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“Tadpole” UFO’s photographed over Mt. Olomana and Kaneohe Marine Corps Airstaiton Hawaii

“Tadpole” shaped UFO photographed over Mt. Olomana, Hawaii

Last Sunday my family and I went to our favorite beach on the windward side of the island of Oahu.  I will not reveal this beach because (no offense) I don’t want to be the one to turn it into a tourist spot.  Anyway on the way I let my wife drive.  We were coming down the Pali highway, and I started to photograph from my Jeep using a high shutter speed I aimed my lens at Mt. Olomana.  It is a sacred mountain on this island and the Hawaiians considered it sacred.  There are ancient Hawaiian structures made of stone all over that mountain.  This day was epic, not one cloud!  Very rare for the “Windward side of an island in the Pacific” The trade winds blow usually in that direction and hit 4,000 ft. cliffs and condensation forms clouds, and then usually rain. 

These are example of “tadpoles” (what I call these shaped craft) over 3 years now. But Sunday was the best one. Anyone see this in their city or country?


 I have photographed many UFO’s flying around this mountain in the past but this day was a complete surprise.  View these two images, and then tell me what it is.  I will also show you other “Tadpole” (what I call them) UFO’s photographed with 5 miles of this mountain.  Just wanted to put this out there and maybe someone else has experienced this as well.  It is the clearest two images I have caught, the two images are only 1/3 of a second apart, so it looks like it was hovering but by the looks of it, built for SPEED! Aloha from Oahu, Frank D. Abreu Jr. 

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