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The night the Moon danced over Kauai

I wanted to share something that happened to me and my family while on vacation on the island of Kauai, Hawaii.

We were returning to our hotel after having dinner and visiting with family and it was around 10pm.

My daughter Erin (2 5) screamed out “look at the moon!” we all looked out over the ocean and very low in the sky in relation to the horizon of the ocean there was this huge “harvest Moon” golden orange in color and just stunning.

All of a sudden she said she saw the Moon move and swing from side to side. We all thought she was crazy but sure enough we all saw it start to dance from side to side bounce like a ball, swing like a pendulum, move in circles, vibrate and just plain blew us away. We took it as a spiritual sign, since we were having a very spiritual vacation on this enchanted island. There was no heat source so it was not heat related, nor was it the clouds moving around the moon because the clouds were not moving, the Moon was. I shot some shots with my digital while resting it on the side of the door with the motor off and caught some movement. Though nothing like what we witnessed for over 20 minutes, then it just stopped.

Has anyone ever witnessed this phenomena and if you have please email me and lets compare notes, please Im seriously tripping on this.

My 19 year old daughter has a 4.0 grade point average in College and she saw it, so did my son Zac who is 16, and my wife Cari 45, and me Frank 48. We were not drunk, high, or on prescription drugs of any kind. We saw what we saw. Baffled in Honolulu. F

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