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TAKEN UP by TJ – ALIENS & UFOS – A series to become a book and a Part of Us!


Extraterrestrial Spirit Secrets – A Part of US!

By Theresa J Thurmond Morris


“This is the story of who I see as the ones that keep our secrets. We all have secrets. Some secrets we keep and some secrets are kept from us!” TJ 

This is the story that follows the same path as that of the novel by Thomas H. Cook that is based on the series created by Leslie Bohem. This is my story that follows the SCI FI Channel television event, which was produced by Steven Spielberg that captured our hearts about a little girl named Allie. The story of Taken, a Dell Book, published by Dell Publishing, Random House, in New York, New York is a work of fiction, with the names, characters, places, and incidents entirely coincidental. I shall share my story and let the same standard paragraph remain.  

This is how many of our secrets in life are shared when the truth is known to be too dangerous to tell. We create stories and some become legends and myths to be passed down through our lives as ancient folklore. When I look back at my life, there is a thread of truth that is always a part of me and I call this my spirit. What this new book is about is how my spirit was joined with another’s, my extraterrestrials spirit. 

This is a story about life on earth with extraterrestrials while knowing that alien civilizations exist. I shall share my adventure as a writer in articles to be shared on my websites and with a friend of mine who I have grown fond of named Dirk Vander Ploeg of Canada. Dirk has remained consistent and constant in my life and we now have three years behind us.  I first decided to begin sharing a part of me that was so secret that I began with a simple short article and mentioned my knowledge through my knowledge of my husband working at NASA. Therefore, I shall begin this story as a teenager. For those who want to connect the story line of the character Allie to me as Jan and Ginger, simply know that though the names of the characters change the story line is similar and can continue through this story that resembles where Taken – Allie left off in Lubbock, Texas where part of my earth family lives now. 

We begin the story where Allie has left  Texas in a UFO spacecraft and will return near Los Alamos, and Roswell, New Mexico in the White Sands Missile Range area but placed in the White Sand Dunes of the White Sands National Park where she can easily begin another life with her earth relatives of her royal blood line. 

Our Allie is Allyson Janette Clark who will become involved with the Thomas and Morris families while on earth. Allyson will be called Jan by the Thomas family although known as Ginger in high school in Texas for a reason. Through her life she will use many names as a messenger of God as one who is asked to share in both her space family and her earth family. This story is about the secrets that are kept and shared through her life up to the point that she actually becomes a writer for UFO Digest anticipating the year 2012 with her mission almost completed as that called the Ascension Center for enlightenment for the Ascension Age. 


A Historical Novelization 

By: Theresa J Thurmond Morris 

A Series written for a television event or movie with the 2012 awakening in mind 



Allyson Janette Clark was awakened from her childhood dreams. She was lying at the top of a white sand dune and looked down below in a hidden trench where she saw a silver boomerang shaped spacecraft. Allie looked around to get a panoramic view of her location. She could see the man she had grown to love as her Dad who could take on the image of a human although she was allowed on the spacecraft to know him as he truly appears.  

He had taught her about all that is a part of her in space. Allie was a child conceived in a tunnel of light and on earth is called a star child. She was conceived like all others in space as a star baby. Star babies are also called alien hybrids on earth because they are part alien and part human.  

There is a way that Allie’s extraterrestrial family had taught her that humans could be conceived in space in the tunnel of light by earth parents who were star seeded themselves. Allie had learned a lot and knew that she had been in space for a very long time for many earth years but while in space, time does not progress like on earth. While in space, a human will spend one day and yet on earth, it is only one minute or that is how it was explained to her.  

Allie had learned what is considered time travel. She had memories of one set of her earth parents who had lived before her time this time and one who had lived afterwards up to the time of 1993. She was told it was best if she come back to the year 1960 this time to assist with the uplifting of humankind and to assist her human half begin to be interested in space and learning to become aware of others that exist in space. Allie agreed and had some memories in tact and some, which she agreed, would be veiled or forgotten in a way to allow her to adapt to becoming more like her earth family. 

Allie was watching her space friends who were leaving and watching her intently as the ramp at the bottom of the door opening was being retracted. In a way, she hated to see them go but inside she knew they were never far away. All she had to do was think about them and the part of her that was like them would know that she was sending out a beacon of energy like a phone call or what in the future would be anyway. Allie knew a lot about the future and what in space could be used on earth but also knew that change had to be introduced gradually. 

Allie was beyond her years in time and she was still a little girl according to the standard of her space family. Therefore, when coming to earth it was still best to be perceived as a young spirit growing up on earth. This was how it always is and not just for her but always for one who decides to take on the challenges of assisting another younger sentient intelligent being species learn to adapt to life on a new planet. Earth was a relatively young planet and the humanoids that were born on earth were all spending time in a world created by them as one critical mass conscious way of thinking about themselves.  

While Allie was smart and intelligent about life in space she was on a learning curve while on earth and had to learn about how life and living was conducted. Like everyone else on earth Allie had to learn to adapt with the shadow of the veil left down of her past lives. 

Allie knew there was some unity in diversity of the various types of humanoid families in space and that many of their children were now on earth. There seemed to be diversity in their cultures and traditions from space as well as their social and moral teachings. The earth had not reached a system of global governance but Allie was told it would be within her lifetime this time on earth. 

Allie was taught that there was no religion on earth that could fulfill everyone’s desires from their home planets in space and that there had been many teachers also known as profits, mystics, sages, shamans, and oracles that have come close to knowing the truth in space above for themselves. Some have even tried to reach out through the centuries to create growth and expansion and some on earth today come close to betterment of the world by accepting that the earth is but one planet and everyone was but one race as a global intelligent being species. 

Allie knew that someday she would learn to somehow get more of the information of her space family out to create a type of membership about ascension. Ascension would be the word that everyone could understand about raising awareness and uplifting of virtually every nation, ethnic group, class, profession, and social or economic class. Allie knew she was simply a new and modern messenger send by God to share the Ascension Center enlightenment of the coming Ascension Age to begin on her birthday December 26, which is considered the day after Christmas in the earth year 2012. She was part of the earth family and the space family and the two would become one.   

(To be continued as a series that will become the first in a book.) Love and Light TJ

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