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The Ghost The Remodel and the Holidays


I lost touch with my friend for a few years. We again met  by chance while shopping t in town . We  shared some time together over a cup of hot chocolate to catch up with what was going on in each others life.

My friend told me that since we had last seen each other  she and her husband did a large addition and renovation to their house. She told me they demolished the front of the house adding new rooms and a new entrance to the house. They moved the stair case to the back of the house and enlarged the bedrooms on the second floor. They also added a large deck and pool to the back yard and had to pull out the old roses and plant new ones in another area.

She told me the ghost reacted when the work started by throwing tools of the men working on the house  across the floor. Often the workmen would find their supplies moved  other things simply vanished completely. He would push the men who worked alone hard enough to make them lose their balance and fall over. The carpenters were frightened which often caused delays and problems for all involved. She told me he would pull down sheet rock and bang on the floors and walls frightening the men trying to work on the remodel.

My friend told me that this went on until the day the roses were removed. She told me that was the last day  they ever saw or heard or smelled the pipe of  the ghost of the old grandfather. Since the house  remodel was completed they never again were visited by the ghost .

My friend feels that the grandfather  ghost  finally moved on. Once the house was no longer the one he knew he did not seem to want to stay. Once the roses he loved were removed and replaced with the deck and pool the ghost seemed to lose interest in staying on and simply moved on.

I guess we changed the house  to the point he did not feel he belonged here any longer. She added that she and the other family members felt it was a good thing for their ghost to move  on to a better place and hope  he has finally found his peace.

I could not help wonder if she kept that stocking with his name on it. When I asked her about it she laughed and told me the stocking goes up every year. She told me that after 40 years of sharing the house with him they want him to know he is always welcome- especially during the holidays!

I do not know if I could be as easily going with a ghost in my house . I do know I did learn a new way at looking at something that I once considered extreme with new eyes and realize sometimes we just need to relax and let things be.

I truly wish my friends and all of you the love and happiness of the  Season.…and Happy Holidays to you too Grandpa!

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