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“The Dracula Clan”


The Evil UFO Clan

The Dracula Clan.


Steve Erdmann

 (Copyright, 2018, Steve Erdmann – All Rights Reserved)

<Edited by Robert D. Morningstar>


 The Time:

The 1970’s 

The Place:

The UFO Study Group of Greater St. Louis.

The Event:

The Study Group had opened an Animal Mutilations Committee to study the bizarre rash of animal mutilations across the globe, often accompanied by strange aerial objects in their happening. I was the Director. Here are some kaleidoscopic stories from that period. Many of these reports are produced here for the first time..



The Saga Had Begun 


“To achieve such a feat would require molecular-specific surgical devices capable of going through skin, cartilage, muscle, bone an organs to remove tissue from a specific organ without causing any cutting damage to the rest of the body — an impossibility on Earth, although a hypothesized innovation in the distant future.

In all, there are over 10,000 documented instances of animals being bewilderingly mutilated in the US alone since 1955 — and in every case that has been investigated by law enforcement, no human or predator has ever been found to be the culprit.”  – Sputnik News, Sputnik International, February 8, 2017.  


Mysterious Surgeons


Outrageous phantom killers have gripped the imagination of men for centuries; be they fictionalized accounts such as Bran Striker’s 1897 humanoid-bat DRACULA (vampires allegedly would eat dead bodies [necrophagism] and mutilate corpses to induce sexual excitement [necrosadism]), or the actual 1888 phantom ”lady butcher” of London, Jack the Ripper. But even brasher than more popular episodes of California’s Zodiac Killer or the Charles Manson massacre, there has been raging animal mutilations that would put these historical perversions to shame.

From one end of America to the other, including foreign countries of Sweden, Puerto Rico, Africa and Canada, cattle, dogs, sheep, chickens and other types of animals have been found with their sexual organs skillfully removed, limbs taken by mysterious surgeons, udders, eyeballs, ears and heads butchered.  In many case the blood had been drained leaving little or none in the bodies.  In one case, no incision could be found in a dog whose heart was missing.

In Puerto Rico, long teeth-like incisions had been in bloodless bodies of chickens, sheep, dogs and cattle.  In Sweden, the hearts were “taken,” surgically excised from many cattle.




Unusual animal deaths had been noted in the past, starting with “Snippy.”  

“Snippy,” a pet horse belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Berle Lewis, was found near Alamosa, Colorado on September 7, 1967. Every shred of flesh was missing from the animal’s neck and skull. A perfectly smooth, precisely cut area was above the neck bone, which also was protruding from the center. No blood was found. A three-foot-tall Chico bush had been crushed within three inches of the ground.  For a 10-foot radius around the bush the sandy ground appeared to have been smoothed out. 

A Geiger counter indicated radioactivity around the dead animals

Later, Mrs. Lewis’ boots were found to have been contaminated from radioactivity and palm of her had begun to turn red and a burning sensation after touching Snippy. Fifteen tapering, circular “marks” were found in the area, and more flattened brush. Six indentations were found two-inches across, four-inches deep, and formed a circle in diameter.

Similarly, in 1975, Dr. Rodney Walker, zoo veterinarian of the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, discovered a mutilated bison. The bison’s udder, right ear and sex organs had been removed with surgical skill.

At that time, a calf was found five-miles south of Glenwood, Colorado. The tongue and tectum had been surgically removed. There were absolutely no tracks. The calf was 600 yards from the corral containing the mother.  There was no way the animal would have walked through the new alfalfa without leaving a track, except where the animal went down.

Francis Cook of Yoder lost two spring bull calves,each weighng about 400-pounds. Their blood had been drained and their sex organs taken with no sign of blood in the vicinity. The tail also was cut from one of them.

A 1200-1300-pound Hereford cow was found southeast of Sterling with the tongue cut out, lower jaw peeled away, and the rectal area of the animal mutilated. Another 600-pouund animal was killed and two patches of skin were cut away. The rectal area has been mutilated. A patch of hide and skin were found which showed definite cut marks of some sort as if cut at an angle. A pregnant heifer found three miles west of Kiowa, Texas had similar cuts. Its rectal area and udder had been cut out in a “really professional job.”  It is suspected that the heifer may have been taken away and mutilated and then the carcass was brought back.



Sheriff Harry L. Graves of Logan County, Colorado, was particularly perplexed by a cow whose teeth had been taken by surgical precision.

“We’ve had two previous mutilations where one or two teeth have been pulled but we found them in the animal’s mouth,” Graves said. “On this one, all the teeth had been cut out with a sharp instrument and we couldn’t find them anywhere.”

Sheriff Graves reported a number of unusual attacks. One mutilated calf was found with radar chaff stuffed inside its mouth. Some chaff was found on the ground along with a small, silver-colored chaff box coded RR112/AL on the top of the box. Major Keck of the U.S. Air Force later replied that the number was not a code used by the Air Force.

Equally mysterious, Graves reported that a number of autopsied mutilated calves had also succumbed to rare diseases such as peritonitis. In several cows, bacteria of the clostridia genus were found.  In a few cases, clostridia infection was reported to be the cause of death.

Two cows found in Park County “couldn’t possibly have been where they were found unless they had been dropped from aircraft,” according to Sheriff Norman Howey. The two cows were half of a mile apart in different pastures than the one their owner left them in.

“There were no strange tracks or footprints,” Sheriff Howey said. “On top of that, the gate was padlocked.” One cow’s bladder had been “popped” out of its body as if the rectum had been excised from the pressure of the fall.

Sheriff George Yarnell of Elbert County spoke of a typical case where a cow was found with the udder neatly cleaned out leaving only the skin which was tightly packed with several gallons of sand. The teats had been neatly snipped off and arranged (in order) on the leg.

Forty sheep were found near Leadville, Colorado “riddled with holes.” A sheep that a rancher said one of his herders told him that an “Army-colored” helicopter flew over one of his herds and sprayed the animals with bullets.


Texas, likewise, had its share of the “bizarre” as a few typical cases had revealed. The carcass of an expertly skinned dog was strung by its hind legs to a barbed wire fence, the blood had been drained and its genitals removed.

“It was an excellent job of skinning,” the Texas rancher said. “No flesh was torn.  There was no remaining hide. Even the ears had gone off the carcass with the hide. Even the ears had gone off the carcass with the hide. The tail section also was stripped of any hide.  It’s just a very peculiar situation.”  There were no signs of foot prints or disturbances.

A calf found north of Sulphur Springs had been split open on the underside from about six inches back of the udder right through the udder, with two teats on one side and two on the other, clean to the brisket between the front legs.

‘The calf had been removed and the womb taken out,” rancher Pete Long said. “Half the womb was removed and half pitched over the calf.  Then I walked around and noticed the head was cut off and I haven’t seen any trace of it since then.”

A cow found on the Ray Goad farm had the udder and all the surrounding skin gone, removed by a very sharp instrument. The tongue had been also removed and was cut far back in the mouth.  All blood vessels and veins were devoid of blood.  Only a teaspoon full of clotted blood was found on one side of the heart and a few clots on the underside of the animal.

A large cow was found near Tyler, Texas with its seven-month-old fetus removed, and its vulvas and tongue also taken. No blood was found around the carcass. Another cow found near Graham, Texas had a hole torn in the carcass and the sexual organs pulled out and cut off.  Part of the organs was taken from the scene, but the others were left aligned in a neat row by the animal’s stomach. 

Similarly, a cow found on the Albert Johnson farm had its muzzle cut out along with the tongue in heart-shaped cut and removed in one piece. Four teats were cut off next to an undeveloped udder of the heifer and a perfect circle had been carved under the tail to remove the vagina and rectum together.

The carcasses of two heifers and a horse had been found in the Spring-Cypress Road area.  A male calf was found on a ranch five miles northwest of Katy, Texas and Montgomery County officials reported two more mutilated cattle.

A pig’s head was found on the edge of the Conroe, Texas city limits near Stewart Creek. A mutilated heifer was found lying in the center of a perfect-circle near Whiteface. The sex organs were gone, and a ‘perfect-circle’ was found by the navel.  A similar circle was found in a dead animal a quarter-mile away.  Both ‘circles’ were slightly radioactive.


Oklahoma had its share of butchering by what could be called “The Dracula Clan.” A 700-pound cow found the Charles Collins place had its udder removed by a sha”rp instrument.  Muggs Fox, a highway patrolman, said: “It appeared to be pretty smooth cut.”  




A white-faced cow on the Le Roy Schimmel farm had all its sex organs, udder, eyes, and tongue removed. Radiation was detected at the site. A calf was examined by a Hugo, Oklahoma veterinarian who said “the work was done on the animal with a knife or a very sharp instrument.” 

The calf’s left eye had been cut out, both ears cut off, the tongue slashed, the rectum cut and other slashes inflicted. An opening the size of a football had been cut in the three-week-old calf’s navel. Herman Hatch’s calf had its tail severed and its intestines lay near the animal. The calf had a one-foot gash from the rectum downward and its right leg was broken.


New Mexico had similar cases where radiation was detected.  Manual Gomez discovered one of his cows mutilated near Dulce, New Mexico.  Its udder and anus had been removed “with a sharp instrument.” 

In a way similar to the ‘Snippy” case, tripod-like tracks were discovered nearby and a radiation check found an abnormal amount of radiation in some of those tracks. A yellow substance was also found near the tripod-tracks. Nearby shrubs appeared to be scorched and dying. Wild predators refused to approach the cow. A calf that the cow had been nursing was missing.  


Another typical case was a mutilated cow found on the Raymond Jones farm near Newcastle, Wyoming. The udder had been removed except for one nipple, and the lower lip of the animal had two definite cut marks made by a sharp instrument.  The middle of the lips had been taken; the tongue was completely removed. Interestingly, off to the side of the animal was a circle two-feet in diameter and the grass at the spot was a bright yellow.  

“It was almost a perfect circle,” Sheriff Willis Larson said. 


Cases have been reported in the state of Washington. A mutilated cow was found on the Don Larsen farm in Machias, Washington. The left eye was missing. There was a circular five-inch incision made in the anal area. The rectum and colon had been excised. There was no sign of struggle, though burn marks could be seen. The incisions appeared to have been neatly made.


A veterinarian near Salem, Missouri examined a mutilated goat whose blood had been drained, and was possibly anesthetized with a needle into one of the arteries. The udder was removed by a single stroke of a very sharp instrument. There were no lacerations in the cut skin—and no blood was on the ground in the area. The butcher showed a high degree of knowledge of animal anatomy.


Two mutilated cows were found on a ranch near Belt, Montana. One cow had its bag, teats rectal area and reproductive organs removed, making it possible to look completely through the bag area and out the rectal opening.The hide had been cut with a very sharp instrument and displayed serrations similar to those created with pinking shears. A mutilated cow near Utica, Montana had its testicles and the cords removed. However, several stones, weighing as much as six or seven pounds each, had been removed from a rock pile and turned over and moved about. A filmy white substance eventually covered the cow. It looked like a cobweb; it was analyzed and found to be petroleum distillate. In another case, a bull calf was found to have a hole drilled in the back of its head and the brains removed.     

A mutilated cow found near Stockett, Montana also had a white filmy substance on the cow’s neck. 

Extensive tests failed to identify the substance. A mutilated Shetland pony found in Teton County had all its organs removed and two puncture wounds were discovered in the horse’s bruised throat. There was no blood in the body except for two small vials that were recovered. A mutilated cow near Belt, Montana was found in a plowed field, but no dirt was disturbed and none of the furrows smashed down. Two teats were cut off and the rectal area removed. An incision found under the right leg by a veterinarian who said the opening led all the way to the heart.


In Minnesota a number of cases appeared. A horse belonging to Luane Johnson had numerous knife wounds; one ear removed as well as the sex organs. A 400-pound heifer belonging to Frank Schiefelbein near Kimball, Minnesota was found with the eyes, left ear, tongue and part of the lip taken, and the animal was lying in a perfect circle of bare ground in a snow-covered field in which no foot prints could be found anywhere in the area. There was only a meagre 20 cc. of blood left in the carcass. In another part of Meeker County, a mutilated pig was found inside a barn that had the same unusual cuts. The owner said his yard-light had gone out for about 20-minutes and then came back on!


Sheriff Keith Hansen of Carbon County, Utah investigated a case in which the jaw, tongue, heart and lung were taken from a cow and the blood drained. A University of Utah medical examiner said the incisions looked as if they were made by a laser beam!

Frequent reports of helicopters and low-flying planes in the vicinities of animal mutilation suggested a possible connection. But in many cases, though he aircraft appeared to be conventional, a close inspection revealed more very unconventional behavior.




Helicopters and Other “Future Things.”


It’s Christmas 1940, and Everytown, England resident John Cabal (played by Raymond Massey) fears that war is imminent. When it breaks out, the war lasts 30 years, destroying the city and ushering in a new dark age of plagues and petty despots.  But there is hope in the form of Wings Over the World, a group of pacifist scientists and thinkers lead by Cabal.

Their dream is to build a Utopian society on the ruins of the old (described by John Cabal as “the dictatorship of Freemasonry & Science”). But first, they’ll have to unseat the latest ruling tyrant (Ralph Richardson) in Things to Come (a motion picture, to be called “The Shape of Things to Come” in America, opened in London on April 17, 1936).



A Dialogue from H.G. Wells, THINGS TO COME, September 1933:
Boss: “I am the law here.  Where do you come from?  What are you?” 
 John Cabal: “Pax Mundi.  Wings over the World.”
Boss: “They have to come to earth sometime. What is this World Communications?  A handful of men like ourselves. They are not magic.”.


John Cabal, leader of Pax Mundi  & Wings Over the World



“John Cabal” and “Oswald Cabal” (both played by Canadian actor, Raymond Massey) the protagonists and benevolent dictators in H.G. Wells’ “The Shape of Things to Come” were modeled on a real political figure, Oswald Mosely, the actual leader of the British Facist Party of the 1930s & 40s.






It can be said that in America and England, “The Shape of Things to Come” was like the “Star Wars” of its time in special effects, and a psychological preparation and a harbinger of World War II for the British people, preparing them for war against Hitler (symbolized in the film by “The Boss”).


 On November 12, 1974, The Carol Werkmeister family discovered a mutilated cow on their farm. The cow had typical cuts. It was during a conversation with Sheriff’s Deputy Bernard Staib that unmarked helicopters in the area were mentioned. Mrs. Werkmeister said they had been visited by one strange copter on November 13 about 8:35 p.m. as it moved very slowly over their farm. They later discovered other neighbors had been buzzed by the chopper; strangely, the navigational lights didn’t seem to be in the accepted or expected positions. Sheriff Staib previously tried to track these helicopters through airports and air bases but with no luck.

During April 1975, a mutilated Angus cow was found on Chester Gourley’s farm in Carrollton, Illinois. The left ear had been removed. The left rear and left front teats were amputated. The left rear and left front teats were amputated.  The auterior tip of the tongue had also been cut off.  The left eyeball was punctured.

Gourley mentioned a strange motor sound the night before and also mentioned that relatives in nearby Brighton had reported mysterious helicopters the week before.



Phillis Beutell and her son, Randy, witnessed an unmarked utility helicopter that came out of a field of Angus cattle. 

Several weeks before the mutilation, the copter buzzed the whole area and was witnessed by neighbors Alf Wilson, Clifford Beilsmith and Ralph Macaffe. Macaffe said the occupants of the copter wore heavy sunglasses and were smiling mischievously when they swooped down and buzzed the cows. When Randy counted heads a day later, one cow was missing. The Wilsons also remarked that a large unmarked white cargo-type helicopter was seen earlier to have taken off from the Beuttel property and disappeared.

James Stevenson of Meadowlark Farm near Percy, Illinois, reported daytime sightings of unmarked helicopters buzzing his property. Sheriff Louis Layton said the southern Illinois area had numerous reports of “green helicopters with no markings” three days prior to the discovery of missing cattle in the area. Copters were seen going northwest and also near Red Bud, Illinois.

Likewise, Margaret Stone reported a helicopter sound that scared her cattle at Jonesboro, Illinois. It lasted for 30-minutes. She also heard the noise of a truck starting and changing gears about six times, as if hauling a heavy load.

A rancher who lives about 16-miles northeast of Kiowa, Colorado, saw a red-white helicopter land about a quarter-mile from his house on a high knoll, but it took off before the farmer could get to it.  A heifer belonging to Jim Russell had been mutilated and the blood drained. They had looked for the cow days before, but suddenly it was found. “I’d been by that spot several times,’ said Mrs. Russell, “and you’d think I would have seen her.” The animal’s neck was twisted and a hind leg was broken “as if she had been dropped.” Coyotes wouldn’t touch the animal.

The Cascade County, Montana Sheriff’s Department had received reports of several such copters. The wife of a former deputy reported that she heard a machine noise approaching one night; it become very loud as if it were located in their backyard. Two beams of light came into the room where she was babysitting and lit up the entire room: one red beam and one white. Then the noise dropped to a lower patch and the lights went out. The family dog didn’t bother to bark. A neighbor reported that next day that he had also seen the series of red lights that flashed near the ground and then go out. Three days later a lady near Belt reported that a helicopter flew over her house at tree top level and circles her sheep. The craft was navy blue with yellow lettering.

Deputy Arne Sad of Fort Shaw heard a helicopter sound in September of 1975 as he drove west of Great Falls.  He stopped the car to look but was unable to see anything.  The sound passed directly over him, but he could see no copter.

A ranch couple later reported a copter near Chouteau which turned off its lights and flew away. Ten days later several helicopters with spotlights were reported flying over missile sites near Lewistown. No official agency reported copters out in that area. Undersheriff Jim Shelton of Judith Basin County also reported two mutilated cows in his area and he also reported that unidentified helicopters had been seen about the same time. One cow had apparently been killed between 3:30 and 4 p.m.  A green chopper had also been seen circling the area between 4:30 and 5 p.m. Two choppers were reported running together at night–and yellow, green and silver choppers with no numbers had also been reported.

A man camping in Moose Creek Canyon southeast of Great Falls said a helicopter came through the canyon so low that it vibrated his mobile trailer, but he couldn’t see it.  Similarly, a man in Teton County said that he and his two sons watched a helicopter hover over his cattle one evening but there was no noise. The craft had red and blue lights.




Phantom aircraft with flight maneuvers similar to helicopters were observed within the vicinity of Minuteman missile sites.  Chouteau and Teton Counties had similar reports. But none of the objects appeared on Air Force radar screens. Malmstrom Air Force Base did scramble jet fighters in an unsuccessful attempt to identify the objects. The copters were flying in very windy conditions.

“Dan” witnessed a large helicopter about to land.  On its side was a large silver star; the copter had many windows. “It was like a flying boxcar,” said “Dan,” and he and his father witnessed the copter rise and disappear.

Mr. and Mrs. Cromwell of Tujunga., California witnessed a helicopter that rose over a nearby canyon. Several people watched the copter that rose to about 1,200 feet, and the saw a bright object above the copter: an object of vari-colored lights with a top of vibrant blue-green, a middle of white and the bottom, a glowing red. The copter changed shape from round to diamond to chevron and then into a classic saucer shape. The copter sped off–then two copters returned about 11:00 p.m. flying in tandem. The object disappeared in the west and so did the choppers.

Usually, where animals are mutilated, they are also hosted by Fortean or “odd” phenomena occur: flying saucers, UFOs, hairy monsters, mystery aircraft, strange cat, and even strange people and creatures are seen. 




When an oval-shaped object was seen hovering over a field in Enfield, Connecticut at 9:30 a.m. on March 4, 1975, a helicopter was also reported flying close to the object which emitted blue, green, and red light. No one could identify the copter.

When Ray Hawks sighted a UFO at Boulder, Colorado, reportedly in trouble as it wobbled in the air, a helicopter made an appearance. The object appeared to be two concave discs of dull aluminum that rectified its problem and disappeared into the clouds. Later, a supposed Air Force helicopter came to the spot, and a military colonel and a major were alleged to have told Hawks to tell the newspapers that the UFO would return. Hawks said that he would appear to be crazy if he said such a thing, but the military men insisted he should tell of the incident “to prevent public panic.”

When a UFO “flap” occurred in the Point Pleasant area of West Virginia in 1966, a large ape-like “bird,” labeled the Mothman, occurred along with reports of flying bats and strange persons. Lonnie McDaniel reported stories of animal deaths:

“In all cases, some internal organs had been removed—but never was there an incision or scar of injury. A dog was handed into the police station. It had been found dead but with no injuries. When it was examined, its heart was found to be missing—but there was no incision, no sign of surgery.  Its heart was just gone.”




UFOs often take an interest in animals. John Beer of Larnel, Kansas reported a large white light one night about 9:00 p.m. on February 1972 which hovered over the cattle corral on his farm. The object eventually disappeared. The next day the two bottom wires on the corral were found to be busted, and the milk cows had burned spots or ‘circles’ on them. Similarly, Kevin, Bevin and Curtis Ercanbrach reported a UFO inspecting a dead cow from the air in the Uintah Basin area of Nevada.

When an extremely bright UFO was reported in Wanaque, New Jersey on October 11, 1966, upon its disappearance another variety of UFO appeared:

“There were aircraft all over the place after this thing disappeared.  But nobody knows where they came from,” said Police Sargent Ben Thompson. “There were seven helicopters and, I would say, ten or twelve jets.  They were very fast aircraft—and they kept circling the whole area. Stewart Air Force Base, which is the closest to the area, claims that they didn’t send anybody down here.  No planes or anybody.  Nothing.”




A high radiation reading was later discovered in the area. A “government investigator” made an appearance at the local high school and instructed witnesses that they saw no jets and helicopters. There wasn’t any official record of such a man, and the source of the aircraft could not be discovered.

When mutilated cattle were discovered in Fremont, Blaine, Nez Perce, Bonneville, Adams and other counties in Idaho, people began to speculate that helicopters reported to be the blame.  

Sheriff Terry Thompson and Deputy Craig Rinehart doubted copters were used because the noise could be heard for five miles, and their office had no helicopter reports. However, Thompson did report that three or four UFOs had been seen in the Junipers north of the Elgin Snake River bottoms and west of Chester. Other farmers reported low-flying, high–winged planes over the Wilford area. The farmers reported that only low-winged planes are used for crop dusting. 

A mysterious black helicopter plagued a trailer court in the Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania during March of 1976.

The Christina Lee family said a small, marked black helicopter buzzed the Nelson Trailer Court.

A “low sound” helicopter was reported flying about the Charlie Firnekas farm near Midwest, Wyoming. Firnekas reported UFOs on several dates. Range detective Jim Zimmerschied said that cattle had been mutilated in the area.

Zimmerschied said that amystery truck with varied-lights moved through the woods. When mutilated cattle were found in the Cedar County area of Nebraska, mystery choppers were there also.

There have been nighttime sightings of helicopters, two of them verified,” said Sheriff Herbert Thompson.  “We’ve had reports of night-landings too, although those have not been confirmed.”




Mutilated cattle were found within two to three days after the two confirmed helicopter sightings—one within half a mile of an area where the aircraft had been seen.

Two low-flying aircraft buzzed Robert Smith of rural Crescent, Iowa while he drove his tractor on his farm. One was a black twin-engine plane, and the other a white helicopter. Neither craft had serial numbers.

“They were close enough that I could see a guy get out of the helicopter and brace himself on a railing,” Smith said. “He was firing a hand gun. I could see dirt fly from the bullets hitting the ground, so I put the tractor out of gear and dove to the ground.”

Airports had no data on the aircraft, though Smith said they both made numerous passes over his cornfield all spring.

Mark, Idaho was also visited by a mystery helicopter.  One witness, Rev. Albert Lambeth, said: “Shortly before 1:00 a.m. Tuesday, I woke up when the intercom picked up a conversation. There was plenty of use of the Lord’s name in vain and a comment that something ‘is a damned shame.’

“I jumped out of bed, thinking there was a break-in at the station and called Farley. But when we got to the station, everything was normal. So we figured we had picked up a two-way radio signal—that’s happened before.” Farley and Lambeth recalled a “suspicious car” in town earlier that evening (Mark has a population of 20 people). They both drove out on Davis County Road, and about a mile southeast of town, they came across a “mystery helicopter.”



After a copter scarred cattle on the Francis Jones’s farm, the Iowa State Patrol tried to trail the copter, notifying the Missouri State Patrol that the craft was coming their way, but the copter never arrived.

Dan Richley of Lynchburg, Ohio noted a star-like object on September 26, 1974, about 10:00 p.m. that pulsated colors. Bother Walter Richley and son got into their white pickup truck and shinned a portable searchlight on the object. Suddenly, a red beam came down and engulfed them and the truck. The light disappeared over the horizon. Both pet dogs went crazy during the incident. The following night at 11:00 p.m. Dan heard a terribly loud noise outdoors near the barn.

A calf had died of seemingly natural causes on a Simms, Montana farm. After a few days, a UFO was observed hovering over the animal: a white bean-shaped object with a red top.  The object turned upside down before it left the spot.  It was later discovered that the calf had its udder surgically removed. The UFO returned the next day to again inspect the cow and finally disappeared.

Darlene Underwood and her mother observed two lights that buzzed a train on April 1, 1966 outside of Liberty, Missouri. One of the lights landed on a hill while the other circled, buzzing the train, and then hovered over a tree, dimming its ‘lights’ until the train was gone. The other object rose from the hill, and then both “ducked” behind the hill.  Suddenly, both objects appeared again and ‘landed’ on the hill.  Mrs. Underwood said she could hear two men shouting at each other in a foreign language. The sounds of a pig being butchered could also be heard.  Both women were afraid to approach any closer; however, they could see the shadow of the men moving about. 

A mutilated cow found on the Raymond Jones farm near Newcastle, Wyoming was accompanied by a circle two-foot in diameter to one side, and the grass was a bright yellow at the site.  “It was almost a perfect circle,” Weston County Sheriff Willis Larson said. The next night a Newcastle woman reported seeing a flying object west of town; Larson and others saw it too within the mutilation vicinity. “It looked like an orange-colored light,” said Larson. “It was big in the front and tapered down.”

Mutilation areas, as pointed out, are not just UFO “hotbeds”—they are also host to stranger phenomena.






“At one point there was supposed to be kind of an occult significance as to whether the left ear or the right ear was missing. People would look over what they thought were surgically precise cuts that were made on the side of the animal to see if they represented some kind of an occult symbol. And then you’ve got the quasi-scientific explanation, which is that these body parts are being biopsied, and they’re being moved by extraterrestrials. I think the UFO explanation now seems to have gotten somewhat old. Now maybe if I were out in the Great Plains, I would find a lot of people out there who were still talking about the “black helicopters.” The black helicopters were what the aliens used to commit the mutilations and biopsy the animals. And that generated a tremendous amount of rumors and beliefs, all because it was obvious that [the helicopters] were not made by humans because they were silent. A silent helicopter was obviously an alien spacecraft. I think that all of these will be seen against the ground of real suspicion of the federal government, because they all come with the proposition that the government knows a great deal more about what’s going on than they’re letting on, and the reason they’re not telling you why these mutilations are taking place is because they don’t want you to know.” Bill Ellis, Professor of English and American Studies at Penn State Hazelton, Modern Farmer, Andy Wright, September 11, 2014

When mutilated cattle were reported in the White Meadow Lake area of New Jersey, motorists traveling on Rural Route 15 during October of 1976 were horrified to see dozens of parts of dismembered cows.  Heads and entrails were strewn on the roadway for more than a mileSince the parts appeared near the truck-gate to the United States Army Picatinny Arsenal, the Army was ordered to clean them up. The U.S.Army disavowed any ownership to the slaughter.

People in the area also reported hearing underground construction work and subterranean machinery. There was also the noise of a truck ascending a hill but “never reaching the top.”  A housewife reported a loud, very low-flying helicopter in the area but the area was encompassed in a dense fog. Another resident reported truck sounds in the area going back several years. Beeps, baby cries, howls, unusual footprints, and giant creatures were also reported. One housewife told about a man driving his car to the edge of the woods and taking a sack from his car—removing two legs of a horse and tossing them into the woods before driving away.  In the same area, a dead deer was found with its body “torn open.”




UFOs were repleteand seen repeatedly throughout the area. One resident told about a triangular UFO, silently moving and hovering above the tree line. They also observed brilliant flashes about the trees and houses on several evenings. Harmonized orange or white lights traveled across the sky on other evenings. One glowing light appeared to have landed but the spot could not be found.

Hairy monsters were seen several times. Two children were confronted by a hairy beast with bloody eyes near the White Meadow Lake. Teenagers saw the creature later about a quarter-mile away.  Huge three-toed foot prints were found.  On another occasion a towering greenish creature with scales was seen along Interstate 80.

In Montana mutilation territory, a large hairy creature was seen standing on the shoulder of Interstate 15 five-miles west of Great Falls. The creature was very wide at the shoulders, about eight-foot tall, but didn’t leave any tracks. 

Leonard Hegele and family also saw a hairy creature, again, off Interstate 15.  Hegele gave chase, but stopped when the creature stood to face him. 

Two creatures were reported east of Rainbow Dam along the river. Vaughn, Ulim, and other areas also had creature reports. The Tennessee area was permeated with “Big Foot” reports during 1976-1977, alongside of UFO reports.  One witness saw a creature with a rabbit in its mouth and saw a large Bob Cat as the creatures accompanying ‘pet.’

“Mo Mo,” the Louisiana-Missouri monster, stalked the area amid UFO reports in July 1972

In January 1975, a mutilated cow as found in nearby Foley, Missouri. The UFO Study Group of Greater St. Louis made numerous road-trips and Sky Watches. Steve Erdmann was a member of that study group and, on several occasions, and did, indeed, see UFOs. 



Station wagons, jeeps, trucks that are never identified are also reported.

Clayton Dozler and some of his neighbors found a mutilated 300-pound bull calf on his farm—all three reproductive organs of the bull had been removed by what appeared to be a sharp instrument. Ainsworth, Nebraska investigators said the animal had a petroleum substance in its stomach.

Interestingly, a helicopter had been reported refueling from a pickup truck in the area. The truck and copter were soon gone before anyone could apprehend them.

On the afternoon of the 18th of March, 1977, an early-model light-cream-colored vehicle was reported in the Machias, Washington area in which two men accompanied a Doberman Pincher.

The slow-moving vehicle went around a corner and about 15-minutes later returned without the dog: the dog had been mutilated along Dubuque Road—cleanly severed in two behind the rib cage.  The back legs and its back half could not be found. There was no evidence of blood and the chest cavity was clean and whitish in color.

In the northern part of the Mojave Desert of southern California, hairy beasts were reported to descend from UFOs in the summer of 1973. The UFOs were described as torpedo-shaped and glowing.  The creatures were said to ‘amble off’ when they touched the ground. Later, on July 25, witnesses again tracked hairy creatures in the desert and flatland area. This time, a convoy of blue trucks carrying military people came and herded a creature into one truck.

“The trucks, which from our vantage point, seemed to bear no identifiable markings, drove almost directly to the Joshua Grove, and the figures of men surrounded the area,” said one witness from the Western Society for the Explanation of the Unexplained. “A figure, apparently a man, was carrying a powerful light and moved in a hurried manner toward the creature. He seemed to make a violent back-and-forth motion with the light as if directing the creature to come to him.” 

The creature let out an anguished cry and entered the truck.  Minutes later, several men swept the area with a flood light, and the witnesses then fled.

Following several mutilations in the Lindale, Texas area, law enforcement officers began looking for a later model Ford Mustang with an antenna on top of the automobile.  The vehicle also had a dealer’s tag.  Three people were said to have been seen in or near the auto by a motorist on Farm Road 16 east of Lindale.

Two persons were seen across a fence in a pasture and, as the motorist stopped, they turned, facing the road—they appeared to be wearing white smocks and butcher’s aprons. One was reported to be carrying a machete-type knife and the other carrying what looked like a rifle. A third man rose up in the back seat of the car and faced the witnesses, at which point the motorist sped away.

Gerald Peterson of Viking Township, Minnesota found a mutilated cow near his property on the 27th of September, 1974. Approximately one week before the incident, Peterson noted a light-colored station wagon on a road near his property.

Boot prints, jeep tire marks, and gunshot wounds are also part of the mutilations.

Cattle found in Ottawa County Kansas had been hit with a high-powered rifle before it was mutilated.  An 1100-pound Holstein found east of Roxbury, Kansas was mutilated and tire and boot prints in the snow were found a short distance away.

The mutilation scenario is replete with all variety and types of odd happenings.

Cattle found mutilated in a mud ditch with no signs of struggle or mud marks. Cattle dropped into ponds with broken legs, hammer marks on the bodies, scalpels left behind—and some kind of ceremonial site was found near Butte, Montana: an altar on the site had written on it:


Likewise, Tom Robinson, a Wilford, Idaho farmer found a white plague with black lettering and a temple-shaped object in its center on a telephone pole at the time of a ‘flap.’  A similar sign was found in Chester.

Two Forest Service guards in Blain County, Idaho watched cattle on the U.S. Forest Service property.  One guard noted two men dressed in body-length-black-hooded robes walking about 50-yards from him.  The taller of the two men carried a hog.  Both men preferred to walk in the willows avoiding roads, and acted as if they wanted to avoid detection. The cattle in the area had become very quiet during this time.

In September of 1976, a boy was fishing alone on the Cheyenne River near Kindred, North Dakota and he spotted a figure dressed in a long white robe. Similar reports of persons dressed in black robes carrying candles along County Highway 46 were reported in North Dakota. White-robed people carrying candles were reported in the Valley City area. Kindred Mayor Jerry Salveson told about a bull which died on the Rodney Lee farm unknown causes.

Two mystery men invaded a feedlot southwest of Sterling, Colorado in August of 1976, a previous mutilation site. Ranchers said: “They didn’t move like humans, they seemed to glide.”  The sheriff was summoned but could find nothing—and no footprints could be found.

One of the most bizarre reports came from Arlen R. Box who said a helicopter came over a field near Henderson, Texas on a day when cattle had been mutilated.  Box watched from his tractor as the coal-black copter “with no one at the controls” flew over him “like a bat out of hell.”

Several days later as he drove his pickup, he witnesses a “black creature coming out of a pine grove—it seemed black,” he said, “and I swear, it had wings” because the creature flew up to the copter before the craft disappeared.

In almost every state and some foreign territories, Swamp Things, Wall Bangers, Night Screamers, Giant Lizards, Hairy Dwarves and other monsters are reported and animals killed. The phenomenon has persisted from the 1970s down to the present day.



Listverse had an insightful article and chronology of the continued mutilations happening globally.

Marcus Lowth, June 29, 2016

Writing for the New York Post, September 5, 2016, Ben Mezrich (following the investigations of Chuck Zuklowski), uncovered the strange consistency of mutilations over the years leading up to the current time:

“Even more terrifying, incidents like this had been going on for more than fifty years — this exact same scene had been witnessed and documented on ranches all over Colorado, as well as in New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and many other places — decade after decade.  What had occurred on (Glenda’s—a farmer’s)  ranch — as violent and horrifying as it was — was part of a phenomenon made up of more than ten thousand individual incidents, in a half-dozen states — all of them completely unexplained.”

Chuck Zuklowski Dressed in Full Investigatory Uniform

Anna Hopkins of the (June 29, 2017) concurred in following the investigations of researchers Christopher O’Brien and Linda Moulton Howe.  Mutilations were discovered as recently as 2016 in Kansas.  O’Brien points out that since 2002, about 4,000 mutilations were found just in South America.


Sputnik News (February 8, 2017) interviewed Chuck Zukowski who has been investigating the mutilations (along with Linda Howe and other investigators such as Nick Pope [formerly of the UK Ministry of Defense]),  through to its present modern era, and discovered mutilations followed the same consistent pattern of bizarre mysteriousness today.




“The cattle mutilation mystery is extremely disturbing, and there are many different theories, including predator activity, Satanists, secret military experiments, and extraterrestrial activity. The theory about military involvement makes no sense because government scientists already have a facility where animal testing is carried out, so they would have had no need to conduct additional, illegal testing. However, I was not able to find a definitive explanation during my government work,” Nick Pope told Sputnik.


In many modern cases, artificial mutilations are evident, and in one or two cases, traces of materials were analyzed that might indicate chemical injections.




There are six broad theories as to who is behind the mutilations:

— A highly sophisticated and wealthy clan of Satanists, including the Central Intelligence Agency and other Deep State officials and professional people, including psychiatrists on down to farmers that are dedicated to bringing about the Biblical Armageddon.

— Our U.S government, possibly, along with other governments, are involved in psychological warfare on the citizenry. Theorists remind us of the recent disclosures about the Central Intelligence Agency’s involvement with Mind Control during the 1950s-1960s. The Army Missile Command was also awarded contracts in 1975 to develop laser weapons. HELAW (helicopter mounted laser weapons) were being built by Bell, Boeing, and TRW.  INLAW (Infantry laser weapons) was another program. There have been many clandestine government programs.  The late scientist Dr. Leon Davidson was an advocate of this theory of government intelligence behind the UFOs. Thorough investigators that include ‘all’ the information will soon come to speculate about a universal ‘break-away civilization.




— The government is sponsoring secret germ warfare programs, using livestock and other animals as a nationwide, even global, laboratory. Upon autopsy many cattle were found infected with germs. If this theory is true, it has worldwide implications because mutilations were found, for example, in Puerto Rico where ducks, goats, rabbits, geese, cows, pigs, dogs and cats were found mutilated (allegedly caused by a mythical creature from atomic experiments).

— Visitors from outer space using helicopter and other terrestrial craft as “disguises,” going about collecting animal tissues, limbs and blood (also terrifying citizens for unknown reasons).  A case is mentioned of a March, 1967 UFO which chased a Red Cross bloodmobile driver Beau Shertzer near Huntington, West Virginia. An arm came down from the craft as it hovered over the mobile vehicle, and a nurse saw another arm with pincher-like devices.  An oncoming auto scared the mechanical vampire away.

 A “Specialized Version” of a Haunting 

The general abnormal phenomenon that is possibly connected is “ghost” phenomena or apparitions similar to what happens in poltergeist activity or séances and Spiritism. A sci-fi theory is that this activity is a manifestation of our subconscious taking control in a physical form at times—and advocates point to the “ID Beast,” popularly known as “The Monster from the ID,” from the book and movie THE FORBIDDEN PLANET.




Several deputies in one county decided to “stake out” a 640 square acres during the night.  Farmers and ranchers helped close off roads and set-up the required surveillance. Alternate communication systems were used so that calls could be monitored. All cars were stopped and checked in the back roads. When morning arrived, and nothing seemed to have happened, one deputy received a call from a farmer who found a mutilated horse near the center of the 640-acre “target section.” A quarter horse had been drained of blood with several puncture wounds in the chest.  There were no tracks.


 A combination of all of the above in some synchronized Jungian Meaningful Coincidence


What we have here may best be described, in the words of author Joseph Farrell [1], as the “enemy that is everywhere and nowhere.”  Others have given it various titles, such as The New World Order or the “Illuminati.” 

An artcle entitled “The Illuminati Evil Earthly Organization,” on the website,,  describes it thus:

“Humans thrive on power, domination and secretiveness. The evil Illuminati structure of hierarchy resembles the pyramid, beginning with the ‘file and rank,’ informers, runners, etc., rising to the top councils of the ‘Grand Drude Council’ and the ‘Olympians,’ the mind-controlling professionals.

“This is a short overview of the Illuminati and (demonstrates) that covert and direct mind control is occurring around the world. There’s tons of information on the Internet about the Illuminati.  Through detailed research, the reader will understand the deep level of darkness that this world is subjected under. Within this realm of humans—the light is void out and replaced with direct satanic worship.  Royalty and wealth are a captivating lifestyle, though the path of Luciferian darkness will crouch at the door.”


Steve Erdmann,
February 14th, 2018
St. Louis, Mo. 
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