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“Ruby was clearly in fear for his life,” said the authors, “both before and after the shooting of Oswald….he was not safe in a Dallas jail. He pleaded with Chief Justice Earl Warren to take him to Washington, D.C…” where he could testify.

Ruby was suspicious of Vice-President Lyndon Johnson and he said he had knowledge of conspirators in high places. He told psychiatrist Werner Teuter that the assassination was “an act of over-throwing the government…I was framed to kill Oswald.” Ruby told the Warren Commission: “…I tell you that a whole new form of government is going to take over the country…”

Guy Banister ran a detective agency at 531 Lafayette, New Orleans, Louisiana, and Banister had been involved with far-ranging and under-bellied patina of anti-Communist and Castroist party-liners. Banister’s mistress and employee, Delphine Roberts, said that both Oswald and David Ferrie frequently associated with Banister. Banister’s private investigator, Jack Martin, said that Oswald and Ferrie were part in the Kennedy scenario. Martin told District Attorney Jim Garrison: “The problem is that we’re going to bring the goddamned Federal government down on our backs. Do I need to spell it out? I could get killed – and so could you.”     

Culprits ransacked Banister’s office and some files disappeared after his death.


There were many more deaths; David Ferrie, Eladio Del Valle, Richard Cain, George de Mohrenschildt, Robert F. Kennedy, Sam Giancana, Dorothy Kilgallen, Dr. Mary Sherman…and the list went on. The authors contended that the true number of such deaths was unknown, but they far out-numbered mere coincidence.

 “It has become pretty obvious at this point that Oswald was set-up to ‘take the fall’ for the assassination of President Kennedy,” said the authors, “even though he was set up as a component of the conspiracy to all the players in the drama…the perfect patsy. From that perspective, it all makes perfect sense, and that scenario also explains the National Security cover-up that followed the assassination of JFK.” 

Gary Revel, assassination researcher, under the banner of Truth Is All (Closes the Book on the Warren Commission Apologists”, April 18, 2013) totted praise of the book: “This book is a unique and welcome addition to the massive trove of JFK Assassination literature. There is no conjecture here, just the facts concerning fifty mysterious witness deaths presented in an easy-to-read format.Warren Commission apologists are reduced to irrelevancy; the proof of conspiracy is overwhelming and beyond any doubt. The authors cited my probability analysis in the background information presented in the beginning of the book.The calculations are fully explained in my blog post:”


Revel summarized the mathematical statistics: 1400 JFK-related witnesses, the probability of at least:

– 15 unnatural deaths within one year of the assassination: 1 in 167 trillion.
– 33 unnatural deaths within three years: 1 in 137 trillion, trillion.
– 70 unnatural deaths from 1964-77: 1 in 714 million, trillion, trillion.
– 40 homicides from 1964-77: 1 in a billion, trillion, trillion, and trillion.


Five hundred and fifty two Warren Commission witnesses:
– Exactly 10 homicides in three years: 1 in 31,000 trillion.
– Exactly 14 homicides from 1964-1977: 1 in 4,000 trillion.


Posted by Gary Revel on September 19, 2013 at 11:08 a.m.

Revel went on and said about the 34 – 39 deaths mentioned in the book by Belzer and Wayne that six top FBI officials linked to the Kennedy assassination had died in a six-month period prior to their scheduled testimony. Gary Revel was also a Special Investigator commissioned for the official investigation into the Martin Luther King, Jr. assassination: Revel said he had continually tried to unravel the bizarre happenings of that year (1977). Revel’s brother, his cousin’s husband, William Sullivan, and five other FBI agents or former FBI officials, who could have been valuable to his investigation, died mysteriously or killed that year. Revel said that the deaths of these FBI Special Agents could have been more significant than realized because all six of these FBI SAS identified to Revel as being ‘important witnesses for the House Select Committee on Assassinations’ (Hit List, p. 206).

Gary Revel was the creator of Dream Killers, the series co-written with French Screenwriter, Jordan Tate, of Don’t Stop Dancing: the true-life story of Michael Jackson. He was also co-writer (with Frank Burmaster) of the screenplay Polka Red Dot Dress,the thriller/mystery that investigated the assassination of Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy.


“What bonded the victims together?” asked Samantha Reba (6/20/2013). Reba answered:  “The Truth! All of the victims knew the truth and they knew that the people who did it knew. The victims had been able to put two and two together. But before they could go to court and testify, they were silenced forever. All documents from the victims that may have contained the truth or anything evidence have disappeared from this Earth.The JFK assassination is a conspiracy whose truth will never come to light. Those who knew: knew too much.”


Mark Alfred said on July 15, 2013, “If that ‘lone nut’ killed the President and was bumped off  by an over-reacting Kennedy family sympathizer (Jack Ruby), why would this cause the switching out of  the rifle originally found for the one history now accepts as ‘the murder weapon’? Why is there evidence of somebody pretending to be Oswald running around Dallas at gun ranges and taking test-drives (Oswald could not drive)? Why was evidence messed up and switched? 

“If it was only a crazy guy with a rifle how could that ‘truth’ have caused the government’s own photographs of the autopsy to NOT MATCH UP with the government’s own x-rays supposedly taken at the same time, of the same head with the same wounds?

“This is a valuable book, and it’s put together well. It synthesizes years and generations of findings to make the point that things should not have happened the way they did, and certainly not with help from some bad men. The fact that some of these bad men tried to justify their murders by justifying them with spy babble or face-saving rhetoric only makes their personal foulness and depravity stink even more. People who had not been given the right — they decided to change the government of our country. How dare them! Amos 5:24: ‘But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.’”


“I’ve found you don’t have to make anything up,” Belzer said. “Reality is so complex and fascinating and horrible and beautiful. I’ve been studying this case my whole adult life, and I’m still finding stuff about the case because over time, things come out. People say you can’t keep a secret. Well, you can. But after 50 years, the secret starts coming out.”

As for why they killed Kennedy, Belzer said it was primarily due to Kennedy’s interest in pulling America out of Vietnam, which caused threats to the Elite with those looking to profit off America’s venture abroad. Belzer explained why the cover-up occurred, Belzer said: “I believe a lot of people, for noble, patriotic reasons, covered up the real story because we didn’t want the world to think we’re a ‘banana republic.’”

“We’re at the height of the Cold War, and the president’s head is exploded in broad daylight, so they had to get this patsy who was clearly set up.That’s common knowledge that Oswald was a fake defector and was a patsy. Ninety percent of the American people believe there was a conspiracy involved in the assassination of the president.The other 10 percent work for the media or the government, probably.The public knows. Most people believe Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone at the very least.”

Belzer’s fascination with the story was because “the Kennedy assassination is one of the ghostliest parts of our history.”


Award winning photojournalist, Gene Barnes shared his life and times as a camera operator for NBC News during the radical 1950s and 1960s. His stories were in depth and thought-provoking actions and comments that we still talk about to this day. He was in Dallas on that day that killers shot Kennedy. Early news came over the wires. Multiple questions gripped the minds of the reporters: Who was Oswald? Had Oswald connections to the mob? Eventually answers seemed to come slowly and laboriously: Oswald seemed to have been a CIA operative who had fronted as a communist, worked out of New Orleans, establishing his connections; but why would he want to kill Kennedy? Others speculated that Castro was involved.Speculation had built up.

Barnes followed leads as swiftly as they developed.Barnes was thankful that many of the leads were unsuccessful, for if successful, he said, they would have drawn them deeper into the web of danger. One incident was when Robin MacNeil and Barnes went to Jack Ruby’s apartment to photograph and see what we could uncover. He said he recalled Ruby’s sister as being at the apartment and she yelled obscenities at them through the open apartment door. She ordered them to leave. Barnes said he later felt protected that they did not stay:anyone associated with Ruby or his apartment seemingly died in assorted fashions. Network Chief Bill McAndrew warned them that their investigative reporting endangered them and ultimately would lead to their demise.

At the time, NBC was the only news agency that seemed to mention David Ferrie’s name. Ferrie’s background revealed that he was a flagrant homosexual (with heavy dark painted eyebrows), and was an airplane pilot. A daisy chain of information concerning Ferrie soon developed; some from the news desk, some from fellow cinematographers, and some from neighborhood gossip, but it all eventually untangled in scarce, spooky, mystic fashion.There was talk about the possibility that Ferrie was allegedly involved with a plan to fly two or three men out of Dallas right after the assassination from a secret site. Later, Barnes heard that Ferrie turned out to be the pilot who flew Mafia boss Carlos Marcello back to New Orleans from Puerto Rico. Robert Bob Kennedy had Federal agents dump Marcello in Puerto Rico because Marcello kept insisting he was Puerto Rican, not Sicilian.

New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison launched a conspiracy trial involving Clay Shaw whose secret lifestyle involved macabre people sporting leather, whips and chains, and bizarre homosexual paraphernalia. Ferrie was to be his first witness: Investigators found David Ferrie dead in his apartment the day before.The headlines concerning Ferrie’s death did not surprise Barnes; Barnes speculated that it seemed that anyone connected to the Kennedy assassination in almost any fashion contributed to the growing dead-body-count.


Robert Reckmeyer, Consultation Services, as a reformed criminal of marijuana sales, had long ago paid his debt to society and reemerged as a solid citizen now dedicated to combating High Priority Criminals. His hard-earned-life-experiences have allowed him to gain penetrating insight into the criminal mind. He applied that insight into the JFK assassination:

“Many can speculate on who was responsible for the planning and execution of our young President on that fateful day in Dallas Texas. In my view, since that November day, one can see quite clearly, that those with a Nazi philosophy have been ascending and the liberal democrats have been in decline. The Nazi goal to take over the world has not been diminished, and, in truth, the New World Order is upon us.

“We know what we know and we know what we don’t know…we know that John F. Kennedy was gunned down, by more than one shooter and the lone gunman theory is the least plausible theory of all, in fact it is impossible. We know there were more shots fired than one person could possibly get off, in the few seconds available, and the kill shot came from the front. We know, without a doubt, that it involved a well-planned, well-financed conspiracy and they had help from the highest levels of our government, i.e. Gerald Ford, Allen Dulles, Richard Nixon, George H.W. Bush, Lyndon Johnson, and many others who have gone on and played a pivotal role in our current American history.”

The Kill Shot

“The Zapruder film haunts our consciousness,” said Joseph McBride, a film historian (and the author of Into the Nightmare: My Search for the Killers of President John F. Kennedy and Officer J.D. Tippit). “The maze-like element of the assassination can become a wilderness of mirrors. When you begin to understand something, it opens up a whole different way of looking at it. It can become dizzying.”

Phil Butler is editor-in-chief of Everything PR and senior partner at Pamil Visions PR: his summation sentiments the thoughts of millions:

“I’ve always known JFK was the victim of a conspiracy. Even as a kid I never believed a lone gunman, the weaselly looking Oswald, capable of downing the most powerful man on Earth. Nobody really believed such, let me tell you. Seeing the chaos that ensued, remembering the tall figure of a leader coming to us through our radios and TVs, telling us to ‘ask not,’ living in the promised land of shiny Cadillac’s and miraculous devices, with a whole planet blossoming into a potential Utopia, there was just no way. We smelled something really, really wrong, nobody needed CBS’s Walter Cronkite to reveal the ‘the’ killers, his early reporting of the events, they were noise in the background of a word of mouth utterance by a whole society. It’s one still faintly heard ‘Who killed the Kennedys? After all it was me and you,’ as the Rolling Stones song goes.”


The authors quoted the late District Attorney Jim Garrison that our society had evolved into a proto-fascist state, emerged from prosperity: “It’s based on power and inability to put human goals and human conscience above the dictates of the state.” Garrison spoke of Eisenhower’s “Military-Industrial-Complex…which now dominates every aspect of our life…what happens to the individual who dissents? In Nazi Germany, he was physically destroyed; here, the process is more subtle, but the end results can be the same.”


You can reach Steve Erdmann at or  You can friend him at!/stephen.erdmann1 on Facebook or visit the Dissenter/Disinter Group at!/groups/171577496293504/.  His Facebook email is


President John F. Kennedy and Mary Pinchot Meyer in Pennsylvania in September 1963.

Inheritors of a questionable leadership Dick Cheney (R), former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld (L) and President Bush in the center. These three men still play musical power chairs in Washington and in the world – courtesy Wikipedia.



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President John F. Kennedy and Mary Pinchot Meyer in Pennsylvania in September 1963.

Guy Banister — Former FBI Agent and Naval Intelligence Operative. Also a Member of the Minutemen, the John Birch Society, the Louisiana Committee on Un-American Activities, and Publisher of the Racist Louisiana Intelligence Digest


William Whaley, cab driver who drove Oswald from the downtown Greyhound station to Oak Cliff


© 1963 by the Dallas Morning News, reprinted with permission 


Richard Case Nagell, a man who claimed “foreknowledge” of a JFK assassination plot

Richard Schweiker,


Lee Harvey Oswald–murdered

Dorothy Killgallen–murdered

Lee Bowers died from “a strange sort of shock”

Jim Koethe-murdered

Warren Reynolds–murdered

Jack Ruby, diagnosed with pneumonia, died 28 days later of cancer

Robert L. Perrin took a dose of arsenic

Dr. Mary Stults Sherman was stabbed to death

Clay Shaw died of unknown causes

Buddy Walthers was shot through the heart by an escaped prisoner

Roger Dean Craig died of a massive gunshot wound to the chest

Guy Bannister–heart attack

One by one Jim Garrison’s witnesses met premature deaths 

David Ferrie died  of  brain hemorrhage

Hank Killam’s jugular vein was cut and he bled to death

Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images:

Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images:

Jim Garrison

He was the New Orleans District Attorney who started an independent investigation of the Kennedy assassination after being dissatisfied with the thoroughness of the Warren Commission.

President John F. Kennedy stands with Naval Aide Tazewell Shepard, Jr. (left) and an unidentified man outside of Aspen Lodge.


Public enemy: Sinclair Lewis’s 1935 novel ‘It Can’t Happen Here’ envisioned an America in thrall to a homespun fascist dictator. (Hadley Hooper)


The news media interviewed Oswald after his arrest. Oswald declared, “I’m just a patsy.”


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