The Psycheans are benevolent human extraterrestrials who have bases in various places on the planet (Earth). I found out about them after meeting an ufo contactee by name of Oscar Magocsi in Toronto, Canada some 29 years ago. Oscar was a real cool guy and eventually under his guidance I managed to meet the Psycheans physically…
Click here to enlarge top photo of the Temple of Quetzalcoatl.
Well they, the Psycheans, look exactly like us and one characteristic that I noticed is that they are very psychic and maybe that is why they call themselves the Psycheans. Since the Psycheans look exactly like us then pretty well, the only way to recognize them is through psychic means so it’s mostly extremely intuitive or very psychic humans who manage to recognize them. The Psycheans are allied with many other human ETs like the Plaedians, the Arcturians or the Lyrians. Well, Oscar Magocsi eventually wrote a book about his UFO adventures and his own meetings with the Psycheans and the book is called ‘My Space Odyssey in UFOs”. This book is available from me if someone wants it. Some of the Psycheans even became part of our history like “Jason and the Argonauts”. It’s more than a legend: it really happened ! And it’s part of our history…
Overall it’s so very fascinating…
Other than Jason and the Argonauts there are many legends referring to Quetzalcoatl (Quentin) who is actually of a higher order than the Pycheans. Quentin (Quetzalcoatl) is actually a Spectran which is one step higher than the Psycheans. Quentin these days is a kind of a guru to the Psycheans and was given temporary rank of an admiral by the Psychean Federation in the Psycheans’ space fleet. Temporary meaning probably thousands of years…
Quetzalcoatl (Quentin) was vividly described in a book of legends about Gods of Central and South America titled “He Walked the Americas” by L. Taylor Hansen. Quetzalcoatl specifically mentioned this book in conversation with Oscar Magocsi on February 24,1985 in Tetihuacan (City of the Gods) in Mexico. About other Psycheans who might be written up in legends, well I don’t know. I might have to ask about this or do some deep research…
That was Ponce de León, who was searching for the Fountain of Youth in the 16th century (1513) but never found it! However, Ponce de Leon had a cousin who was very broadminded and who actually met the Psycheans around that time and was subsequently given rides on Psychean flying saucers. The cousin proved to be such an outstanding human that after getting his UFO rides, the Psycheans gave him Psychean citizenship and adopted that cousin as one of their own…
That cousin is probably still alive because the Psycheans sometimes grant a life extension treatment to earthlings that they gave Psychean citizenship. Which means that the cousin will live for centuries just like Buzz Andrews written up in another book by Oscar Magocsi titled “My Space Odyssey: The Buzz Andrews Story”. Buzz Andrews, an earthling was also given a life extension treatment and after some amazing adventures was subsequently also granted Psychean citizenship.
I’d say that Buzz Andrews and the above mentioned cousin of Ponce de Leon are sure lucky guys… !