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Because of the economic “mess” that the elites of the world have gotten society into, a social and economic collapse was inevitable. “The truly rich are tiny minorities who have their wealth protected through corporations,” said Thomas, “trusts, international assets and special legislative provisions, all but ensuring their survival in perpetuity.”

If you missed Part II of this article

“The international economic calamity that began in 2008 and will result in a global collapse that will involve almost all of the world’s nations is unstoppable,” said Thomas. “Our world can be a dangerous place, not only because of the potential of the criminal and disruptive elements, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”


Robert Thomas had done extensive and elaborate research in his book. He had provoked many questions, some of which Steve Erdmann would raise himself. For one thing, historical and religious symbolism and myth should not involve censorship, destruction or curtailment because of the emolument of forthcoming new sciences, but they should be revered and preserved; it is part of our consciousness.

Thomas had strongly defended consciousness beyond death. He portrayed this in his discussion on Reincarnation and Near-Death-Experiments (NDE); consequently, the idea of Life (or consciousness) after death is not foreign to him. Thomas also had defended parapsychology and PSI. Other than this, his repertoire of “theory” looked somewhat shallow: he lacked mention of the hundreds of case files on hauntings, poltergeists, angel phenomenon. spiritualism and séances, apparitions, angel sightings, The Bible Code, and a wide pageant of such encounters – some highly documented by professionals; these seemed curiously missing. 

Likewise, his rather quizzical rejection of Jesus’s “miracles” (or, miracles in general) seemed contradictory: what if Jesus was descendent from the Anunnaki heritage and bloodline, and that held great significance; what if PSI and paranormal activity were part of the life and times of prophets and priests? 

Thomas also rejected the Resurrection of Jesus based many on selective research of what is often called Higher Criticism (Historical criticism, also known as the historical-critical method or higher criticism, is a branch of ‘literary criticism’ that investigated the origins of ancient text in order to understand “the world behind the text.” Renaissance theories allowed Higher Critics to reject anything supernatural or miraculous). However, this movement goes against the belief that the Anunnaki possessed supposed psychic and technological abilities that ‘would’ enable physical/spiritual resurrection. 

“These would be the resurrection chambers…hinted at in direct connection with the Anunnaki…to create some form of a biological facsimile of your body through artificial intelligence and then somehow manage to transfer your spiritual essence directly into the new artificial/biological copy.” (pp. 408-409.) Perhaps “miracles” are not beyond Anunnaki ‘‘overseers,” even in Biblical and medieval times. Perhaps Thomas was “throwing the baby out with the bath water.

Multiple studies on the legendary Shroud of Turin resurrection case indicated a real event took place.  Several pieces of science pointed to the authenticity of the Shroud.


Giulio Fanti, professor of Mechanical and Thermic Measurements at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Pauda said in the Journal of Imaging Science and Technology that experiments by Fanti and Professor Giancarlo that “voltages measured at approximately 500,000 volts were required to obtain shroud-like images that were just a few meters long.” To complete the image, Fanti also said, “…you would need voltages of up to tens of millions of volts.”

Thomas extolled this same type of “science” as worthy and our possible future salvation.

Darrell L. Bock was a research professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas. He had specialized in hermeneutics and the historical Jesus. Bock was a graduate of the University of Texas (B.A.), The Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M.), and The University of Aberdeen (Ph.D.). Bock wrote about the reality of the consistency of Scriptures and the truth of the written text (Who is Jesus?  Darrell L. Bock, Howard Books, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10020, 2012).

Bock took issue directly with some of the claims of Higher Critics, and he appeared to do so in a modern context. At the least, Bock’s work showed that Higher Critics had no final word on these topics. 


Thomas almost refused to acknowledge or contend with the wide range of UFO activity that had been taking place in the last few centuries. It was illogical to say that space visitors of this century had virtually nothing to do with Thomas’s Anunnaki phenomenon thousands of years ago. The mention of two classic UFO cases (p. 510) was not adequate in outlining current UFO activity when UFO history was much more voluminous.

Other aspects in UFO lore were “abduction reports,” “hybridization” and “virgin and missing pregnancies.” While these oft times carried sinister overtones, many UFO stories appeared benign. (Celestial Healings: Close Encounters that Cure, Virginia Aronson, Signet Books, New American Library, Penguin Putnam, Inc. 1999.)  (The Bible and Flying Saucers, Barry H. Downing, Avon Books, The Hearst Corporation, 959 Eighth Avenue, New York, New York 10019, 1970.)

Thomas spoke on how the Anunnaki had reached the Galactic Level of civilization, and, we, today, humankind, with the persistent refinement of science and the redaction of religion, could eventually create a New World Authority of peace and utopian reality. This sounded a lot like the current impressments about a New World Order. Dictators like Adolf Hitler also spoke of their New World Order. Similar to Thomas’s world, Hitler was creating a supposed utopian society, but it was according to his perverted and maniacal philosophy. Hitler collected art and riches and conducted advancing science, but he also destroyed in the name of ‘purification”; the eugenics was an off-shoot of Nazism.


Current writers also noticed the conundrum in the talk about ultimate authority:

Lorri Anderson said in Hitler, Big Government, and the Perfect Society (August 17, 2012): ‘‘Hitler practiced everything from illegal search and seizure, gun control, hampering freedom of religion, freedom of speech muffled, the indefinite containment of human beings (concentration camps), legalized murder, experimentation on human beings (in the name of science), and controlled what citizens were and were not allowed to read and write. The world saw Hitler for the monster that he was and the atrocities he had done to so many innocent people in the name of his agenda (the perfect society)…(today, we seem to be) putting the same ideals into a different language and making it law. We’re accepting it because they are telling us ‘it is for the greater good of the people.’ I believe Hitler said the same thing.”

“World government as an ideal expresses an aspiration for law-governed, just and peaceful relations between the diverse groups that comprise a common moral community of humankind. World government as an idea or proposal about how to organize the world politically, however, may or may not meet that ideal. That is, even if there were a world state with authoritative legislative, adjudicative and enforcement powers, the elimination of organized violence, poverty and environmental degradation would not automatically follow. The proponents of global governance face a similar challenge,” said Catherine Lu. “It remains to be seen whether the developing agents, networks and structures of global governance can effectively promote environmental protection; will be able to develop authoritative mechanisms for disciplining the use of force, by nonstate actors as well as by the world’s most powerful states; and will serve the interests of the bottom half of humanity barely eking out a living, even if it means demanding a small sacrifice from the fortunate fifteen percent of humankind living in the world’s high-income economies.”

First published Mon Dec 4, 2006; substantive revision Mon Jul 2, 2012/  Lu, Catherine, “World Government,” The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy [Fall 2012 Edition], Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <


There seemed to be “something” within our own nature – the reality of an “evil” component – that even the Anunnaki could not suppress it from within their ranks. The Anunnaki apparently had advanced weaponry, according to Thomas and likeminded theorists. They waged actual hyper technological warfare. The Indian Mahabbarata, Vedas, and Vimanas spoke of this. Supposedly, they had weapons of mass destruction (p. 150). The Ramayana spoke of “…nuclear war, the force and destructions, radiation poisoning…” (p. 182).  The Wars of Yahweh, Story of Adam and Eve, and The Wisdom and Magic of Solomon had spoken of how “deities” used advanced technology to help Solomon build temples and how the Jews – under the guardianship of these deities – mercilessly defeated Palestinians (p. 200) and the Philistines (p. 206).


The Anunnaki, according to multiple writers over the years, also invented a hybrid race of ‘slaves’; Thomas cited this as well on pages 128, 134 and 148. Anunnaki history said that such a hybrid race did much of the gold and other mining operations, plus various slave duties. 

These parts and parcels of history suggested that unless we eliminated that “evil” element within us – and with no need to destroy our “links” to historical art, ritual, legend, and other symbols of the past (as Thomas’s “redactions” play with) – “utopia” couldn’t have materialized in past Galactic civilizations; and probably will not materialize looking into the future.   

Part IV of this article will be published tomorrow Saturday, June 28, 2014!


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