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Strange Sounds Heard Around The World. The Report.

Since my last article on ‘Strange Sounds’ appeared here in the Digest, I have been contacted by more than a few people who mostly wanted to let me know that they have heard them.

Others simply wanted more answers as to what they could be, or my thoughts on the whole phenomena. I began seriously researching this topic only very recently, because so many friends and readers requested it of me. Even though I knew about them before, having viewed the Kiev, Ukraine video as soon as it came out. My first thought when I viewed the Kiev video was that it was a prank. This was because the sounds heard in that video were identical to sounds I have heard in many movies. With that, I dismissed the video as someone having fun.

After digging in on researching the phenomena, I find that hundreds of videos have appeared on You Tube made by people who supposedly heard them. I found that some were using the videos to preach their own Doomsday Doctrines and in doing so, were defrauding the public for donations of cash.

In essence, the strange sounds have become a net sensation and are approaching the public viewing level of videos of UFOs and other strange phenomena.

Many who contacted me claiming to have heard the sounds were from a few localized areas in Canada, the rest were from the United States, but those from the states were mostly about inquiring into the sounds themselves, not claiming to have heard them.

My research has taken me into several areas of possibilities dealing with a number of probable causes and effects from scientific evidence, geological locations, and other information I’m sure didn’t even occur to many. At present, I have a comprehensive report dealing with all aspects of this phenomena that goes beyond a typical assessment of the situation. The report is way too extensive for a simple magazine article. Thus, I have made it available as a published Kindle, which is available at and soon, a downloadable PDF will be available at my web site which is currently under construction. The report is available now at the following links.

Kindle edition “Strange Sounds Report”

UK link


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