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THE NAME OF THE DEMON, Schizophrenia-Demonic Possession-Exorcism

Written by J.S. Thompson

The Name of the Demon, Telepathic Communications

Everything evolves, albeit slowly. Obviously, it is not just time which is responsible for evolution; it is discovery without which society would still be using stone tools. The human consciousness is truly one of the last frontiers but even our understanding of this, must one day evolve.

Before one can understand this machine we call consciousness, one must be prepared to accept new concepts. Human consciousness like all things in the universe is contained and governed by the law of physics. To find truth, one must venture into places that turn most people back, as truth exists at a point of greatest pressure. Truth exists upstream and one must swim against the current in order to discover it. If one accepts the false truths of the status quo, they simply float downstream with the rest and make up their truths as they travel. These are beliefs! Beliefs constitute the lazy man’s truth. Beliefs are derived as a means to cover up one’s own inadequacy and intellectual activism or rather the lack thereof, and present to those who would listen… a facade of knowing.

What happens to us when we die is the best kept secret on earth and there is good reason for this. We are here on the earth to be blind! We came here to follow in the footsteps of God our creator because it is in our blindness that we learn how to listen to logic and in so doing, develop the characteristics of those capable of living within an eternal community… Paradise!

When we leave the planet and experience the process of death, we are transported to a place that exists within another dimension. This place, which I refer to as Solamenta, is very much like the earth we just left. When we arrive, we are human in most respects. We look human and we talk human, albeit telepathically; we also act human, although society there tends to be a little more radical and self-righteous, even more so than it is on the earth. The primary difference between Solamenta and earth is the advanced technology that becomes omnipresent from the moment of our arrival. In our new home, Solamenta, everyone has the opportunity to work and for all new arrivals, the work is basically all the same; we talk to and hopefully guide people on the earth. This is done with a very advanced computer which facilitates communication via our conscious or sub-conscious. Often this communication can be done in a more pronounced and dramatic way, that being… direct telepathic communication.

In order for a guide to communicate with their person on the earth telepathically, there are guidelines in place which make this type of communication almost impossible and for those willing to supersede these guidelines… there are dire consequences for those who are discovered.

Telepathic communication is a lot like being on the internet; if you are chatting with a group of people on the internet, you will often not know those who you are talking with. The internet is a great place for someone to portray themselves falsely. It is a place where peripheral fantasies can be realized. For instance it is possible for age, gender, physical characteristics, race, social status etc. to be easily faked. This is what happens on the telepathic internet, when people out there, Solamenta, abuse the technology which has been made available to them in order to care for and guide their earth bound brothers and sisters until it is their time to leave the planet and join them there.

When our guides talk to us, they use a highly sophisticated “other dimensional radio”. All of us on the earth have a computer address which is just like an IP address for those of us who understand a little about computer terminology. This address is considered sacred and given only to those who are authorized to have it, those who are authorized to speak to a specific person on the earth. However, just like on the earth, there are those out there who are willing to commit crimes for one reason or another. There are as many reasons for this law to be violated as there are reasons for one to commit crimes here on the earth.

People on the earth who can hear telepathic communication are extremely valuable out there, Solamenta. Every guide wants their person to communicate with them in this manner but because the guidelines for doing this are so strict, you can’t just press a button and do it, it has to be done a certain way, and only to those on the earth who have met all of the criteria. The process of talking to someone on the earth in this manner is like brain surgery times a thousand. It’s exacting and difficult work and there is a good reason for it. God wants us all to be able to hear in this way. If we could hear our guides in this manner, our problems on the earth would be over very quickly and earth would become a virtual paradise. However, we are not here to be robots, to simply do as we are told, we are here to follow in the footsteps of God, to utilize our free will and in so doing, develop our ability to think logically. God wants us to figure this out on our own within designed parameters and in this way; we evolve as opposed to simply reacting. In so doing, we eventually become those capable of communicating with God which is why we were created in the first place.

A great psychic on the earth is held in high esteem out there, Solamenta, much like a rock star is held in high esteem here on the earth. Out there, psychics get a lot of attention, everyone knows who they are and everyone wants to come see them and hopefully talk to them. Like a rock star, it’s hard to talk to a psychic out there as they are surrounded and protected by their guides.

One of the most important variables about beings out there is this; there is “not” a lot of difference between “out there”, Solamenta and here on the earth. It’s a hard concept to understand but it is an important one. Out there, power, economy and social division are just as much a part of the society, Solamenta, as it is in our own society here on earth. When a person on the earth breaks through, like the budding rock star… they attract a variety of people, often lowlifes (“demons”) who seek to capitalize on their potential success. Fame and fortune out there, are just as much a temptation as they are here on earth.

Psychological disorders particularly those associated with “demon possession” and “schizophrenia” are the result of either; guides who lack skill, are irresponsible and/or the final product of crimes that are committed “out there” by insensitive and opportunistic people. When we leave the planet, we arrive “out there”, the same people with the same issues and challenges not overcome here on earth. Just like on the earth, Solamenta, out there is a place where opportunity for growth exists and not everyone is ready to take advantage of this opportunity.

It is important for those who work in the field of human behavior including the religious and scientific communities, to understand what is truly occurring in order to put an end to it. When we can move beyond our primitive beliefs and theories in both science and religion and see these disorders for what they truly are, then they can be confronted by the scientists, the priests and those afflicted in an intelligent and effective manner.

Understanding the mentality of those who commit these crimes out there is a key element but just as important… is for all here on earth, to understand how the equipment and technology they use “out there” works and how to help others out there who want to end this abuse, and help us to do it. Those out there, Solamenta, who are dedicated to finding and punishing those who commit these crimes, need our help. Just like internet crimes here on the earth, finding those who commit them is a matter of triangulation.

One of the most devastating crimes that are committed “out there” is referred to as “demon possession”! Demon possession is a very dramatic form of schizophrenia. Obviously when a disorder is called “demon possession”, religion becomes the primary form of therapy and as primitive as our beliefs are, religion and a sincere priest or priests or other religious practitioners can be just what the doctor ordered! A priest who understands this can be beneficial in ridding those afflicted from the demon.

The entire point of an “exorcism” whether understood or not is to help those out there to locate who is unlawfully communicating; this is why finding out what the demons name is, is so important. If you can get the demon to say his or her actual name, then it is possible that someone will recognize it. Getting a demon to say their name happens when the demon becomes stressed and basically loses it. Getting the demon to a point where they let their guard down and thus, give away their position is how you end the possession.

There are several ways to do this. You can appeal to the demon’s religious beliefs; however, be advised that the demon may be from anywhere in the world and there are no guarantees that the demon will be familiar with Christianity. Out there… are people who practice all religions and there are atheists as well. Any religious beliefs that exist on the earth exist also, out there.

An exorcist wants to create as much attention around the demon as possible, if an exorcism is done with a priest, many priests might be better than just one. For every priest or sincere member of a congregation determined to help a victim, there are many guides who live in the same dimension as the demon who also wish to find him or her and stop the abuse. Our guides are very much like we are. Exorcising a demon is more a matter of networking than it is a matter of magical symbols or religious ceremony. However, religion does play its part as your guides may also be very religious as well might the demon be. Because exorcising a demon is about networking, the more sincere people who can bring attention to the demon by their close proximity, the better! Any person that does this work needs to be of pure and sincere heart. A good “exorcist” must be of stronger character than the demon. The more resistance the demon must endure, the greater the chance of causing a mental breakdown in the demon and forcing them to seek help. The more you let the demon know, how much you know about what’s really happening, the more it becomes worried about being discovered. It is not just about its name, it will always give you a false name unless it has given up and just doesn’t care anymore. This is dangerous! Before this happens… it might be a good strategy to reason with the demon and just let it know that you understand how it does what it does and that it is going to be caught and punished and the sooner it let’s go or stops, the better for all concerned.

The term “demon possession” is a misnomer. No one is being possessed! The demon works from a control room and “not in close proximity to the victim”. These disorders are strictly a matter of frequency control by an advanced computer. No one, even those capable of subjugating one to great stress, can deprive us of our free will. Understanding what the feelings, voices, visions, strange vibrations and fears associated with extreme mental strain truly are, can help with ones’ decision to overcome them! Anytime we must use words that we feel are beyond our understanding like spirit, soul, mystical etc…advanced technology is the only logical explanation. It serves no one to diagnose with certainty, these things we feel are beyond our ability to understand. Everything, anything, can be explained by following a logical path. Deferring a serious condition to the powers of the unknown is primitive; however, any sincere effort can be successful.

Demons often work in groups but just like with crimes on the earth; however, when they turn violent, the group often diminishes and sometimes those who leave can be compelled to turn the demon or demons in. Appeal to those who know this crime is being committed.

The demon often doesn’t understand to any great degree how the technology they are using works. Let them know that their signal can be traced if they are on-line long enough… that you intend to be there until they are caught.

Demons are like pedophiles. They often share information with those who are like themselves. When they get a hold of someone’s IP Address out there by whatever means they happened to come by it, they are likely to give it to others. However, when one demon is discovered, those who dedicate their lives out there to stopping these crimes can easily track others who are inclined to do this.

Getting rid of the demon is one thing; however, there is a good possibility that the voices won’t stop but they will become more reasonable and if the afflicted person continues to be fearful, normal psychiatric care can minimize the discomfort associated with schizophrenia. Psychotropic drugs do interfere with the frequency signal which allows telepathic communication.

There is one primary difference between a psychic and a psychotic; the psychotic fears the darkness associated with telepathic communication and the psychic, explores it. God wants us all to be explorers and one day, we all must walk this path into the darkness. It is the strong will of the explorer that discovers God and eventually eternal life in Paradise.

Every person on the earth has guides out there, Solamenta, who want us to be able to hear them telepathically. If they are doing their jobs properly and responsibly, they won’t talk to us until we are ready. When we are ready and this process begins, our guides can’t say what they want as all communication is restricted and controlled by an advanced computer in order to accomplish a specific mission; to present the challenges that will allow us to develop the characteristics necessary to live in an eternal community, Paradise, and in so doing, bring us closer to God!


About the Author… J.S. Thompson, someone who has bridged the gap between “here on earth” and “out there” or the unknown, if you will… one who has learned and seen many things not known here on earth, that of which I am being led to share this knowledge of truth!


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