 

Reincarnation is usually understood as meaning “to be made flesh again”, a belief that some essential part of a living being survives death to be reborn in a new body. This essential part is often referred to as the spirit or soul. 

Many people feel that they have had “past lives” and the most popular way of exploring this possibility is using hypnosis to try and take the subject back to these times, to activate memories that are not visible under normal circumstances. This technique is called Past Life Regression (PLR). 

Whilst most of the results have proven inconclusive, there have been occasions when people have provided details of “past lives” with incredible detail and accuracy. 

Some scientists argue that “there is no evidence of a physical process by which a personality could survive death and travel to another body”. Unfortunately, scientists tend to base their conclusions on “known” science, but that does not mean it is not possible. Until we fully understand the capabilities of our brain, such statements are just as speculative as those made by believers. 

I have my own theory on Life after Death/Reincarnation. It is not connected to any religious beliefs, but simply a logical look at the possibility, using the information available. 

As I have already mentioned in my book “The Unexplained Explored” (especially on the subject of Ghosts and ESP), I believe our brains have the ability to transmit and receive information. By this I mean that information can be sent from one brain to another. 

If this is true, and I believe it is, it might be possible for the memory (or soul if you like) of a dead person to be transferred to a living person and stored in their brain. However, as we do not appear to be aware of this event, the “new” memories must be placed in an area of the brain that we do not use or need, which may explain why we do not remember “previous lives” 

Technically, they are not “our” previous lives, we are merely acting as a host for other people (who have lived in the past). Maybe using hypnosis enables us to recall these hidden memories?

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Unfortunately, it is by no means certain that the “souls” of those who have died make it to the brain of someone living (assuming it is even possible). Researchers have noticed that many of these “past lives” met their deaths by violent means, something I commented on in respect of ghosts in my book. This would seem to suggest that something traumatic needs to occur in order for the memories of the dead person to transfer somewhere else. 

As the brain transmits signals to our body by means of electrochemical pulses (and other methods), perhaps we can speculate that a traumatic experience (like facing a violent death) might produce such a response as to turn the brain into a kind of transmitter, sending out a signal that carries the entire memories of the person who has just died. 

In theory, such a signal could travel some distance before eventually being collected by a “receiving” brain, which accepts the information and stores it. In principle, the new host could receive many “souls” in this way, which become part of the new host’s memories. These too could be passed on when that person dies and so the process is repeated. 

This may explain why some people have more “past lives” than others and why the lives continue to go back further and further in time. 

If all of this is really possible, does our brain have some instinctive safety device that allows it to transmit our “soul” when we die, or does this happen by accident? And if it is by design, what is the purpose? 

Although many religions frown on the subject of reincarnation, should they? Is there not mention of Christ returning at the End of Times, where “the dead shall be raised”. Surely this must mean their souls, not their physical bodies? 

Unlike Stephen Hawking, I would not claim that God does not exist (who can possibly know that for certain?), it is only my personal belief (and logic) that prevents me from being a believer. But if you do believe, could it not be part of Gods “plan” to have “souls” remain in the living until the second coming? If “souls” must wait until the End of Times to be raised, does that mean it is not possible to do so until Christ returns? If so, they need to remain somewhere until this time comes. 

This is not suggesting that the dead will be returned to “flesh” again, but perhaps taken to another place? 

I have the greatest respect for Stephen Hawking, but sometimes we need to look beyond known “science” and accept that other “unknown” factors are possible. Maybe one day my theories will be scientifically proven, providing an answer to that age old question “Is there life after death?”

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