THE FORGOTTEN VISITORS – The Psychrophiles Are Coming!

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They came …

They saw …

They conquered!

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The Psychrophiles Are Coming!

By Steve Erdmann

(Copyright, 2014-2107, Steve Erdmann – All Rights Reserved)

<Edited by Robert D. Morningstar>

This article was previously published in The UFO Digest –  May 1 through May 7, 2013.

Part I


Marshall Karlfeldt explores the work of the late Zecharia Sitchin from The Earth Chronicles (Sitchin’s merticulous translations of thousands of Sumerian cuneiform tablets concerning the history of the earliest human civilization).  The tablets contain The Epic of Enuma Elish (The Story of Creation) and The Epic of Gilgamesh, as explained through the works of Sitchen’s deciphers, a civilization some 450,000 years ago from a far distant world called Nibiru.  

(Adam, The Missing Link: The New History of Mankind’s Creation, Marshall Karlfeld, Trafford Publishers, 1663 Liberty Drive, Bloomington, In. 47403, CustomerSupport@trafford, 1-888-232-444, 812-339-6000,, 2009, 66 pages, $38.95.)

Book Cover


The book contains extremely handsome and elaborate photographs, professionally exquisite graphic charts, illustrations that are well worth the cost: outlining the arrival and rise of an alleged civilization called the Anunnaki; Gilgamesh, the king of Urek; Ekidu, a cloned humanoid of the Anunnaki; Lord Enki, the chief genetic engineer; and Gilgamesh’s mother as an Anunnaki Divine Princess; Gilgamesh’s father was human.

The 6th tablet tells about Princess Ishtar who lusts after Gilgamesh, but is rejected by him. Furious, Ishtar travels from an orbiting mother ship to Urek, stealing the “Bull of Heaven” from Leader Anu, and uses the laser-device to blast the streets of Uruk killing hundreds of people.  Gilgamesh and Enkidu destroy “The Bull” as Ishtar retreats.


Cylinder seal VA/243 is about 4,500 years old.  The story on the cylinder tells of Anunnaki leaders: the Commander Enlil and Genetic Engineer Enki are shown experimenting with animals, says Klarfeld.

The same diagrams show the alleged solar system with 10 planets; Nibiru is supposedly the 10th planet.


Klarfeld, as also so many other people, believes that a double entendre’ existed in the beliefs and statements of scientist Carl Sagan; Sagan always intended his words provoke additional thoughts on controversial topics, says Klarfeld.  In Sagan’s 1985 book Contact, his photograph held behind him a “sentient belief” in Samarian stories of the Anunnaki.  Sagan once named a spaceship as Gilgamish. It was Sagan that said: ‘Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”  Klarfield adds: “I suspect that Dr. Sagan was a believer who wanted to signal his beliefs, without overtly confronting the scientific community.”


Klarfeld summarizes that The Enuma Elish Epic predated the Hebrew Book of Genesis, and is the bases for the Genesis creation account.  It is the original creation story that was transmitted orally from the Anunnaki. The Epic came to rest eventually in the form of seven cuneiform tablets.

(Why the Anunnaki didn’t use their advanced knowledge and technology to transmit history, as such, in a superior and very solidified means other than ‘oral’ and primitive ‘tablets’ is a curiously tantalizing question.)


Genesis spoke of seven days of creation. There were “seven” tablets relaying the Sumerian tale, said Sitchen. In Genesis, God saw on the 7th day that creation is good, and then He rested; in the Sumerian accounts, the ‘god’ created in the length of ‘six tablets,’ but on the last and 7th tablet, ‘god’ heralded and examined his creation. In the Sumerian seven tablets, creation was portrayed.  In Genesis, God created and praised His creation in ‘seven’ days.

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Zecharia Sitchin, Supporter of Planet Nibiru and of the Anunnaki




The Enuma Elish tale, according to the late Zacheria Sitchen, named the planets of the solar system in the form of ‘gods’: Sun, Moon, nine planets, and Nibiru as the 10th planet. Starting from the Sun, they are Apsu (which is the Sun), Mummu, Lahamu, Tiamat (the Earth), Kishar, Arislar, Anu, Ea (Neptune). Apparently, Pluto is disowned and disenfranchised by Anunnaki and present-day scientists. Translating the personified conversations in the tale, the solar system was very mobile, causing all kinds of havoc and destruction until the sun stabilized their movements.

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Tower of Babel built to Symbolize Seven Stellar gods
 “The storied tower of Birs Nimrud counts seven of these quadrangular platforms painted in seven colors, black, white, yellow, blue, scarlet, silver and gold, and in the same order sacred to the stellar gods, Adar (Saturn), Ishtar (Venus), Merodach (Jupiter), Nebo (Mercury), Nergal (Mars), Sin (the Moon), Shamash (the Sun).”


Earth’s moon is called Kingu, and the moon of Nibiru is called “Northwind.” When Nibiru came close to Earth in its 3,600 year orbit around the sun, ‘Northwind’ careened into the Earth about 225-million-years ago, fragmenting Pangea into continents, causing new orbits for Tiamat (Earth) and Nibiru. The asteroid belt was referred to as the Hammered Bracelet.


If Sitchen was correct, the inhabitants of Nibiru evolved on a planet that had no ‘goldilocks’ zone from a central sun precisely at the adequate distance for life as we know it. That meant that Nibiruites must have had a very peculiar evolution.

Has there ever been precedence in the UFO lore of beings evolving on a “cold planet”? Yes, there have been a few, one in particular: the stories of the late Richard Sharpe Shaver and the late Raymond Arthur Palmer.

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Richard Sharpe Shaver and publisher Ray A. Palmer



Through a period of about 1943 to 1977 the publisher of Amazing Stories Magazine, Ray A. Palmer (affectionately referred to as RAP), promulgated accounts of Richard Shaver’s journey into a Hidden World. Shaver, somewhat of a bohemian character who grew up with science-fiction and a dabbling of science, had also, for the most part, been an adventurer from occupation to occupation, talent to talent, territory to territory. Shaver also had an enlarged imagination as he discovered one day while working as a welder in a Detroit auto factory: voices were coming from his welding equipment; the voices were describing obscene depictions, and generally detailing outlandish events of another reality.

Right away, many would be quick to say that Shaver was probably schizophrenic or somehow mentally ill, but Palmer was swift to point out to Shaver’s detractors that much more was happening to Shaver.  Palmer based that opinion on scientific verification of Shaver’s claims. There also existed modern theories on exactly what the brain perceives amidst the latest traditions of quantumphysics.

(One is reminded of the movie scene in A Beautiful Mind where schizophrenic John Nash, played by Richard Crowe, was observing the reflections of glass and crystal and seeing great mathematical possibilities: to quote the Halexandria Foundation: “On the one hand, there is the supposition that all of reality is an illusion. As discussed in Mass, the universe is nothing more than a figment of our prolific imaginations, a phantasm. That may be, but on a more, still-in-the-midst-of-this-life’s-drama level, we can ask about the degree to which we may be imagining — and/or creating — our own reality.” [Creating Your Perfect Reality].)


If Shaver was insane, he also appeared correct, exampled by one such claim that the Elder Race lived on “dark, cold worlds,” away from deadly effects of space and sun radiation (exd) which carries “de, der, dir or d” ash, as compared to good matter – integrative energy – “te, ter or t.”


Like Zarcharia Sitchen (1976), Emanuel Velikousky (1950), Harold Jeffreys (1924), Shaver’s stories also told of cosmic catastrophe: Planets were dislodged, oribts realigned, and crash events occurred. The Elder Race feared none of this on their ‘dark planet’ of the Nortean Race.


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In Movie A Beautiful Mind, John Nash (Actor Richard Crowe) Contemplates
Unknown Mathematical Possibilities in Crystal Glass and a Tie



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The Shaver Mystery is part of the history of Amazing Stories Magazine, but it is certainly not considered one of the  magazine’s shining moments.  Barry Malzberg touched on it briefly in his blog post.  In a nut shell, the Shaver Mystery was the “UFO phenomenon” before the actual UFO phenomenon.



David Darling, an astronomer and graduate of Sheffield and Manchester Universities in England, spoke of ancient and current practitioners to ‘brain tapping,’ as one example, that by-passes the brain as a modulator to confronting cosmic consciousness. Darling also spoke of Clive Wearing’s Korsakoff Disease (Korsakoff had to reconstruct reality and memory every few seconds):  “Cases such as these speak of more than just the fragile and constructed nature of self. They raise serious questions about the nature of time,” said Darling, “and the delicate connection between psychological time and physical reality. Could it be that time, likewise, is nothing more than a product of the way we think.”  (Soul Search, Villard Books, Random House, New York, 1995, p. 117.)


Darling and other scientists pointed to altered states of consciousness where perception exceeded normal restraints. The sanctimonious judgments of such people, others would say, were probably premature if not also suspect and neurotic.


Palmer received a rather sketchy manuscript at his office at Amazing Stories Magazine telling of a vast underground civilization of demented creatures left on earth thousands of years ago by an Elder Race; this race possesses super-technology from their fore-fathers, who escaped earthly contamination by heading back into space.

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Artist’s rendering of the proposed Mars Transfer Vehicle that would use NTR
Nuclear Thermic Rocket -Propulsion 
Artist’s rendering of the proposed Mars Transfer Vehicle that would use NTR



The beings that were left behind on earth are a composite of ‘The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly,’ to use a movie metaphor: abanderoor dero, and the not-so-bad, sometimes good, tero. Dero kept themselves “Dosed-up,” so-to-speak, through their machines which allowed them to continue long but torturous lives of radiation poisoning from the sun.

The Tero were a little more fortunate, knew the danger of the destructive “de” from the Sun, as well as the mechanics of surviving in such a surrealistic world. Some Tero actually waged war against the Dero who had the advantage of combat with their Ben-ray, Stim-ray, Telesolidography, and Telepathic-Augmentor.

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And then, there are the “surface dwellers”: we humans, who have to deal with apparitions, ghosts, poltergeists, surface-type diseases and other mysterious calamities.


Out of such a rich but chaotic history grew the legends of other legends; tales of other tales; Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, The Oahspe Bible, Hades (Hell), and hundreds of other sagas.

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The Hidden Underworld

Ray Palmer’s series of Amazing Stories on the Hidden World


Palmer reconstructed Shaver’s story-line for Amazing Stories and presented the manuscripts in a serious vain and found himself avalanched by responses from thousands of readers with a chorus of “Real! This is really happening!”  Most were certifiably sane. Carl Sagan said and (quoted by Elz Cuya) “….renamed the scientific method, ‘the baloney detection kit.’  He admitted that science at times had been wrong.”


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                                                          THE MEANING OF EViL




Princess Vanic and other “Elder Gods,” as recorded in Shaver’s I Remember Lemuria (1948), lived on the ‘sunless Nor’: they were “Nortons” who could thrive in ‘dark space’; they were ‘Titans,’ ‘Atlans,’ and ‘Nor-tons.’ They did avoid the “black death” from the “masses of (the) poisonous particles” from any sun or star (also called ‘dis’ or ‘de’). Such poison eventually causes ‘radioactivedisease’ known as ‘‘age.’’ 

Nortons were protected by a “carbon shell” canopy.  Unfortunately, our sun, Sol, captured Nor and over many eons, the “shell” burned away about 30,000 years ago, allowing the destructive “de, der, dir or d” to enter the surface and cause havoc, disease and aging. A residual “exd,” or ash, pushed back causing ‘gravity’ (A lot of Shaver’s ‘formulas’, said Palmer, have been found to be eventually true).

Not only was the capture of the “cold planet” a major epiphany-event but there were cataclysmic events and collisions of celestial bodies through the solar system.

This resulted in various legends.


As mentioned, some legends appeared to be copies or remnant stories of other legends: issue tales of Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, and Shaver’s strange “Mantong” language and alphabet where each letter denoted meaning: one word could seemingly have been a complete sentence or more.

When the “gods” left earth, they also abandoned superior machinery and diseased monsters that took “surface dwellers” into their Realm as “shanghaied slaves.”

Shaver died in November, 1975 (same month I was confronted with the Kafkaesque world of the multibillion dollar Divorce Industry, Scam and Racket). Ray Palmer died in August, 1977, just two years after his dear friend Richard Shaver.


Donald Wesley Patten referred to such a mysterious celestial body moving tremulously through our solar system as “the Visitor” (The Biblical Flood and the Ice Epoch, Pacific Meridan Publishing Company, 1966, p. 139).  As a professional Geographer, M.A., Patten came to believe that a number of cosmic and planetary events disturbed the evolution of earth and its inhabitants. Rather than a “carbon shell,” Patten believed Earth had a “water canopy” (evidenced by a residual Van Allen Belt around the planet). The “canopy” was destroyed by a combination of events in the solar system. This “canopy” protected the earth from radiation and space debris (referred to in the Book of Genesis in the Scriptures as “the waters above”), allowing a rather deterioration-free world. The intimate details were in Patten’s book and related works of Imanuel Velikovsky and Jim Wentworth’s Giants in the Earth; but all theories and legends held questionable “gaps” and begged multiple queries as yet unanswered or challenged.


Klarfeld answers numerous questions; I cannot say he will answer questions to everyone’s satisfaction. He examines Samarian and ancient archeology through four categories: S.I.T – or – Stored Information Text (cuneiform tablets), S.I.Ts – or – Stored Information Tablets (cuneiform tablets), S.I.D – or – Stored Information Device (cylinder seals), S.I.Sc – or – Stored Information Sculpture (Ishtar statue, etc.), and S.I.S.t – or – Stored Information Structure (pyramids).


The pyramids certainly seemed mysterious enough to be classified as possibly an actual alien “structure”: 2.3 million bricks in the Giza pyramid with a satellite view of being only two inches off at the apex.  This is a tolerance of 1/1,000,000 of an inch.

But the question seemed affordable to ask: why did the Sumerians, who consorted with the Anunnaki beings and leaders, not “demand,” or, at least, query their Creators about obtaining or inventing their super-technology? They could have insisted or campaigned as so that the Anunnaki put their laser, radio, and other advanced machinery at their disposal. Conversely, the Anunnaki could have circumnavigated cuneiform tablets and cylinder-seals and ‘had given’ the Eridue superior machines.


Why is there only history of the Anunnaki in the Mesopotamian civilization? Or, does the “Nephilim” do a very good job of keeping their existence of technology completely out of the hands of the Enkidu?  Why allow ‘any’ technological transfer?

(Tantalizing questions are further posed in Part II of the curiosities of the Elder Gods and the reality of the planet Niberu.)


The Psychrophiles Are Coming!

Part II



Klarfeld offers the mysteries of Stonehenge as another bit of evidence of ancient super-civilizations. Klarfield says the stones were erected on a prior 285-foot-diameter circle of 56 chalk holes. The Audrey Circle, say its defenders, is an early eclipse-computer with precise knowledge of celestial mechanics. Stonehenge’s earliest portion dates approximately 2950-2900 BCE, Middle Neolithic, and having enormous knowledge about the earth’s relation to celestial bodies, enabled as S.I.D and S.I.S.t devices.


The Uruk, Nipper, Kishilarsa, Ur, Eridu, and Anunnaki peoples left many clues: stones, says Klarfield, that can only have been chiseled and moved by an advanced technology. One stone weighs over 1,200 tons; the St. Louis Gateway Arch weighs 900 tons. Some megalith stones are found raised 36 feet above the ground and end to end.


The pyramid of Giza (and several other pyramids) still defied complete explanation by its critics of an S.I.S.t.  Pyramid fascinations included: Its engineers knew of the proportions of “pi” and the Golden Mean, Pythagorean Triangles, thousands of years before Pythagoras lived. Passageways, said defenders, could not be produced with copper or bronze tools; the builders also knew the precise spherical shape and size of the Earth, Venus, Mars, and Mercury and star positions.

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The Pyramids as a Grand Communication Tool



Sitchen’s legends told of the messenger Galzu, instructed by the Creator of All, telling the Anunnaki to save humanity and advance human civilization.  In “The Lost Book of Enki,” Enki and Enlil debated using “Weapons of Terror”: atomic-tipped missiles stored on earth and used in war: issue Sodom and Gomorrah, the “evil wind” (radiation fallout) which destroyed the Sumerian alien-hybrids. The Halexandria Foundation stated: “Unfortunately, Lot’s wife looked behind her, and was turned into a pillar of salt for her trouble. [6/22/06 – One reader, Paul Cilwa, had noted that, ‘In Hebrew, the word used for ‘salt’ also means ‘vapor.’ Lot’s wife wasn’t turned to salt. She was vaporized. When Abraham got wind of the event, ‘he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace.’ (Genesis 19:28).]”

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The Vaporization of Lot’s Wife

The Foundation continued: “The aftermath was so terrifying that Lot and his daughters fled to a cave, where the natural assumption was that the human race was doomed (i.e. no men to beget children). The daughters then took the next step of lying with their father, conceived, and ultimately bore sons.

“Notice how all of the ingredients in the Biblical story account for the destruction of the cities by nuclear blast.”


Possible clues also further substantiated the atomic war. Mark Hempsell of Brisatol University, based on the cuneiform symbols in Planisphere tablets of a Sumerian astronomer, postulated a large asteroid passed over the area scorching 386,000 square miles and sending out debris and shock waves. The text spoke of:  “a white stone bowl being vigorously swept along.”

The cities, also known as Bab edh Dhra and Numeira, showed signs of fire from above as well as a “burn layer” at Numeira. “To this day, unnatural levels of radioactivity are found in the water of springs around the southernmost edges of the Dead Sea. One study confirmed that this radioactivity was sufficiently high to ‘induce sterility and allied afflictions in any animals and humans that absorbed it over a number of years. Further evidence of an explosion is being revealed by the falling level of the Dead Sea, which has in recent years dropped from 1,280 feet to 1,340 feet below sea level.’”

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The City of Bab Edh Dhra
Was it destroyed by an Atomic Blast?



“The isolation of the fossil water body give it characteristic chemical and radioactive properties, including low values of radioactive tritium and radium and the presence of bivalent iron, which indicates a lack of oxygen. One study found that radioactive isotopes had been introduced into the surface layers and mixed throughout the water column before its stratification.”

“A strong correlation between radium activity and salinity was also evident in groundwater along the rift valley between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea, as well as in groundwater from the Judea Group rocks in the Negev. The general rule is that in freshwater conditions, most of the radium remains in the aquifer rocks, while in saline conditions the radium escapes from the rocks and has high concentrations in groundwater. Other studies have established that groundwater with no oxygen also is typically enriched in radium.”



Based on evidence found at Harappa, could this not be the case at Sodom and Gomorrah as well?

“The levels of radiation registered so high on investigators’ gauges that the Indian government cordoned off the region. Scientists then apparently unearthed an ancient city where they found evidence of an atomic blast dating back thousands of years: from 8,000 to 12,000 years.”

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Some skeletons were lain out as if Killed by an Aerial Blast



Some artifacts are disputed, some disproven, some appeared to be hoaxes—-such as the Crystal Skulls. All in all, the accuracy of the Sumerian account boiled down to whether an inhabited planet came around our Sun from deep space.

Klarfeld says that legends title this mysterious Planet X as Marduk, The Winged Globe, Treta, Yuga, The Celestial Disk, and Nemesis.

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Artist Conception of Planet X

Could molecular life as we know it have existed on “dark planets” so far from radiant heat or warmth?

Life on planets in our solar system exists because of ideal or quasi-ideal “goldilocks” positions from a heat source in the universe that “sets the stage.” Mars probes and discoveries on Europa, the fourth-largest moon of Jupiter (which has a possible 50-mile-ocean-breeding-ground) gave wonder about the tenacity of life. Internal heat from volcanism and other factors inspired us to new and fresh viewpoints.


Rare and bizarrely exotic life existed and evolved under the strenuously cantankerous and perhaps perilous conditions. Science seemed to indicate that life “yearns” to exist, even in hostilely macabre environments. In Oymyakon in the northern hemisphere, birds in mid-flight froze because the temperatures are so cold.  The Hot Spring of Sakha (“non-freezing water”) supported life in temperatures of -60-degree centigrade to -71.2-degree centigrade. Vastok, about 1,300 km from the South Pole has a low temperature of -128.6-degrees-farhenheit (and winds up to 60 mph), yet life was found. During Polar Night, in low oxygen at an 11,312-foot altitude, life abounded.

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Permafrost Life – Coldest Living Organisms – Cryptoendoliths
Permafrost Life- Coldest Living Organisms – Cryptoendoliths
Extremophilic microbes are a wild bunch. They can be found thriving in some of the most hostile environments imaginable – swimming in near-boiling water, eating rocks, lounging in sub-zero temperatures, and hanging out where radiation levels rival nuclear reactors.




Scientists pointed to life in Chile’s cruelly dry Atacama Desert, the 10,000-foot-thick ice plateaus in Greenland, the 750-degree-fahrenheit hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor, and mitochondria in a microscopic “harsh world.”

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Organisms Found in Deepest Part of  Ocean 
Organisms Found in Deepest Part of  Ocean 
The benthic zone includes the entire seafloor. About 200,000 species of plants and animals live here. They live on the continental shelf and continental slope. Hydrothermal vents discovered in 1977 are also teeming with life. These plants and animals do not need sunlight to exist.



Antarctica flourished with bacteria living because of ‘cold shock proteins,’ said Dr. William P. McGiven, and proteins carrying metabolic enzymes that allow ‘ice recrystallization inhibition (RI) activity.’

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McGiven found that proteolytic cleavage in a creature called hydrogenophilus or chemoithautotrophe can change the physical structure of the ice around them through “stress chaperones or stress proteins.”

Universal phylogenetic tree of life based on 16S rRNA sequences, emphasizing the domains of Bacteria and Archaea. Orange branches indicate hyperthermophiles that grow at ≥90 °C; purple branches, groups that contain known (cultured) psychrotolerant strains; and blue branches, groups that contain known psychrophiles. Note that the (uncultured) marine Crenarchaeota are colored purple because degree of cold adaptation is not known.



Psychrophilic organisms were found at -112-degrees-F; they were “psychrotolerent”: able to survive in either cold or warm temperatures.  Archaed creatures were thermophiles that, contrarily, were ‘‘heat-loving,” demonstrating the wide-range of spectacular life.

Toxic cyanobacteria secreted “anti-freeze chemicals,” exopolymers, mucus that allowed insulation; yeast and nematode worms utilized trehalose sugar; and in the Antarctic Taylor Dry Valley, organisms flourished in calcium chloride in the Ross Ice Shelf.

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Diplulmaris antarctica
Jellyfish species Diplulmaris Antarctica floats with the current just offshore of McMurdo Station, Ross Island, Antarctica. This species is generally found in Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula near the surface in continental shelf waters. It’s colorless umbrella can be up to 18 centimeters in diameter and its diet consists mainly of copepods, euphausiid larvae, medusae, ctenophores, fish larvae and molluscan pteropods.




Carol Cleland and Microbiologist Sheely Copley of NASA’S Astrobiology Institute spoke of a “shadow biosphere” wherein all kinds of “weird life” intersect and thrive on earth, some in symbiotic relationships, but all suspended in diversified and “staggeringly” cooperative and competitively strange and harsh life.

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Tardigrades Survived Cold Outer Space

Tardigrades are a class of microscopic animals with eight limbs and a strange, alien-like behavior. William Miller, a leading tardigrade researcher at Baker University, says these creatures are remarkably abundant. Hundreds of species “are found across the seven continents; everywhere from the highest mountain to the lowest sea,” he says. “Many species of tardigrades live in water, but on land, you find them almost everywhere there’s moss or lichen.”  In 2007, scientists discovered that these microscopic critters can survive an extended stay in the cold, irradiated vacuum of outer space. A European team of researchers sent a group of living tardigrades to orbit the earth on the outside of a FOTON-M3 rocket for ten days.  When the water bears returned to Earth, the scientists discovered that 68 percent lived through the ordeal.


We MUST now consider this:

-> What about life on distant worlds?


One can only have speculated that in billions of years in crossing space to, briefly (several hundred years out of thousands), pass a sun in its orbit, as to what type of life could evolve on a “dark planet.” Obviously, life would be unique, to say the least, for it would not depend on the traditional “goldilocks” mechanisms we’re usually assumed.

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Pharaoh Akhenaten may have had Extraterrestrial Heritage 

Statue of Akhenaten – Akhenaten ascended to the throne as the 10th Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty in 1352 B.C. He is depicted in paintings and carvings with an elongated skull, which some ancient alien theorists see as a sign of extraterrestrial heritage.

Gravity would be quite different, due to individual planetary terrain. There would not be the Sun’s “constant” harmful radiation; perhaps such a planet might itself  be an “organism” enveloped in some ‘cloud’ or ‘shell’ causing surface evolutionary mechanisms.  Such ‘shields’ may become threatened by eventual catastrophe causing the inhabitants to search out artificial survival morphing.

One could envision large, almost “pupil-less” eyes to allow as much light in as possible; thin elongated features due to odd gravity strains, and inner organs much reported like the artist conceptions in the alleged, famed “humanoid grey creatures” of 1947, Roswell, New Mexico, UFO crash.

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Humanoid depicted at Roswell, New Mexico, 1947




According to Sitchenites, the Anannuki created Enkidu-type hybrids to mine gold from the bowels of the earth because Anunnaki had a medical and ecological need for it.  Sitchenites speculated: gold dust or salts have anti-inflammatory uses or the ability to reduce arthritic pain, rheumatoid arthritis and tuberculosis. Gold, also, has a use in radioisotopes and electrical conductivity.

Obviously, as a basis for our legends, the Anunnaki may have had a “broken” ozone layer or damage to their “cloud-shield.”  Gold, as various solid and dust forms, may have been used as an aid or protectant (we see our ‘modern chem-trails’ being sprayed by humans today).


Researchers speculated about gold’s anti-cancer properties when induced as nanoparticles to fight “cellular deformations.” It may fix strings of DNA and regulate the hormonal functions of the human endocrine system.

Gold had electrical aspects as a “superconductor.” Metallurgy and chemistry were still progressing into monoatomic reality of elements. Theorists talked of arranging the atoms into singular atoms causing very little deletion of energy input, as a superconductor, and enhancing the body brain-power and memory, even acting as a time-machine in some ‘monoatomic optimum.’

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The Anunnaki had a Medicinal Use for Gold 

Metallurgy and chemistry were still progressing into the reality of the elements.




Sadly, major consensuses of scientists attacked such claims by Zechariah Sitchen and similar “catastrophists”:

Farley V. Ferrante, SMU Physics Department, August 7, 2012:

“Sitchen’s scientifically liberate work is filled with poor scholarship, poor translations and poor science.”

The Seal VA/243 was later described, by Roger Westcott, professor emeritus of Anthropology and Linguistics at Drew University, as merely ‘stars.’ Michael S. Heiser, M.A and Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Ancient Semitic languages at the University of Wisconsin lambasted Sitchen’s translations of the texts as grossly misleading and inadequate.


Astronomers of similar style and rank, said Ferrante, have failed to spot Nibiru in its approach into our domain. Such critics pointed out that Akkadian and Sumerian texts were, supposedly, actually talking about Jupiter as the god Marduk (Nibiru). They “frowned” on the idea of a planet “frozen solid” being capable of supporting life; that out of a 3,600-year-orbit, only 153-years would be in sunlight and supposedly life-supporting: if, if, if………    


Despite these threads of contention, facing a magnanimous universe, final answers were hidden in the midst of infinite questions; confluence guarded the darkest secrets of the great beyond. Only in the never-ending search, will we finally know if Sitchen, Patten, Velikovsky, Shaver, Palmer, John Keel, and others in this matrix of inquiry, will be found correct: sicitor ad astra (“Thus one goes to the stars”, Aenid, Virgil).


Steve Erdmann can be reached at [email protected];

or, [email protected]; also,!/stephen.erdmann1;

or, through the editor of this magazine. 

You can friend him at –  Facebook, or, visit the Dissenter/Disinter Group at –!/groups/171577496293504/.

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The Anunnaki had a Medicinal Use for Gold


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