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Heaven, Hell and Purgatory: Biblical Fallacies

by Paul Schroeder
alien / demonic attachment

Heaven, Hell and Purgatory: Biblical Fallacies

by Paul Schroeder

Biblical descriptions utterly and dismally fail to aptly describe God and what happens to us, after death.

Old Testament accounts slander God, the Universal Light, Father of our spirits, as a God of “wrath, vengeance, anger, vindictiveness and punishment”.

But that demeanor better describes an omnipresent race of controlling extraterrestrial and inter dimensional beings who duped those ancient Jews, alien beings well known as

deceptive and cruel, a governing race of Reptilian aliens.

Using a technology miraculous in nature,

(see,”Aliens and the Ark of the Covenant”, on SW )

beings deceptive and controlling, sinister in nature set up a hoax which resides deeply within our Bible.

Alien abductees the world over describe their encounters with disingenuous Godlike beings from UFOs who to many taken, still claim to be the authors of our being.

Aliens in their UFOs were precisely these very ancient, deceiving “Being”, who masqueraded as our real God to Israelites 5,000 years ago.

Why would God be portrayed, enacted by an race of Alien ‘EVIL’ ones to humans?

The stipulative definition of EVIL, has a uniform molasses syrup, for Biblical aliens and present day aliens, when boiled down: predatory, sinister, self-justifying, controlling and deceptive.

Isn’t this precisely what The Old Testament relates?

Look at the inherent social qualities of this ‘God”:

An all powerful, demanding, sinister, ‘paranormal’ (good alien technology looks just like magic) controlling, self justifying, angry if crossed, ENTITY, suddenly on the scene , announces itself as  a divine presence; a demanding, jealous ‘God’ asserts control over an ancient desert people.

Is God, then as a concept, thus an alien illusion?


God is real, just NOT the ‘God’ of the Old Testament.

Rare souls who have experienced God, in the presence of the Christ-Light, even for a moment, know a hidden unwritten truth about God; He is capable only of LIGHT and LOVE , which radiates palpably when one is in His presence.

God’s love, a presence of a figure of Light, the Christ-Light Presence, stands one in God’s love,

suffuses one like a tsunami wave, a wave that overwhelms one with a Niagara

rapture, bliss and exquisite love.

It is a rare ineffable experience had by a select few.

Hell, a place, a time, a consciousness, in which there is no love is the opposite experience..

One never forgets such a moment with The Christ-Light figure; it is life defining as a direct spiritual experience.

Bible Thumpers, in their desperate search to embrace God warn critics of the Bible of certain punishment, from Hell, for daring the sin of challenging the Bible to reveal the non authenticity of that ‘God’ being.

To them, since the Bible is “the living, breathing Word of God”, God is a punishing “angry and vengeful” spiritual ‘parent’; in their teachings to their children are chilling warnings of “lakes of Hellfire” and “Eternal Damnation and Torture of Hell”, God’s terrible ‘wrath’.

Unquestioning non critical religious thinking which uses that” Holy Bible” towards obtaining a focused lens to perceive God’s truer nature, is also duped; teaching such scripture deludes and deceives the World..

The Holy Bible is an alien roadmap within an alien mind set; one who studies it and is taught by others that it is “infallible truth” can repeat only what one has been taught through religion, wearing a pair of designer alien blinders that believers call ‘faith’.

Jesus taught that God loves us, unconditionally; He

would neither create a Hell nor condemn us to any version of Hell, for an eternity, forever.

Hell, a demonic Reptilian alien astral dimension, is where our garnered, diverted and stolen souls suffer, controlled by the same inter dimensional, micro managing, demonic, alien Reptilians.

Orthodox Judaism holds that we are ALL sinners in some fashion, that after our physical death, we ALL go to a seven leveled Hell, Gehenna, for a duration of specialized, individualized time, before our transit to Heaven.

Purgatory, a sad lost place and Hell, a torture, are dimensional places contrived by demonic, not divine celestial beings.

God works at our reincarnations in a Goodness oriented, miraculously organized fashion, for our (not stolen by aliens) soul’s evolution towards Him, in a constant spiritual recycling.

There is another “door”, besides the door to Heaven, after our death, a dark one, for degenerate sinners who go through it directly back into a woman’s womb, slapped directly back without a blueprint or angels oversight.

Somewhere Hitler’s soul was again within a child and his mother was thinking,

“What is WRONG with that child?!”

But even Dark Souls are rescued from this plight, eventually.

“Righteous” souls continue on to Heaven for reconciliation and reunion, to prepare for yet another lifetime’s blueprint.

This is how we evolve, spiritually, taking many semesters in this School that we call Earth.

There are many lost souls who wander on Earth, afraid to go on, consciously afeard of God’s judgement.

Many other ‘wanderers’, ghosts, are simply ignorant of their death.

Then, too, souls of others who perished in explosions or fires are much too afraid of ANY light to enter into that one Christ light, the transporting light to Heaven.

We, as eternal souls, undergo a myriad series of transits; nothing except our soul’s survival, is “forever”.

Hell and Heaven cannot be  ‘eternal’.

Reincarnation is tantamount and intrinsic; the Bible and religion insists that you only live once.

Biblical notions conflict with spiritual research’s findings and its wider implications.

We could never evolve spiritually if we got stuck in Hell or Heaven “forever” or only had one lifetime.

That is counter to God’s plan for us.

Even sinister Earthbound ghosts and brilliantly diabolical demons are rescued and returned to God’s love after a long time, eventually.

Heaven, Hell and Purgatory are transit points for our evolving souls; “The Agony and the Permanency of Biblical Hell”, as taught, is a Biblical fallacy, a manmade erroneous notion of God’s purpose within our spirituality.

To trust the ancient Jewish Bible’s discernment of God, as an “angry” God, a “Vengeful God”, is to unknowingly misrepresent God’s true nature.

To TEACH this wrong, about God, through religious tutoring, is

a sin, big time, if ever I saw a sin.

To accept the Bible “on faith”, is to deny existence of our all loving God.

Faith in the Bible, as God’s living word, prevents accumulated learning; contrary scientific and spiritual truths can not take root.

A closed mindedness, twisted counter to God’s intent for us, does then regard

proven fossil evidence towards evolution as the Devil’s hiding bones, to confound us.

One hears only rote Evangelical words as an echo from tutored frozen religious minds; God given brains are gone to sleep, to waste.

The ‘devout’  strongly hold wrong, non-critical thoughts about reality and about God, under the seeming guise of “faith”, because the Bible ‘disagrees’ .

Others, like me insist that God must be discerned, worshipped and revered in the 21st century WITHOUT the Old Testament.

This ” Holy reference book” about a controlling , powerful, demanding, supernatural, intrusive and clearly sinister entity, was penned by ancient desert Hebrews 5,000 years ago; it’s long since time for humanity to renew our spiritual subscriptions.

Many, researchers purposefully disregarding the O. T. Bible, have assembled spiritual insights which like small puzzle pieces, do not yield the whole picture but give one a general idea of what the whole puzzle should look like.

The gleaned spiritual insights are very far from Biblical “truths’.

In a spiritual crime against humanity, alien tactics and motives are revealed in the Bible.

They duped the ancient Hebrews, authors of the Bible, in an impersonation of a ‘God’; they perpetrated an assumed identity divinity scam.

Sinister, manipulative, deceptive reptilian aliens are all too prevalent now, as they were then.

Encumbered by a “faith” umbilically tied to the Old Testament, the spiritual mind of mankind is alien chained and tethered .

I come from an Orthodox Jewish background, a background deeply historically rooted in absolute unquestioning belief in our Bible.

Christian Fundamentalists?

Judaism is the tree of fanatical faith.

Every word of our Old Testament is revered without question as absolute truth; our tree of fanatical religion spawned the Fundamentalist Evangelical Christianity Faith, an extra and mere branch, on that ‘tree’.

Both religions,  however, are equally inflexible in adherence to The Old Testament ; they see it as absolute truth.

Orthodox Jews spend their whole day, their whole life, devoted to studying the Torah, Old Testament Five Books of Moses with a religious fervor, believing in the “God” of the Old Testament.

Ironically, Jesus came to free Jews and the world from the Letter of the Law, without the spirit of the law, from religious tyranny, but Fundamentalist Christians , blind to this, refuse this ‘gift’ and hug the old Testament even more tightly.

Orthodox Judaism, intense in its devotion to the Bible, however, sees an almost relaxed Christian experience;

Jews keep all 613 rules, the Sabbath and pray three required times a day; Christians, by comparison, may go to attend Church, on a Sunday.

Both religions, however, embrace the same focus, a blind religiosity of The Old Testament. .

On the Sabbath, in Jewish

synagogues, one would NEVER hear rabbis quote from the New Testament, because it’s not OUR “Book” and we’d get it all wrong.

The same thing happens to Jews when they hear Christian Evangelists thump our O. T. Bible, in Church; it’s not THEIR “Book”, and they almost always get it all wrong.

Curious about alien-mankind interactions?

The Bible is the best book to read about ancient alien encounters, alien tactics and motives.

Just think and

ask yourself:

Why would the Hebrew O. T. God of the Universe insist and

demand that the Hebrew’s worship MUST involve a sacrificed animal’s blood ( and only from a perfect, red haired bovine) and that this blood be carefully splashed onto all four corners of the altar?

It announces the demonic in this demanded blood sacrifice as no entity or intelligence remotely ‘Holy’, would demand such.

That’s an alien fingerprint in the Bible, to observe, but only if one is free to question, to THINK about it.

Un godlike murder and slavery, alien basic tenets of Reptilians, are directly sanctioned in this Bible, revealing even clearer and more ‘fingerprints’ of a “God imposter” race of aliens.

The Bible’s rules and logics of slavery, handed down to these desert people were used by Christians thousands of years later as the God- given and justifying reason to enslave dark skinned others.

Christians used the Bible to maintain that since Noah’s cousin Ham was black and was cursed by God and that by implication all black and non-white non Christian heathen peoples were similarly cursed and thus suitable for slavery.

Native American Indians and Blacks were singled out.

Christians used the Bible to point out that rather than the existence of any God given Biblical prohibition towards slavery, that God clearly sanctioned slavery in the Bible as a religious law and rule:

Leviticus 25:44-46 “Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves.

You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property.

You can will them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.”

The eleventh commandment given by a real all loving God to the ancient Hebrews would have instead read;

“Thou shalt not enslave thy brother”.

Reptilian aliens,  gangsters and Nazis in their demeanors, sanction murder in the Old Testament, everywhere, another ‘dead giveaway’, forgive the pun.

Un Godly and frequent use of murder, as certain punishment for breaking any ‘Laws”, in The Bible, reveals the clearest reptilian fingerprints and profile.

One of the Bible’s ten basic Pillars, the ten commandments, says: “Thou shalt not murder. (Exodus 20:13).”

Yet, in the Bible, we see “God of the Universe” commanding the sanctioned killing of every breathing creature from humans to animals.

If this still seems to be the nature and behavior and thinking of the all loving God of the Universe, and not alien to your mind, you are very well suited to have been an ancient Israelite!

Take a much closer look at “God’s” ‘ prohibitions and delineated “Punishments”:

Murder is divinely legislated and sanctioned by God throughout the Old Testament’s Social Laws:

“And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death. (Exodus 21:17)”

“For every one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death: he hath cursed his father or his mother; his blood shall be upon him. (Leviticus 20:9)”

“And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name of the Lord, shall be put to death. (Leviticus 24:16)”

“If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying: Let us go and worship other gods (gods that neither you nor your fathers have known, gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other, or gods of other religions), do not yield to him or listen to him.”

“Show him no pity. Do not spare him or shield him. You must certainly put him to death.

Your hand must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the people.” (Deuteronomy 13:6-9)”

“And he should go and worship other gods and bow down to them or to the sun or the moon or all the army of the heavens, …..and you must stone such one with stones and such one must die. (Deuteronomy 17:3-5)”

God orders the killing of everything that “breathes” from humans to animals:

Deuteronomy 20:16

” in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes.”

Apparently, it is God’s edict to mass-murder every single human and animal from the defeated enemy:

1 Samuel 15:2-4

2 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt.

3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

4 And Saul gathered the people together, and numbered them in Telaim, two hundred thousand footmen, and ten thousand men of Judah.

The Almighty divine and all loving God dictates that everyone be killed, everyone except for virgin girls:

“They fought against Midian, as the LORD commanded Moses, and killed every man……..Now kill all the boys [innocent children]. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man. (Numbers 31:7,17-18)”.

Reptilian aliens, Dracos,  are closely aligned, imitative of Draconian mind sets in their domination of the Galaxy.

Old Testament clearly sinister and most un Godly rules,  which approve murder, are  proof  that the Bible was certainly NOT inspired by the all -loving God Almighty of the Universe.

Abraham, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Moses were long micro managed by a race of deceptive, predatory, sinister, controlling, self-justifying alien beings.

UFOs are still prevalent in the night skies above Israel; their pilots, known well around the world from abduction experiences are profoundly alike in demeanor to that ancient desert “God”.

Bible laws  enforced by death penalties,  inherent evil and not goodness, were dictated by a  race of alien scam artists whose inner hearts touched not nor approached the true heart of our all- loving God.

Alien beings ‘fingerprints’ and clearer alien silhouettes emerge in the Old Testament and

stand out within a facile examination of the technology of the Ark of the Covenant device.


Worship of this Jewish “God”, who threateningly demanded such, seen by our 21st century eyes and minds, cannot be a divine road to Heaven.

If our destiny is for our minds and our souls to grow towards God , wearing Biblical Blinders defeats any and all of those Holy aspirations for us.

We only know a religion, drummed into us, one unwilling and

unable to allow us to critically unlearn and rethink.

Biblical thumpers, brainwashed, will not rethink themselves; they travel the Bible’s rails as a train would, on fixed tracks, unable, unsuited for freer cerebral movement.

If the devout who feel threatened, challenged by all of this,  MUST pray for we Bible critics,

pray that closed minds accept God’s absolute love for us.

Pray that Bible religion- taught fear of Damnation and Hellfire does not continue to scare souls away from God or make one leery of any belief in God.

Most of all, pray that closed religious minds, must from now on, also come with closed mouths.

 God is light years different from the punishing, vengeful, angry, demanding One described in that ancient ‘Book’.

To refute the Bible, always elicits warnings about ‘Eternal Hell fires’,

 punishment and eternal damnation from its adherents.

Hell suggests more serious concerns at hand.

Consider why a God would ‘punish’ ;

when you punish your children, is it because they are wicked beings and deserve to suffer?

Parents who love their children certainly punish to teach children a lesson,

to reform them to the correct path.

The same is true of a prison and justice system, that all wise punishment is directed towards reforming an individual.

But Hell fails miserably in this regard.

Because it is eternal, there is no chance for progress or reform.

It is punishment for its own sake; should we love a God who manifests sadism?

Who would threaten us and in the same breath confess a love for us?

Ask abductees, the world over.

Reptilian Aliens.

Deceiving, manipulative and sinister, highly technological imposters, whose natures, demeanors, tactics and motives persist unchanged, 5,000 years later,  are the culprits.

Their advanced technological displays still look like magic to us.

Their craft, aloft and omnipresent in our skies are a constant reminder that they wittingly deluded gullible ancients, who in turn, forever altered and distorted our notions of God.

Faith and prayer in our Father, an All loving God of Light, of whom we are a spark, must not collapse in this realization, as God is most real.

It is only The Bible’s assessment of God, which is just chock plumb full of alien wild blueberry muffins.


Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, until he saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.  Then, he knew  that they were interested in an essence he never suspected that he had; a soul. Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals are the very powers that  can be used to thwart further attacks.

They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with people, to avoid the death that they fear and  to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.

These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls ,stuck to your energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.

Heaven, Hell and Purgatory: Biblical Fallacies

by Paul Schroeder

Biblical descriptions utterly and dismally fail to aptly describe God and what happens to us, after death.

Old Testament accounts slander God, the Universal Light, Father of our spirits, as a God of “wrath, vengeance, anger, vindictiveness and punishment”.

But that demeanor better describes an omnipresent race of controlling extraterrestrial and inter dimensional beings who duped those ancient Jews, alien beings well known as
deceptive and cruel, a governing race of Reptilian aliens.

Using a technology miraculous in nature,

(see,”Aliens and the Ark of the Covenant”, on SW )

beings deceptive and controlling, sinister in nature set up a hoax which resides deeply within our Bible.

Alien abductees the world over describe their encounters with disingenuous Godlike beings from UFOs who to many taken, still claim to be the authors of our being.

Aliens in their UFOs were precisely these very ancient, deceiving “Being”, who masqueraded as our real God to Israelites 5,000 years ago.

Why would God be portrayed, enacted by an race of Alien ‘EVIL’ ones to humans?

The stipulative definition of EVIL, has a uniform molasses syrup, for Biblical aliens and present day aliens, when boiled down: predatory, sinister, self-justifying, controlling and deceptive.

Isn’t this precisely what The Old Testament relates?

Look at the inherent social qualities of this ‘God”:

An all powerful, demanding, sinister, ‘paranormal’ (good alien technology looks just like magic) controlling, self justifying, angry if crossed, ENTITY, suddenly on the scene , announces itself a divine presence; a demanding, jealous ‘God’ asserts control over an ancient desert people.

Is God, then as a concept, thus an alien illusion?


God is real, just NOT the ‘God’ of the Old Testament.

Rare souls who have experienced God, in the presence of the Christ-Light, even for a moment, know a hidden unwritten truth about God; He is capable only of LIGHT and LOVE , which radiates palpably when one is in His presence.

God’s love, a presence of a figure of Light, the Christ-Light Presence, stands one in God’s love, suffuses one like a tsunami wave, a wave that overwhelms one with a Niagara
rapture, bliss and exquisite love.

It is a rare ineffable experience had by a select few.

Hell is a place, a time, a consciousness, in which there is no love is the opposite experience..

One never forgets such a moment with The Christ-Light figure; it is life defining as a direct spiritual experience.

Bible Thumpers, in their desperate search to embrace God warn critics of the Bible of certain punishment, from Hell, for daring the sin of challenging the Bible to reveal the non authenticity of that ‘God’ being.

To them, since the Bible is “the living, breathing Word of God”, God is a punishing “angry and vengeful” spiritual ‘parent’; in their teachings to their children are chilling warnings of “lakes of Hellfire” and “Eternal Damnation and Torture of Hell”, God’s terrible ‘wrath’.

Unquestioning non critical religious thinking which uses that” Holy Bible” towards obtaining a focused lens to perceive God’s truer nature, is also duped; teaching such scripture deludes and deceives the World..

The Holy Bible is an alien roadmap within an alien mind set; one who studies it and is taught by others that it is “infallible truth” can repeat only what one has been taught through religion, a designer alien blinder that believers call ‘faith’.

Jesus taught that God loves us, unconditionally; He

would neither create a Hell nor condemn us to any version of Hell, for an eternity, forever.

Hell ,a demonic Reptilian alien astral dimension is where our garnered, diverted and stolen souls suffer, controlled by the same inter dimensional, micro managing, demonic, alien Reptilians.

Orthodox Judaism holds that we are ALL sinners in some fashion, that after our physical death, we ALL go to a seven leveled Hell, Gehenna, for a duration of specialized, individualized time, before our transit to Heaven.

Purgatory, a sad lost place and Hell, a torture, are dimensional places contrived by demonic, not divine celestial beings.

God works at our reincarnations in a Goodness oriented, miraculously organized fashion, for our (not stolen by aliens) souls evolution towards Him, in a spiritual recycling.

There is another “door”, besides the door to Heaven, after our death, a dark one, for degenerate sinners who go through it directly back into a woman’s womb, slapped directly back without a blueprint or angels oversight.

Somewhere Hitler’s soul was again within a child and his mother was thinking,

“What is WRONG with that kid?!”

But even Dark Souls are rescued from this plight, eventually.

“Righteous” souls continue on to Heaven for reconciliation and reunion, to prepare for yet another lifetime’s blueprint.

This is how we evolve, spiritually, taking many semesters in this School that we call Earth.

There are many lost souls who wander on Earth, afraid to go on, consciously afeard of God’s judgement.

Many other ‘wanderers’, ghosts, are simply ignorant of their death.

Then, too, souls of others who perished in explosions or fires are much too afraid of ANY light to enter into that one Christ light, the transporting light to Heaven.

We, as eternal souls, undergo a myriad series of transits; nothing except our soul’s survival, is “forever”. Hell cannot be what Christians insist it is, ‘eternal’. The Bible insists that you only live once.

Biblical notions conflict with spiritual research’s findings and wider implications.

We could never evolve spiritually if we got stuck in Hell “forever”.

That is counter to God’s plan for us.

Even sinister Earthbound ghosts and brilliantly diabolical demons are rescued and returned to God’s love after a long time, eventually.

Heaven, Hell and Purgatory are transit points for our evolving souls; “The Agony and the Permanency of Biblical Hell”, as taught, is Biblical fallacy, a manmade erroneous notion of spirituality.

To trust the ancient Jewish Bible’s discernment of God, as an “angry” God, a “Vengeful God”, is to unknowingly misrepresent God’s true nature.

To teach this wrong, about God, through religious tutoring, is sin, big time, if ever I saw a sin.

To accept the Bible “on faith”, is to deny existence of our all loving God.

Faith in the Bible, as God’s living word, prevents accumulated learning; contrary scientific and spiritual truths can not take root.

A closed mindedness, twisted counter to God’s intent for us, does then regard

proven fossil evidence towards evolution as the Devil’s hiding bones, to confound us.

One hears only rote Evangelical words as an echo from tutored frozen religious minds; God given brains are gone to sleep, to waste.

The ‘devout’ will strongly hold wrong, non-critical thoughts about reality and about God under the seeming guise of “faith”, because the Bible ‘disagrees’ .

Others, like me insist that God must be discerned, worshipped and revered in the 21st century WITHOUT the Old Testament.

This ” Holy reference book” about a controlling , powerful, demanding, supernatural, intrusive and clearly sinister entity, was penned by ancient desert Hebrews 5,000 years ago; it’s long since time for humanity to renew our spiritual subscriptions.

Many, researchers purposefully disregarding the O. T. Bible, have assembled spiritual insights which like small puzzle pieces, do not yield the whole picture but give one a general idea of what the whole puzzle should look like.

The gleaned spiritual insights are far from Biblical “truths’.

In a spiritual crime against humanity, alien tactics and motives are revealed.

They duped the ancient Hebrews, authors of the Bible; in an impersonation of a ‘God’; they perpetrated a divinity assumed identity scam.

These reptilian aliens are all too prevalent now, as then.

Encumbered by a “faith” tied to the Old Testament, the spiritual mind of mankind is alien chained and tethered .

I come from an Orthodox Jewish background, a background deeply historically rooted in absolute unquestioning belief in our Bible.

Christian Fundamentalists?

Judaism is the tree of fanatical faith.

Every word of our Old Testament is revered without question as absolute truth; our tree of fanatical religion spawned the Fundamentalist Evangelical Christianity Faith, another mere branch.

Both, however, are equally inflexible in adherence to The Old Testament and see it as absolute truth.

Orthodox Jews spend their whole day, their whole life, devoted to studying the Torah, Old Testament Five Books of Moses with a religious fervor, believing in the “God” of the Old Testament.

Ironically, Jesus came to free Jews from the Letter of the Law, without the spirit of the law, from religious tyranny, but Fundamentalist Christians, refuse this ‘gift’ and hug the old Testament even more tightly.

Orthodox Judaism, intense in its devotion to the Bible, sees an almost relaxed Christian experience;

Jews keep all 613 rules, the Sabbath and pray three required times a day; Christians, by comparison, may go to attend Church, on a Sunday.

Both religions, however, embrace the same focus, a religiosity of The Old Testament. .

On the Sabbath, in Jewish synagogues, one would NEVER hear rabbis quote from the New Testament, because it’s not OUR “Book” and we’d get it all wrong.

The same thing happens to Jews when they hear Christian Evangelists thump our O. T. Bible, in Church; it’s not THEIR “Book”, and they almost always get it all wrong.

Our Bible is the best book to read about ancient alien encounters, alien tactics and motives.

Just think and ask yourself:

Why would the Hebrew O. T. God of the Universe insist and demand that the Hebrew’s worship MUST involve a sacrificed animal’s blood ( and only from a perfect, red haired bovine) and that this blood be carefully splashed onto all four corners of the altar?

It announces the demonic; no entity or intelligence remotely ‘Holy’, would demand such.

That’s an alien fingerprint in the Bible, to observe only if one is free to question, to THINK about it.

Un godlike murder and slavery, alien basic tenets of Reptilians, are directly sanctioned in this Bible, revealing clearer and more ‘fingerprints’ of a “God imposter” race of aliens.

The Bible’s rules and logics of slavery, handed down to these desert people were used by Christians thousands of years later as the God- given and justifying reason to enslave dark skinned others.

Christians used the Bible to maintain that since Noah’s cousin Ham was black and was cursed by God, that by implication all black and non-white non Christian heathen peoples were similarly cursed and thus suitable for slavery. Native American Indians and Blacks were singled out.

Christians used the Bible to point out that rather than the existence of any God given Biblical prohibition towards slavery, that God clearly sanctioned slavery in the Bible as a religious law and rule:

Leviticus 25:44-46 “Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves.

You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property.

You can will them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.”

The eleventh commandment given by a real all loving God to the ancient Hebrews would read;

“Thou shalt not enslave thy brother”.

Reptilian aliens, like gangsters and Nazis, sanction murder, another ‘dead giveaway’, forgive the pun:

Un Godly and frequent use of murder as punishment in The Bible, reveals the clearest reptilian fingerprints.

One of the Bible’s ten basic Pillars, the ten commandments, says: “Thou shalt not murder. (Exodus 20:13).”

Yet, in the Bible, we see “God of the Universe” commanding the sanctioned killing of every breathing creature from humans to animals.

If this still seems to be the nature and behavior and thinking of the all loving God of the Universe, and not alien to your mind, you are very well suited to have been an ancient Israelite!

Take a much closer look at “God’s” ‘ prohibitions and delineated “Punishments”:

Murder is divinely legislated and sanctioned by God throughout the Old Testament’s Social Laws:

“And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death. (Exodus 21:17)”

“For every one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death: he hath cursed his father or his mother; his blood shall be upon him. (Leviticus 20:9)”

“And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name of the Lord, shall be put to death. (Leviticus 24:16)”

“If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying: Let us go and worship other gods (gods that neither you nor your fathers have known, gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other, or gods of other religions), do not yield to him or listen to him.”

“Show him no pity. Do not spare him or shield him. You must certainly put him to death.

Your hand must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the people.” (Deuteronomy 13:6-9)”

“And he should go and worship other gods and bow down to them or to the sun or the moon or all the army of the heavens, …..and you must stone such one with stones and such one must die. (Deuteronomy 17:3-5)”

God orders the killing of everything that “breathes” from humans to animals:

Deuteronomy 20:16

” in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes.”

Apparently, it is God’s edict to mass-murder every single human and animal from the defeated enemy:

1 Samuel 15:2-4

2 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt.

3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

4 And Saul gathered the people together, and numbered them in Telaim, two hundred thousand footmen, and ten thousand men of Judah.

The Almighty divine and all loving God dictates that everyone be killed, everyone except for virgin girls:

“They fought against Midian, as the LORD commanded Moses, and killed every man…Now kill all the boys [innocent children]. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man. (Numbers 31:7,17-18)”.

Reptilian aliens are Dracos, imitative of Draconian mind sets in their domination of the Galaxy.

These clearly sinister and un Godly rules of murder prove that the Bible was not inspired by the all -loving God Almighty of the Universe.

Abraham, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Moses were long micro managed by deceptive, predatory, sinister, controlling, self-justifying alien beings.

UFOs are still prevalent in the night skies above Israel; their pilots, known well around the world from abduction experiences are profoundly alike in demeanor to this ancient desert “God”.

Bible rules and laws are clearly inherent evils, not goodness, written into the Bible by ancient men and dictated by a false “God”; a race of scam artists whose inner hearts touch not nor approach the true heart of our all- loving God.

Alien beings ‘fingerprints’ and clearer silhouettes emerge in the Old Testament and

stand out within even a facile examination of the Ark of the Covenant device.


Worship of this Jewish “God”, threateningly demanded by this “God” from the Old Testament, seen by our 21st century minds, cannot be a divine road to Heaven.

Our minds and our souls must grow towards Him but wearing Biblical Blinders defeats any and all of those Holy aspirations for us.

We only know by religion what’s been drummed into us,

unless we critically unlearn and rethink.

Biblical thumpers, brainwashed with ideas that this Book is “divine”, will not rethink themselves; they travel the Bible’s rails as a train would, on fixed tracks, unable, unsuited for any freer cerebral movement.

If you MUST pray for Bible critics,

pray that closed minds accept God’s absolute love for us.

Pray that Bible religion- taught fear of Damnation and Hellfire does not continue to scare souls away from God or make one leery of belief in God.

Most of all, pray that closed religious minds, must from now on also come with closed mouths.

We must approach God, light years different from the punishing, vengeful, angry, demanding One described in that ancient ‘Book’.

To refute the Bible as non authentic to our real God, elicits warnings about ‘Eternal Hell fires’. Hell is Bible God’s punishment, for us, one eternal damnation

Hell suggests more serious concerns at hand.

Consider why God would punish people;

when you punish your children, is it because they are wicked beings and deserve to suffer?

Parents who love their children certainly punish to teach children a lesson,

to reform them to the correct path.

The same is true of a prison and justice system, that all wise punishment is directed towards reforming an individual.

But Hell fails miserably in this regard.

Because it is eternal, there is no chance for progress or reform.

It is punishment for its own sake, which teaches us to fear a God who manifests sadism.

Who would threaten us and in the same breath confess a love for us?

These deceiving, manipulative, sinister, imposters have not changed their natures, demeanors, tactics or motives, even 5,000 years later and even to us, today,

their advanced technological displays still look like magic.

Their craft, aloft and omnipresent in our skies are a constant reminder; they wittingly deluded gullible ancients, who in turn, forever altered and distorted our notions of God.

Faith and prayer in our Father, an All loving God of Light, of whom we are a spark, must not collapse in this realization.

God is real; it is The Bible which is just chock plumb full of wild blueberry muffins.

Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, until he saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.  Then, he knew  that they were interested in an essence he never suspected that he had; a soul. Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals are the very powers that  can be used to thwart further attacks.

They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with people, to avoid the death that they fear and  to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.

These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls ,stuck to your energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.

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