The Dark Side of Flying Saucers – Are We Dealing With Something Evil?

 By Sean Casteel

ir?t=paranortalkra 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B004KPM0QI The mystery of just who is piloting the UFOs witnessed around the world since ancient times has many so-called “solutions. ” Working from the available evidence, one can argue for any number of interpretations of the phenomenon, and those interpretations run the gamut from the UFOs being an early harbinger of the Second Coming of Christ to an invasion by cold-blooded, methodical aliens bent on colonizing our planet by the skillful combining of our DNA with theirs.

            There is also this less frequently heard interpretation: that the present day UFO and alien abduction phenomenon are simply a modernized, more technological manifestation of the same demons that have tormented and sought to manipulate mankind since the beginning of time. In other words, the gray aliens are nothing new and their basic malevolent intent has never changed.

This statement, by no less an authority than Lord Hill-Norton, the late five-star admiral and the former head of the British Ministry of Defence, helps to put that perspective into focus: “UFOs are essentially a religious matter rather than a military threat, and furthermore there is certainly a degree of psychic involvement in almost every case. Quite often, however, such experiences are definitely antithetical to orthodox Christian beliefs.”

I recently took part in the writing of a new book on this darker side of flying saucers. The book is called “Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer.” A portion of the book is a reprint of an earlier book, circa sometime in the 1950s, by Cecil Michael, with which the later anthology shares its title. In the book, Michael describes a hellish abduction experience in which he visits the domain of the damned and is somehow miraculously returned and left coherent enough to write about the experience. Michael’s take on the subject is exactly the opposite of the majority of 1950s contactees, most of whom describe pleasant-looking, blond, Nordic aliens who compassionately warn mankind of his potential coming doom through nuclear warfare and environmental decay.


Given that Michael is for his time a dissenting, minority opinion, one would think it easy enough to dismiss what he is saying. But such is not the case. As all the updated material that was poured into “Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer” so ably demonstrates, there are a great many researchers and abductees of our more current age who also believe that the UFO phenomenon is Satanic and demonic.

Two of the more prominent names in UFO research, the late John Keel and the celebrated Jacques Vallee (the character of LaCombe in the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” was modeled after Vallee), both arrived at the conclusion that there is a spiritual, paranormal aspect to flying saucers that is too often denied by nuts-and-bolts researchers who see only the appearance of aliens from another planet in physical ships. But there is much about typical UFO encounters that blends rather fuzzily with time-honored stories of demons and run-ins with the “little people.” It is that opening of one’s self to the paranormal and psychic components that makes the overall experience so terrifying to so many.

 And the updated book does indeed present some terrifying anecdotes as it winds its way through its exhaustive treatment of the subject. One section of the book deals with the Jinn, the demons of Islamic mysticism, and makes a case for their overlapping with modern aliens. The Jinn are a morally complex form of demon, with some of them laboring to do good in the world, even “confessing” to the truth of the Koran.

Contributor Adam Gorightly deals with sexual encounters between humans and aliens, and discusses how “the Great Beast” Aleister Crowley used hallucinogenic drugs along with sexual “magick” to invoke otherworldly entities. Gorightly lumps together the sexual aspects of our present understanding of the alien abduction experience with ancient myths about demons as sexual predators in his chapter on “Psychic Space Age Vampires.” Meanwhile, author Tim Swartz recounts stories of human mutilation at the hands of the UFO occupants, one incident of which took place on a military base in Texas in 1956. The notion that the aliens/demons may feed on the energy contained in human blood and on human misery in general is also explored.


My own contributions to the book include a general overview of the beliefs of the aforementioned Keel and Vallee, as well as the case for the phenomenon’s wickedness made by pilot and researcher John Lear, the son of the man who invented the Lear Jet. When one sees the beguiling light show of an approaching UFO, Lear advises one to “run like hell” and not be suckered in by the beauty of the ships or in any way to assume their true demeanor is a friendly one. According to Lear, the aliens just want to suck out the marrow of our souls, and our fear and humiliation is nourishing to them.

I also interviewed a retired pastor named Tom Horn, who tells a story of a real-life encounter with a demonic entity that was witnessed by several members of his congregation. A rebellious teenager who had fallen under the spell of satanic heavy metal music appeared to become “possessed” and went charging at Horn only to run head-on into some kind of invisible force field and drop like a sack of potatoes. Horn believes he was singled out for the attack by the demon because of his position of authority as pastor, and testifies further that all who witnessed the apparent miracle were very shaken up and knew that there is a living God who watches over such things.

Horn very much believes that the UFO phenomenon is demonic for the most part, but he also acknowledges that his sister is an abductee, which creates a moral dilemma for him that he continues to ponder along with the many other spiritual issues that have long troubled him. He allows as how some of the UFO activity in the Bible can be put in the righteous category and that the present day abducting gray aliens may somehow stand outside normal notions of sin and wrongdoing. The phenomenon is not easy to categorize in everyday terms of black and white, even for those of devout Christian faith.

I also contributed a short chapter in which I discuss the views of “Communion” abductee Whitley Strieber and “Intruders” researcher Budd Hopkins. Strieber, at the time my interview with him was conducted, said it was very easy for him to equate the gray aliens with demons, and that the terror and the misery of the experience made it impossible to distinguish between them. Hopkins, on the other hand, said the moral complexity of the abduction phenomenon made it impossible to draw conclusions about the aliens’ inherent good or evil. All we can really do, according to Hopkins, is try to pick it up by the human end of it and examine the way it’s affected people, apart from any premature conclusions about the moral character of the abductors.

 Meanwhile, there is no lack of scary stories to be told about the wicked aspects of UFO lore. In an interview with Timothy Beckley, the book’s editor and publisher, Christopher O’Brien discusses the folklore surrounding creatures called “skin-walkers” in the mysterious San Luis Valley, which spans parts of Colorado and New Mexico and has been a UFO hotspot for several decades. The term “skin-walker” is interchangeable with “shape shifter,” and essentially means a creature that can change his appearance from human to animal and back again.  

“According to traditional knowledge,” O’Brien says, “skin-walkers are able to read a victim’s thoughts. They are also thought to be able to mimic any human or animal sound. This ability is sometimes used to draw unwitting victims outside by calling in the voice of a person known to them or using a familiar animal sound. Don’t ever look into and/or lock eyes with a suspected skin-walker. This will enable his will to enter you and take over all your motor functions and make you do and say things that are completely beyond your control. It takes the voodoo zombie thing to a whole new level!”

What is the government connection to all this? How do the intelligence community and the Pentagon view the good-versus-evil-of-the-aliens question? Noted author Nick Redfern alleges, in an interview with Tim Beckley about Redfern’s book “Final Events,” that the government long ago concluded that the UFOs were of a demonic nature and there was little to be done in terms of protecting the general public from the flying saucer devils. They began to develop a plan to convert the entire population to Evangelical Christianity so that they could at least wage a kind of spiritual battle for their immortal souls. Tom Horn, who I referred to earlier in this review, calls such people “prayer warriors,” saying, “Fervent prayer by the righteous would be the battering rams that could push through that demonic oppression.” Whether the government will ever go public with the prayerful strategy is another question entirely. 

The classic demons of Christianity as well as zombies, shape-shifters, hellhounds, vampires, succubi and incubi – “Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer” has it all. (Coauthor Tim Beckley believes that the ghosts who trouble the haunted are also part of that same list of manifestations of “alien” evil.) There exists nowhere else such a complete, exhaustive study of the evil aspects of the UFO phenomenon. Drawing on a large collection of contributing authors, every angle of wickedness is covered in remarkable depth and thoroughness. It is also packed with photos and interesting sidebar material and will keep the reader absorbed throughout its 300 pages.

I would like to add, however, that I personally believe the UFO phenomenon and even alien abduction are not simply demonic. It would take a whole other book to make the argument for righteous aliens to as complete a degree as “Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer” argues for the evil interpretation, but in the meantime you can check out my earlier books “UFOs, Prophecy and the End of Time,” “Signs and Symbols of the Second Coming” and “The Excluded Books of the Bible.” In any case, it certainly can’t hurt for us to pray for God’s mercy on our souls, which you will definitely want to consider doing once you’ve read “Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer.” The cover alone, with artwork by Tim Swartz, is enough to put a scare into you, so please approach this book with caution.

[If you enjoyed this article, please visit Sean Casteel’s UFO Journalist website at  Several of his books are available for purchase there, as well as at]

If you would like more information or if you wish to purchase this book from simply click on the book’s title: Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer: UFO Parasites – Alien Soul Suckers – Invaders From Demonic Realmsir?t=paranortalkra 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B004KPM0QI



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