How I Shuffled to My Moon Landing Opinion
You are going to have to forgive me for this somewhat twisted posting. My intention was to discuss the videos being shown concerning the Apollo Moon walk. You can find them all over youtube as well as other sites showing what seems to be a rehearsed film showing the astronauts dancing across the surface of the moon as well as another video discussing another person standing on the sidelines of the filming of the astronauts…
I do not know what to think about the man on the moon controversy other then the fact it makes me wonder what the truth really is concerning it all?
I know we all have had our questions about the flag flying . It should be impossible that a flag would be flying as the one shown in all the photos over the years or like the one in the video I will add at the bottom of this posting. There is no wind or air flow to float a flag in the manner shown in the famous photos and videos of the moon landing. That is the first big clue I had something was wrong.
I clearly recall sitting in my living room watching the footage of the flag being planted on the moon with my family. At first my glance of watching the flag waving I turned to my family and asked them if that was possible since there was no air movement at all on the moon. My family became suspicious at that very moment of what we were being shown.
Of course we all have been fed the answers of why the flag was flying including the air needed to lift it was generated from the equipment on the moon that we had running while there.. Towards that idea I can only find a flat refusal on my part to buy in to that thinking.
The next thing that always bothered me was the famous photos of the footprint of man on the moon which shows a well defined boot print of one of the astronauts steps. Again my reaction is a big question mark.? How is it that soil that is like wispy dust or talc like in consistency without any moisture at all form any kind of print? It just is not possible. At best there would have been a disturbance of dust but never a defined foot print as we have all been fed as truth.
Lastly if we did this feat so many years ago why are we still struggling to get our butts back into space ? Would we not be building bases all over the moon if we had actually achieved landing on it- and safely returning to earth so many years ago?
I do not think we were capable of that landing on the moon back in 1969. Apparently we have not be capable since either. I hate to say this but my opinion of our moon landing event is very much slanted towards it did not happen side of things.
I was searching for a video to show the flag and demonstrate the videos out there on this subject when I came across all kinds of things attached to this subject including shuffle dancing astronauts. This is where I take a left turn off of the base of this article to a side bar of discussing another huge problem with everything we think or are told is truth.
If you search a subject using the internet you will be carried along a wild ride of some truth , a few facts smothered with tons of fiction, fantasy and silliness all in one huge pot. This is a fact of life of the internet and for that matter our media system. It is why nothing is clearly understood . The confusion of it all makes it nearly impossible to find ones way from point A to point B without wild detours that quickly take you far from your original road in no time at all.
While I looked for videos to make my point with my thinking on the moon landing scenario I found myself landing with shuffle dance routines as well as a shuffle dancing astronaut. All in good fun but quickly taking me off track and on to something else.
I decided to simply throw it all at my readers to try to make my point that today’s way of using the internet to search for answers to any question can be a tedious walk through tonnage of material that can waste your time and help you lose your way.
I live in an area where all the kids are in to the shuffle dance craze . . I love to watch them and know if this craze continues we will soon end our overweight teen problem. If you disagree try to do this dance as long as they do !. Any way I found it amusing and disturbing at the same time that while searching for material for this article I ended up in shuffle dance land.
This happened while I simply followed the links starting at the Apollo 17 moon landing until my search for moon landing videos became weirdly crossed with the shuffle dance craze. I decided to add a bit of how my journey started and where it ended while trying to search for material on the serious subject of the space race . I started out OK but ended with shuffle dancing astronauts. I fear this is the way of most subjects on the net and why things we should take seriously end up as nothing more than jokes or a good dance routine!.
Maybe one day I will believe we have gone where no man has gone before but until better proof is offered I have to say the man in the moon seems to sit there untouched and alone . As far as the shuffle dance craze – well I think it is great fun to watch and wonderful for those who can do it!.
You can find the videos on my site and my slow decline from the moon walking to shuffle dancing!
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