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Richard Andrew King

The Galactic Transcripts

(Copyright 2013, Richard A. King-All Rights Reserved)

Foreword – DK King;  Artist’s Perspective – K.A. Collins

Book Cover – Adam “Frog” Mahan

The Galactic Transcripts is non-fiction personal account of UFO contact.  It is based on one man’s very real, extraordinary, and life-altering experiences.  This book has had a profound effect on many people.  And this book could have an effect on you, as well.

It’s the 1950s. A man sees a cigar-shaped UFO, subsequently becomes involved in receiving channeled messages from intergalactic “human” beings, and then, within hours of his death, writes a message “Border to Infinity” as the final entry in his personal journal.  What does it all mean?  And could all these real life events, including death, all be interconnected?

Artist K.A. Collins, giving an artist’s perspective, writes this about “The Galactic Chronicles”::

“When I was generously invited by Richard Andrew King to share in reviewing these transcripts prior to publishing, I was understandably drawn to Transcript # 14.   
What can I say (?) …Other than that the words leapt off the pages and grabbed me in a way I never saw coming. 
The varying cultural priorities of otherworldly civilizations as outlined throughout this transcript deeply affected me in a way that is as difficult to describe as are the beautiful paintings mentioned within the transcript itself, and the resulting changes within me have been profound, and irrevocable.
It has made me wonder if we on Earth even know what we’re seeing.  
Can it be that we artists of Earth are acting as translators or conduits to another dimension, or to other worlds?  
Or can it be that the images that we create will not physically exist in our reality until we actually paint them?
How often have we heard a great artist acknowledge the creative vision that descended upon him and flowed right through them, only to admit afterward, ‘I don’t know where it came from?’ “
The Galactic Transcripts will take you on a journey that is as provocative as it is mysterious. Its thirty-seven transmissions are channeled from a non-earth, alien group who identify themselves as members of the Space Brotherhood – messages imparted by representatives known as Monka, Korton, Traenor, Klala, Hatton, Lalur, and Soltec.


Learn what the Space Brotherhood has to say about other alien contactee and channelling organizations such as the Galactic Counsel, Confederation of Galaxies, Counsel of Lords, Solar Tribunal, and the Solar Cross Foundation.

The Galactic Transcripts offer us descriptions of other worlds, their inhabitants, morals, ethics, and histories. They even forewarn us of a coming “cleansing of Earth” and the cataclysms that will precede it.  Other messages shed light on the original colonization of Earth, telepathic communication between humans and with ETs. Learn what the extraterrestrials teach about the power of love, the program of “The Radiant One,” and much more.

Those who have read “The Galactic Transcripts” have found this chronicle to be life-altering, profound, inspirational, and transformative.  Will they have that effect on you?  Open your mind and allow the transcripts to take you beyond the limitations of our so-called “modern world” and into radically new, yet-to-be-discovered worlds far beyond our galaxy.

Richard Andrew King

New York City

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You can order your Kindle electronic volume  

or a hard copy of “The Galactic Transcripts” one of the links below

Kindle E-Book –  $9.99     |     Amazon Hard Copy – $19.98



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