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The Dreamy Draw UFO Crash of 1947

“…there is a serious possibility that we are being visited, and have been visited for many years, by people from outer space, from other civilizations.”

— former Chief of Defense Staff for the UK, and former head of NATO’s military committee, Admiral Lord Hill-Norton

The dead bodies didn’t quite fit into the freezer. As Frank attempted to close the door of the appliance, an inert, four-fingered appendage kept the lid from sealing flush.

“Damn!” the dusty geezer muttered. He glanced around the rotting basement for an axe.

“Was he gonna have to slice these things up like ol’ Teddy quarterin’ meat down at the local butcher shop?” He couldn’t do that, could he? After all, these were alien cadavers. Men from Mars. Hackin’ ’em to bits would be like cuttin’ the head off Christ.

“What to do? What to do?” he pondered. He took another plug off the label-less bottle of clear Agave nectar.

The overhead lamp sputtered, the only source of light 15 feet below the Earth’s surface. The pale luminance delineated the pallid features of one of the interstellar travelers wrapped in plastic.

“Damn, they was creepy!” thought Frank. Almost looked like us, but those big, black eyes reminded him of an insect.

The cattleman timidly reached down. His palms quivered in terror. Mind you, this was a man who had literally wrestled live rattlesnakes. His trembling fingers gripped the frail wrist of the creature before him, snapping it like dry kindling. Folding the hand back upon itself, he fit the appendage into the confines of the freezer. He felt almost sacrilegious doing so. Framed against the eerie subterranean setting, he closed the lid of the appliance on the most important discovery of humankind.

Most folks are aware of the legendary tale birthed outside Roswell, New Mexico, July 7, 1947.

How is it, then, so little is known of a reported extraterrestrial spacecraft accident a mere three months later?

October, 1947. Southern Arizona. Above an area currently known as the Dreamy Draw Dam, a craft of otherworldly origin allegedly hurtled to a violent death along a sand-strewn mesa. Most accounts assert the vessel came to rest at the base of Squaw Peak Mountain, adjacent downtown Phoenix.

A pair of dead alien beings, four and a half feet tall, were supposedly retrieved from the downed vehicle by a local individual, who ended up storing the corpses in his home freezer. Shortly, thereafter, a horde of Men in Black purportedly descended upon the scene, and confiscated the bodies.

According to legend, the spacecraft was concealed beneath an urban sprawl now known as the Dreamy Draw Dam. Already in possession of an alien craft from Roswell, the Army Corps of Engineers simply built an infrastructure over the ruined space vessel, in order to hide their discovery.

Numerous locals claim the dam serves no practical purpose, as the region never accumulates enough precipitation to warrant the need for a levee. Maps delineating the embankment’s location are few and far between. Should one happen upon the structure, don’t expect to find demarcations denoting the word “dam.” There aren’t any. The area is surrounded by “No Trespassing” signs, forewarning of heavy fines and incarceration to those opposing their cautionary notice.

Information regarding this alleged incident in 1947 is more difficult to uncover than an intelligent statement in Paris Hilton’s The Simple Life.

Stockpile this onto the fact the Dreamy Draw Dam is located just south of Highway 51, and you’ve got yourself a modern-day mystery.

Hugh Mungus

© 2011. Hugh Mungus

Reference Index:

Randle, Kevin D. (2010). Crash: When UFOs Fall From the Sky: A History of Famous Incidents, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups. pp. 107-108. New Page Books. ISBN: 1601631006

Treat, Wesley. (2007). Weird Arizona: Your Travel Guide to Arizona’s Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets. pp. 69-71. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. ISBN: 1402739389

I Know What I Saw. Dir. James Fox. Exec. Prods. Pat and Tony Craddock, Mark Fraser, Jackie and Michael Gardner. Perfs. James Fox. DVD, 2009. ISBN: 1-4229-7473-1


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