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Surviving A Serial Killer: How to Recognize an Encounter with a Serial Murderer.

How to Recognize and Survive an Encounter with a Murderer who is a Serial Killer

Murder is usually a crime of passion, that is, at a murder scene, police usually and almost always suspect a family member, a lover or a spouse as a likely perpetrator first before any crime scene critical analysis comes in to play.

These homicidal crimes of passion often include a passionate use of a weapon; given an ice pick, a close family member characteristically leaves dozens of punctures, compared to a select few, from an asocial serial killer.

In the expression,”serial killer”, the word, ‘serial’, means, successful .

Ted Bundy said that he often wore his arm in a sling to perfectly trap random compassionate women, who traveled to his car door to assist him with his ‘struggle’ with packages.

These women were brutally clubbed into his trunk for later torture.

Murderers who kill in ‘cold blood’, very often do not know their victims, beforehand, and kill randomly, from town to town, city to city, without a tinge of regret or guilt.

Unlike a murder of marital or Mafia passion, they do not plan a pre dug grave or bother to dismember the corpse.

They may make no attempt to hide the bodies of their victims.

They may stop on a deserted road and open the hood of their car to flag down a helpful motorist and kill them with a gun.

Back into their stolen car, in the next town,

they may lure a child into a car by asking them to help find their lost puppy or even more successfully, by offering them a kitten from a box of kittens, which disarms any child, and then quickly stab the child to death.

Later that night, they may stop at a truck stop to pick up a prostitute and then strangle her afterwards leaving her body on the side of the road.

They always remember and are always most careful to use very different methods of murder, to confuse police efforts from various jurisdictions, from establishing an M.O. pattern that links seemingly random killings into a single silhouette, the fingerprint of a single serial murderer.

“There are two kinds of serial killers as far as the victim is concerned: the kind that you don’t see before they pounce on you and the kind you see and don’t expect to pounce on you. There are many more serial killers living outside the prison walls than inside.”

Pat Brown

A big, friendly, helpful smile, or a helpful assist from a total stranger is the last thing you’ll ever see and you’ll never see it coming.

These people are labeled as serial killer psychopaths .

These killer psychopaths-and serial, again, simply means successful- travel from state to state blithely killing random people, leaving corpses on roadsides the way we leave cigarette butts, without a single afterthought .

These “psychopaths” have had their consciences, all of their lives, sit in the corner, like a well trained German Shepard .

Such serial killers are in truth Dark Force Entity possessed humans.

Unlike most people, such Dark Force Entities do not return back to Heaven, our true dimension, when they die, but are instead ‘shuttled’ through another ‘door’, directly back into another human fetus to quickly reenter our world again.

When OBY/GYN doctors see these rare babies in delivery rooms with their fists balled, their faces screwed red in rage, screaming, they have been overheard to say,”I feel sorry for THIS one’s parents!”

Unlike most of us, who spend considerable time in between lifetimes, and who garner spirit helpers and spirit guides to carefully prepare us for each next arduous successive incarnation, serial killers in contrast enter into this harsh world without a written ‘blueprint’, without spirit helpers and without any protecting angels.

These dark souls do indeed again return to become serial murderers.

They may come into this world as one’s teacher, one’s child, one’s husband, or a stranger who appears in one’s life.

As people in our lives, they spend their own lives hurting and killing a long series of innocent unsuspecting people.

They all manifest the same exact evil three traits: sinister, predatory and self justifying.

A mother may look at such a child and think,”What is WRONG with that kid?!”

It was said that Judas was such a Dark Force Entity Soul as he betrayed Jesus, but Judas later hanged himself with shame and guilt afterwards, as the story goes; a true Dark Force Entity One would have gone on to find more Christs to betray.

These “psychopaths”, possessed and guided by demonic entities,

cannot be reformed or changed.

There is nothing that one can ever do to change such a Dark Force Entity in a human form.

It is good advice that one should avoid them, sidestep them and never ever tackle them head on.

But how can one recognize and survive an encounter with such a serial killer predator?

One must take note from other serial murderers who have explained their ‘craft’ after long prison incarcerations

ONE: Trust your intuition: Do not ignore your instincts or intuition.

You have likely recognized something indefinite that spells out danger, and your mind has not caught up with your recognition – you do not yet perceive how to dissect it logically.

This is intuition.

If something does not feel right, then it is not right.

Never ignore such inklings; do not be embarrassed to change your mind in front of a stranger or have fear of being rude.

It’s better to be rude than dead.

TWO: Under no circumstances get into the Car:

Once victims get into the car, few return alive and are found dead at a secondary crime scene.

Whether you’re helping someone carry a package to the car, being offered a ride, or having someone else near your car, they can all end with you being murdered.

The presence of a baby seat or children’s toys in the vehicle – or even children themselves are tools that a serial killer uses to mentally disarm victims.

The Green River Killer, Gary Ridgeway, once returned to a body dump site to have sex with the corpse of one of his victims while his son slept in the vehicle.

THREE: Serial Killer Warning Signs of Entrapment:

A-Pretended injury/weakness:

The murderer makes a huge effort to let you know that he is physically weaker than you.

He may stumble and drop packages

“Please help me carry this to my car. Ever since my spine injury, I can hardly move.”

He may wear a cast or walk with a cane in the Ted Bundy method, to trap his victim.

B-Too much information:

The murderer will give you too much unnecessary, detailed information:

“My sister has a sweater just like that. She was living in California but she moved home last year. Her boyfriend gave it to her for Christmas, but afterward they broke up …”

When such a serial murderer is telling a lie, though it sounds credible to you, he often has little confidence in his talking-trap method and will tend to add too much detail, more than necessary to support it.

This ruse of details makes a serial murderer seem less a stranger and appear more familiar than he really is.

C-The unrequested promise:

“Just one drink and then I will take you home, I swear!”, when you never asked him to promise you anything.

Sudden unsolicited promises can be a sign of an underlying sinister agenda.

D-Friendly authority:

The stranger projects some kind of non threatening authority:

“I’m the security guard, the park ranger, a police officer.

You didn’t see the signs; this is closed. I’ll escort/drive you out of here.”

You shouldn’t be alone here; we are on the lookout for a serial killer in this neighborhood. Get in and I’ll drive you out of here.”

No law enforcement official would tell you there was a serial killer.

They avoid outside knowledge of an ongoing case for media avoidance purposes.

Some serial killers come tricked out with police identification and police-like vehicles.

Insist that he call a uniformed backup if you did nothing wrong but are being “arrested.”

E-Challenging your personality:

The killer labels you, in a critical way, hoping that you will attempt to prove them wrong, “You’re too weak to help me lift this box into the back of my van.”

“You’re not frightened of me, are you?”


Often a killer will manipulate you to “team up” with him.

You and he instantly become a “we” – “I hate drinking alone, I know a great place we can go to up the road.”

“I’m going there too, we can get there in my car.”

This attempt to bond with you is a way to quickly establish a familiarity.

G- Imposed obligation:

A serial killer will impose his help on you, hoping that you will feel obligated to help him back.

“Let me help you carry that to your car” will lead to “Can you give me a lift to the corner?”

You leave your home to find your tire flat.

“Let me change that flat tire for you” will be followed by “May I come inside to wash my hands?”

But he WAS the one who punctured the tire in the first place.

Having already accepted his help, he hopes that you feel bad to refuse a request like that.

Once inside, you’re a murder victim.

H- An appeal to a feeling of being vulnerable:

“Help me find my lost puppy before it gets away too far.”

“I need to drop off this medicine to an elderly person upstairs, but I can’t legally park here; just come and sit in my car while I run in for five minutes?”

“My little girl is missing, will you help find her?”

I- Not taking,” no”, for an answer-A classic murderer’s tool.

No matter how many times you say, “That’s okay, I don’t need your help,” the stranger insists on helping you.

If you give some weak excuse or sound unsure, he will persist.

Do not be afraid to be loudly blunt and rude: “I said, NO! Go away. I do not want your help.”

“I’m the most cold-blooded sonofabitch you’ll ever meet,” said Ted Bundy.

“I just liked to kill, I wanted to kill.”

The signature symptom of the psychopath is the inability to see others as worthy of compassion.

Victims thus become dehumanized, “flattened into worthless objects in the murderer’s mind”.

John Gacy, who never showed an ounce of remorse, called his victims “worthless little queers and punks,” while the “Yorkshire Ripper” Peter Sutcliffe declared that he was “cleaning up the streets” of the human trash.

All these killings are managed with an initial charming smile, a smile carefully contrived, before a lethal knife or hammer fell.

And many rare victims who survive later say, “But he was so sweet.”

Sweetness is not the same as being sweet.

Sweetness can be a deadly manipulative tool.

A charming smile can mask the most evil intentions.

Once one is alerted to these uniform techniques employed by many successful, serial murderers, one can teach one’s spouse, children and friends to be less trusting.

Can anything be done to change and redeem such a dark mind and soul?

Only God can and will “shift” them, in His own time.


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