The Mysteries of Mount Shasta: Home of the Underground Dwellers and Ancient Gods

A Travel-Friendly Book
By Timothy Green Beckley

Reviewed by Sean Casteel           

            Each year thousands of adventuresome travelers head out with backpack and hiking shoes in search of both a mystical experience and an overall great time in the outdoors. Their destination: California’s Mount Shasta. And for those who can’t make the journey or are content to view the mountain from a comfortable café seat in the nearby town of Weed, it is a good place to pick up some wonderful literature on the mountain.

Mount Shasta is one of those fabled, legendary locales where mysterious tales have been handed down since before time as we know it began. Like the Bermuda Triangle or Stonehenge, there is a magic associated with this mountain in Northern California that has mystified and enchanted not just the local Native-American populace but also thousands of a certain kind of believer—the kind that believes in miracles.

World traveler, editor, publisher and paranormal expert Timothy Green Beckley is quite enthusiastic about sharing the Mount Shasta lore with others.

“Over the years,” Beckley said, “I have been told some incredible stories about Mount Shasta and the unusual residents who supposedly dwell on and inside the mountain. For example, there are said to be some awfully large beings that have been sighted on the slopes. It’s one of the most exciting places as far as paranormal phenomena go. The noted prophet and man who is said to live forever, Count Saint Germain, has been sighted there and conversations with him are said to have taken place just above the tree line.

“My friend Blue Ocean,” Beckley continued, “who is a Native American, says that as a child growing up there he and his friends and family heard the sounds of Bigfoot and often there were reports of a little race of beings who would throw stones at the natives. There is even said to be an entrance to a major underground city there and the Native Americans consider the area to be sacred. UFOs are a dime a dozen and in the old days passengers on a train going by would often notice strange lights on the side of the mountain. There is ample evidence that something strange is going on around – and perhaps inside – Mount Shasta, and it’s a fascinating subject. Lots of people travel there annually to climb the mountain and many have reported all sorts of anomalies.”

If you would like more information or to purchase this book from, simply click on its title: Mysteries of Mount Shasta: Home Of The Underground Dwellers and Ancient Godsir?t=paranortalkra 20&l=as2&o=1&a=1606110020&camp=217145&creative=399349

You should not make the journey to the mountain without first obtaining a copy of “The Mysteries of Mount Shasta” to serve as your guide to the supernatural aspects of the region.  Another travel-oriented offering from Beckley of Inner Light/Global Communications, the book is a wonderful anthology of many different kinds of writings that focus on the paranormal peak. It is divided into six sections that approach the story of Mount Shasta from a variety of perspectives.

            The opening section deals with some of the basic history of the mountain and how it came to attract such an awed following. Included is an introductory chapter by Tim Swartz that quite nicely sketches in the origins of belief in a psychic connection between the mountain and the people who have lived on its slopes. He also talks about the aforementioned repository of information on Mount Shasta which has been collected and archived by a university in neighboring Weed, California.


            Dweller On Two Planets is remarkably similar to the large mother ships seen and photographed by the late George Adamski in the late 40’s and early l950’s_ 

           Which ties in with a chapter written by Timothy Cridland, who presents an overview of articles from the “Los Angeles Times,” going back all the way to the late 19thcentury, that demonstrate how seriously the straight press used to take stories of Mount Shasta, even when they involved paranormal elements like the ancient Lemurians (the Pacific Ocean equivalent of Atlantis) and bizarre alternate theories for the origin of mankind.  Cridland also relates the story of traveling businessman Edward Lanser, whose 1932 article on his supernatural experiences while stopping near the mountain was also given a sympathetic treatment by the “Los Angeles Times.”  Lanser was a well-known Southern California socialite, and he would have nothing to gain by appearing “kooky” in the press.

            The second section of “The Mysteries of Mount Shasta” takes up the study of specifically occult takes on the subject. One of the more interesting is the chapter written by Dr. Wendy Lockwood, who tries to set the record straight on just who actually lives inside the mountain, hidden from the prying eyes of most of the world. Lockwood says it is the home of Enlightened Atlantean Masters, from whom there is much we can learn. There is also the story told by Guy Ballard about meeting a magnificent god-like figure in a white jeweled robe while visiting the mountain.

Guy Ballard

            Guy Ballard is believed to have been among the first to speak of Lemurians residing on Mount Shasta 

            The metaphysical/spiritual realm is the subject of the third section, and includes contributions by a channeler called Zadessa and well-known psychic Diane Tessman, who speak of the mountain’s mysteries as prompted by their spirit guides. This kind of testimony from the other world is not easy to dismiss and may be an important aspect of understanding just what the Mount Shasta phenomenon is all about.  

            Timothy Green Beckley himself, the book’s overall editor, contributes a chapter to the section called “The Outer Space Connection,” in which he discusses local tales of long-haired, blonde Venusians who have come to live on or in Mount Shasta. One of Beckley’s friends and associates, Helen Spitzer, tells the story of how a UFO from another world restored her husband’s lost sight when they were visiting the mountain with a friend.

            Included in the various myths that have grown up around Mount Shasta are stories of a city hidden inside the mountain called Telos, a paradise occupied by advanced beings who call the place home. Channelers Sharula and Dianne Robbins give the input of their spirit guides, who have many fascinating details to offer about just what this American Shamballah is really all about.

            “My friend Paul Dale Roberts did a well-received chapter for the book,” Beckley added, “not only on mysterious aerial craft seen and photographed around the area, but also on hairy beasts the locals refer to as Sasquatch.”

The final section is called “Personal Experiences.” Filmmaker Poke Runyon tells the story of a visionary experience on the mountain that happened while he was making a movie on location there called “Beyond Lumeria.” Strange sounds and voices were heard by writer Emma Martinelli, and New Yorker Bleu Ocean relates a spooky confrontation with the unknown while he was growing up on Mount Shasta.

Article continues on Mystical Travel.

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